Author Topic: Arms raised - Flat?  (Read 7020 times)

Offline inhiding

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Hi, I'm just wondering : when you guys raise your arms straight up, is your chest pretty much flat? My upper chest is flat, but my lower chest is not, it looks to be primarily fat with some gland. I'm not sure if I can live with the gland, as I'm not sure what this will look like if I can burn the fat off. The last I checked I think I was 18 percent BF, I was still under HEALTHY or whatever for a male of my age. Anyways I was wondering what your guys' chest looks like with arms raised? Recently, everytime I look in the mirror, I raise my arm and it really just f*cks with my head. To me its as bad as looking down and seeing two cones...Anyways just to let you guys know, I'm not in too bad of shape, so this is pretty much the one thing that really tears me up --- like many others on this board, it's affected me mentally at a very high degree. Anyways, sorry if I go offtopic at times -- I just write what I'm thinking at the time, and my mind tends to jump from one place to another.

Offline nothingworse

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For a lot of people with mild/moderate cases it is flat on the top and not on the bottom. Most people though are affected on the bottom half of the chest. Although the top can also have gyne and not be flat in some cases. I have really messed up glands and they make my sides of my chest really large which is usually from fat build up on the sides and the gland is also under my pec muscles. Depends on the person but, my top chest is flat when I raise my arms but, bottom is definetely not. Like I said it depends on the person, there are so many people with different cases of gyne and where there gyne is centered. Your body fat is pretty good and going lower probably wouldn't help much and too much lower wouldn't be too good for your health. You said you have a mix of gland and fat. The gland may be giving you the conical shape but, don't know I am not you or it could be a little extra fat. But, usually the gland pushing out the nipple making them protrude. I also have that problem from the gland and hope to get it removed to return it to a more masculine shape and I experiene pain from my gyne. So surgery would be a huge plus. Gyne definetely gets to your head. Sometimes it is the comments people have said about it or just the fact that it just doesn't look good or really normal. It sucks though and is definetely a burden. Basically to say most guys would rather have a beer gut than any case of gyne because the beer gut is an extra gut that you can lose that most people don't care about or just do light no harm jokes. But, the jokes and bs associated with gyne can be devistating. I can imagine you are in good shape and can understand why this tears you up inside. I am not gay or anything like that but, when I look at guys walking down the street with normal no problem chests I just wish that could be me or that everyone could have normal looking chests and wouldn't have to endure crap because of them. Just remembering back when I was 9 years old with a normal non-painful chest makes me want to cry because I took that for grantit back then and wish I had that same flat good feeling chest again today. I don't know why this happened or what I did to make it happen but, it sucks. And your mind can drift off when it is virturally consumed by gyne and it just controls what you wear and do. I would love to go shirtless again in the summer and go swimming and have a good time again but, don't want any crap because of my gyne. The last time I took my shirt off was when I got a lot of crap from my gyne and vowed to never take it off again till I got things straightened out. You can't let it control you you have to kill it or beat it anyway you can. Thank god this will soon be over for me in a few months. And hopefully it will soon to be over for you. It just sucks and it turns a person who once felt good and did any thing of free will to a person who constantly makes harsh decisions because of it. It is like beating an impossible mystery. Gyne is just impossible. I drift off thinking in another world all the time My cousins are skinny basstarrds who drink loads of beer and get many gfs get laid like everynight, don't live that great but, are happy because they live a simple life. They are normal and I die to be normal as well. I just can't believe they do all that crap to there bodies I am talking about the liquor and weed and never have had gyne ever and are still in great slim shape while I never did much for gyne to happen and always kept in shape but, could never have a body like them and was never looked at by many girls and didn't date much. It just sucks, everyone has some flaw but, gyne is like in the top 10 flaws. Just think a guy with boobs, doesn't sound good, doesn't look good, isn't good, no offense intended but, they just weren't meant for us and they were mean't to be on women. And as for the guys who say they get sexual stimulation and have women play with them I don't know? Thats something most men wouldn't consider. I haven't and you probably haven't gotten much enjoyment out of gyne. The only times it didn't consume me was when I was having fun and didn't think about it and felt good for a short while but, eventually there will be a time where you are thinking about it, the thoughts of having gyne never really go away and sometimes you wake up some mornings not wanting to go on. Gyne controlled me mentally and physically for too long and now I am doing something about it. All these people who say they don't want surgery or aren't doing anything about it should, because there will be always a time where the gyne is in control. You can't really stop it it is just the human way sometimes you will just have a problem. I just hope if I have a son someday that he will never have to go through this problem. And to top it off I didn't know what this was as others did for years. That as well can tear a person up inside. Good luck though on your gyne, and sorry for the long post but, I as well get caught up in typing long posts and it is just getting out whats on my mind.

Offline inhiding

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Wow that was a long read! But yeah, I know where you are coming from. Gyne is in my head just about all day. Anyways, I'll probably post some pics later, but so if I have gland + fat, how possible is it to burn off all the fat? Also if there is pain (when I raise my arms, there is a hard spot, that is also where their is pain) that means I have gynecomastia for sure right? Pseudogynecomastia doesn't have any pain correct? Thanks.

Offline nothingworse

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You would probably be able to burn up a good amount of fat but, I garuantee at least some would remain. I burned off a ton of fat and looked 1000 times better. But, still had a little fat mixed with my glands. I got rid of basically excess lose hanging around fat. The gland can cause pain in some cases and I don't think fat causes pain. I would guess you have a good mixture of fat/gland. Try to burn off a little more fat and see what that does but, after that your looking at surgery to take care of the rest. Sorry to say but, it is usually the only option left. But, try curing however much you can naturally first. Then see your doctor then endo and sooner or later get the surgery if you want it. Hopefully doing some of this helps your gyne but, it will never completely go probably without surgery. You will probably be able to burn off a little lose fat making the gyne look a bit better but, not finishing it off. So burn what you can first then go get surgery or do what you feel is necessary to beat this dang gyne. Good luck to you and hopefully all things turn out for the best.

Offline inhiding

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Thanks, and best wishes to you too (and everyone on this board.)

Offline BringExtraDragons

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I do this all the time, hit the mirror up and raise the arms. All of us gyners probably spend a good amount of time checking our tainted chests out in the mirror,,, i need to stop. Anyway, when i lift up arms up it's pretty much flat as can be. however i do have a minor case of the gyne, just a small glandular ordeal.  but even when i raise my arms and see nothing sticking out, nothing can hide the puffy areola's and nips.

Offline inhiding

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Hm, I'm jealous of you. =) Not really (I'd rather have no gyne altogether), but still -- mines far from flat!

Offline downsbs

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Sounds like ours is about the same level.   :-/
I got one sweet breast.  Grrrr.

Offline a-man

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For a lot of people with mild/moderate cases it is flat on the top and not on the bottom. Most people though are affected.........

for the love of god man... PARAGRAPHS
« Last Edit: August 16, 2005, 09:00:35 AM by anonymous-man »

Offline Paa_Paw

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No mystery here.

When the arms are raised, the skin is pulled tight.  

Everything is still there, but a bit less obvious.

You would look a bit odd however walking around with your hands constantly on top of your head.

You'd be likely to get more teasing for that than you now get for Gyne.
Grandpa Dan


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