Author Topic: gyno?  (Read 2710 times)

Offline vilakazi

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i am a 17 yr old,and i was wondering if i may have gyno,or is it just  fat??also can it go with a rigorous exercise schedule??

Offline Paa_Paw

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Yes you have it and No, exercise or diet will not help.

You have come to the right place, we are all here for the same reason.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Yes, you appear to have a moderately large case. And it will not disappear with exercise, sorry.

As Paa_paw said, you have come to the right place.  Feel free to post questions and you will get a lot of support.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline henry 41

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My theory has always been - yes - a heavy (daily) military-style calisthenic program will help harden muscles and raise testosterone levels, thereby lowering estrogen levels. I have seen this work with my nephew. His huge nipples shrank down to flat by age 18. At that point he didn't have an ounce of fat remaining on his body, and his huge nipples went completely flat in one year. If you start now, you might do it. 17 is about the limit - if you wait until 18 or 19, the nipples/breast tissue will probably stay permanently large. All of the experts and doctors on this forum disagree with my concept, but I can testify that I have seen it work.  It will take at least 40-60 minutes per day of HEAVY calisthenics - burpees, jumping jacks, push-ups, never-ending sit-ups, leg raises, chinning using a bar - some jogging /running, etc. There are lots of youtube videos showing great calisthenic programs which will turn you into a "lean, mean machine", and absolutely raise your testosterone levels. Start out gently and work up to a heavy routine. Take 2 days off per week -probably weekends. After age 17, I really think it's too late. If you have no health problems - you can do it. It's much better than surgery. It certainly can't harm you to try it for 6 months. It will take at least a year to see real change in the breast tissue. It needs to atrophy due to lack of estrogen feeding it. RAISE YOUR TESTOSTERONE THROUGH EXERCISE. More testosterone absolutely means less estrogen, the hormone which causes breast tissue growth. It will probably work if you start NOW. There is no guarantee, but trying it can only be helpful for your body's state of health.

Offline henry 41

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Remember, I am not talking about mild to moderate exercise - I am talking about a Heavy calisthenic program. Moderate, regular exercise will do very little to raise testosterone levels. It needs to be a military-style program to get your body hard as a rock, and lean - with perfect muscle tone. Don't try for big bulky muscles. High repetitions of calisthenics will give you hard, lean, stringy muscles. That will raise testosterone levels. Don't let anyone dissuade you and try to get you to risk scarring your chest due to surgery. Good Luck son.

Offline gyno_ARRGH_awful

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DK if ths helps, but  bridhtened the img..
not too much, but a little. hope this helps!!

Offline gyno_ARRGH_awful

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here it is even better

Offline vilakazi

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thanks to all the henry u think my condition will improve if i do what you said,but is my condition similar to the one you  were talkin about(who did exercise and it went)or is it compartively worse...i  really cant afford surgery and my parents have refused to  help,they think imm making a big deal out of nothing,i know they're not like gigantic but i still want no boobs inn that area,so yea id go the surgery option except i have no choice to go that route,so ill try what you said henry

Offline mildgyno

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you can try on any exercise and what anyone says brother...
the hard and fast truth is there is no natural cure for your condition
to answer your question, yes you do have gyno....and so very much at that (m sorry but just dont wanna give you false hopes)what henry says might work with small issues but yours is a serious one brother (m sorry again)....if u think m just trying to put you down then you may ask d. jacobs here n m sure he will agree with me that no natural exercise or diet is any cure for condition like ours...although you should exercise, it will inculcate good healthy habits in you, but its not gonna help with gyno..

i have the same prob bro n m also 17...started working out at 14 lost my waist by 5 inches and gained some muscle but gyno is stuck..
made mine smaller but they are far from disappearing n still embarrasing..
i work out morning n 12 kilometers cardio daily n weight training and a healthy diet...i have such stamina that i can run a half marathon (may even score some if all were amateurs)
still....the latest results are here

Offline vilakazi

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so are you  going to get surgery now?Is it that bad??ialways thought it was quite significantly there but not the way your making it sound

Offline mildgyno

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yes i am going for surgery but don't know when...
you see, i talked to my parents and they turned me down saying that its only in my head and the surgery is just going to leave my chest scarred forever...
and being 17 its gonna be atleast 7 to 8 years before i can afford a surgery myself..
m lost right now

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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According to your parents,
surgery is just going to leave my chest scarred forever.

This is not quite true.  Yes, there are incisions -- but in the hands of a capable plastic surgeon, those scars are minimal and then fade so that they are barely discernible.  The alternative is to live with your gyne forever.  For most guys, a trade-off of barely visible scars instead of large male breasts is a trade they will gladly make.

Your idea of saving for surgery is commendable -- and it may not take you 7-8 years to save enough for the procedure if you are conscientious.

Good luck!

Dr Jacobs

Offline mildgyno

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thanx a lot Dr. jacobs..
i know that surgery is not gonna leave those bad scars...been doing a lot of homework these days...
from what i've seen in befores and afters of numerous doctors, there's barely a hint of a scar, and i couldn't find a scar in most of those cases...
the only problem i face right now is how to convince my parents n make them believe that my chest is not gonna be scarred forever..
since money and all the headache involved is not a problem, all they're worried about is my post op condition...(we indians are conservative about such things...operations,surgeries,therapies n all)
i still thank you for tour support.. :)


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