Author Topic: Intro and a Question (new pill?)  (Read 3881 times)

Offline goldenknight

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Hello Everyone. I'm new here and wanted to introduce myself before asking my questions, lol. I'm an 18 year old college student that's been living with Gynecomastia for about 6 years now. It used to never be that bad but over  the past few years it seems the problem keeps getting worse and worse to the point where I'm always wearing sweatshirts and friends/family ask if I'm ok. I just can't take living like this anymore, I'm not the outgoing person I used to be.

Now onto my question...I've been researching the cures for gynecomastia for a few months now and I've recently come across a pill claiming to reduce male breast size, it's called 'diet aid of questionable value'. I'm seriously considering ordering the pill since it seems to be my only solution (Can't afford the surgery..see the part about me being a college student, lol). But I don't want to waste the $$$$ if it's just a scam. Has anyone here tried 'diet aid of questionable value' and has it done anything for them? Just wondering if it's known amongst you all. Thank you for your replies in advance!

Offline BringExtraDragons

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Hmm I've been reading about 'diet aid of questionable value' for a bit myself and i carry the same question as you. It seems fairly new so I'm not sure how many hits this post is gonna get. It's hard to imagine a pill that some how does away with glandular tissue? Ok, i can atleast imagine reduction after it breaks down some of the fatty tissue over 5-6 months, BUT is there any natural way to get rid of large puffed nipples? It's hard to get those suckers back down to normal size even with surgery. So i don't know, always be as skeptical as possible...but hope for good news about this 'diet aid of questionable value'.

Offline nothingworse

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Well hope I can help shed some light for ya. 'diet aid of questionable value' on this board I am yet to hear anyone even trying it. The reason being that would A) Be a miracle cure and the most important thing B) They have spelling errors in one of their adds and just don't hear anything else. I am not saying it would hurt to try it but, I am 99% sure it won't help. That is a dang strong claim for a company advertising a product with spelling errors. Also they better have some proof and it may not even be FDA approved who knows? If you aren't hearing much about this drug on the boards and on their website and out anywhere in the general world that means something is wrong. Their was a discussion about this a while back I recall seeing and everyone also had the same concerns about not being enough proveable proof and most importantly the spelling errors. If that drug would have worked as said it does it would be everywhere in stores near you and the whole board and world would be talking about this new miracle drug for gyne because reductions of 40% to a cure is an awfully strong claim and with no proof and just nothing really happening with this it most likely doesn't work and is a pile of crap for you to waste money on. If you want to try it try it but, don't recall anyone on this board trying it and don't see any cures or reduction info from anyone or anywhere. Plain and simple the surgery is the only thing I am seeing cures with and totally understand that it is very expensive. But, with that expense comes a priceless feeling that is worth more than money can buy. I tried tamaxofin, testosterone, they didn't work for me a bit didn't do anything to my glands and I threw almost $100 dollars away with shipping and that was a lot of money. I asked myself why? after I bought them there is just shi**y proof and like 1 guy out of almost 6,000 members on this board who said rebound xt cured his gyne. So the medical treatments of gyne speak for themselves ( not to good ). Weight loss, muscle gain, surgery, cardio, lowered body fat, are the only cures that look successful to me. Just stating facts not saying anyone is wrong. But, all this medicine scares me you just don't see the mericulous cures from this stuff anywhere. No news articles no t.v. commercials, no nothing. Anyways sorry to hear about your gyne, and hopefully something works out for you. Best of luck to you my man.

Offline goldenknight

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thanks for the fast replies. They were pretty much the responses I was expecting. I tried to find any info on the pills that I could from online medicine journals to the FDA's site and it's like they don't exist. I'm thinking that these are a "miracle pill" as well :'( . I noticed the spelling errors as well and that also got me to wondering.... lol.  The site lists it's ingredients as all natural chinese herbs (green tea, ginger, and a whole bunch of other stuff) that work to reduce the fatty cells in the body. In the end I'm still not sure if I'm going to try them.  70 bucks is alot of money to throw away, but who knows what they could do. ??? The website says it has a 90 day gaurantee so if I buy 1 months supply and don't see ANY difference at all, I might just send them back and demand my money back as well.

Offline goaliesuperstar

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The website doesn't seem to really discuss male gynecomastia, only female breast reduction. With the guarantee, i'd be willing to give it a try, but they don't even mention men!

Offline goldenknight

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Offline goaliesuperstar

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this stuff is quite expensive and according to the site it "isn't recommended" to buy less than 3 months supply and thats 195 USD with shipping! (235 CDN!) If i buy this, I want to be damn sure there is no catch to the money back guarantee.


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My guess is the only thing you will lose is the money.

Boobs that are 3+ years old are usually only reduced by cutting them out.

Millions of us accept them as a part of us & get on with our life.


Offline Paa_Paw

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Welcome to goldenknight.

Save your money.  Use it instead to see a reputable Endocrinologist.

The makers of Herbal Supliments do not have to provide any proof in support of their claims.  Pick up any Herbal remedy in the drugstore and read the label. Somewhere on that label is a qualifier that says results are not guaranteed.  The wording may be quite indirect so study it carefully.

Pubertal Gynecomastia should be diminishing by the age of 18, not getting worse.  None of us here can be of nearly as much help to you right now as the right doctor.

That Doctor should be an Endocrinologist who specializes in reproductive issues.  

The Doctor will order a battery of tests.  There are people here who can make some sense out of the results, so you may want to post them.  

You will need to have a good understanding of what caused your Gynecomastia and if there is a problem, you will need to get apropriate treatment.  Then, with the growth issue behind you, it will time to think about reducing or removing what you have left.

If your breasts are still growing, the first concern is to find what is causing the growth.  Take care that you don't get the cart in front of the horse.

Good Luck
Grandpa Dan

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There may be some drugs that eliminate gyno.  

I'd try Novaldex (Tamoxifen) or Raloxifene before I'd try that.  It's probably the same price.

Depending on how bad your case is an endo might prescribe it.  But some are real conservative and haven't really heard of drug treatments.  

Offline Paa_Paw

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Trust me, The Endo has heard about a lot more things than you might believe.  

The problem is that many Doctors are reluctant to use drugs off label.  Meaning that the are reluctant to use a drug in a manner that is unapproved. This just means you have a careful doctor. I fail to find fault with this.

If you have information which your Doctor may not be aware of, by all means share that information with them.

Most off label cures cannot be supported by solid documentation and so they remain off label.  If you can document such a treatment, it would be a great favor to many.

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There have been studies showing novaldex and raloxifene reducing or eliminating gyno.   It's already been documented in medical journals.

If he's not familiar with the studies, or even if he is, he still may not want to prescribe it.

So if I go to an endo and he doesn't want to prescribe it b/c it's too "risky" for him, you may not find fault with him.  But it would mean he is utterly useless for me if that's what I want to take.  

And I would have to find another endo who would proscribe it.  One doctor's "carefulness" leads can lead to one patient's frustration.  And patients don't like being frustrated.  Not that you would find fault with that.

Offline zen

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'diet aid of questionable value' is a scam!do not waste your hard earned cash on it!couple of guys on this board tired it[myself included, unfortunately].didn't do s..t.

Offline zen

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There have been studies showing novaldex and raloxifene reducing or eliminating gyno.   It's already been documented in medical journals.

a lot of people posted studies of nolva,arimidex,etc .. eliminating gyno.i have yet to see before-after pics.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2005, 06:01:15 PM by zender »

Offline Paa_Paw

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Like I said there is only "stories"  and while I am happy for those who claim to have been helped by various preparations,  none of the 'Stories" qualify as scientific evidence collected under controlled conditions.

Anecdotal evidence is worthless.


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