Author Topic: fat with gyno... bad  (Read 6512 times)

Offline gyno_ARRGH_awful

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I am a 13 year old boy looking for help to reduce my gyno and tummy fat. i am 5' 2" tall and weigh 152 lbs. i know what my BMI is. have never been fat... was always a beanpole as a kid. not tall, but always 5 lbs underweight. this has happened in the last year. I have not made ANY changes to my diet or exercise... except for going to the gym 5 days a wk..

Offline gyno_ARRGH_awful

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7 views, no comments... really!?


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I will say something! I know a lot of people (including myself) look but don't don't say anything because in my case in some of the post it is hard to say something nice! And remember, if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all!

In your case, you are still young and from from what I hear you my still have time to out grow this, but I'm not sure as I never did and I'm 55 now. I would say pictures would help, but at 5'2"" and 152 lbs you are not thin unless you are all muscle!, so you may want to rethink some weight lost, and if that is the case you may need surgery to loose the gynecomastia.

Offline Paa_Paw

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It seems your first responses are just from the old guys. I am almost 76 and that makes me the oldest regular here.

You are really lucky. If you do tend to be rather light and just recently put on some weight, It is probable that your body is preparing for a growth spurt that will use up a lot of that fat. You are also lucky because you are young enough that you still might be one of the lucky guys who outgrow this condition.

Stay in touch, you'll hear from people nearer your own age.
Grandpa Dan

Offline gyno_ARRGH_awful

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THX, i have a lot of muscle, but still have huge gyne...

Offline gyno_ARRGH_awful

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i also have TONS of fat...

Offline LWS

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Because of your age, my best recommendation is to take your concerns to your parents, and family Doctor.

The internet is a great source for free information on diet, exercise, and healthy choices.

Good luck, I was 13 once too, was a tough time for me as well.

Offline gyno_ARRGH_awful

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Offline Paa_Paw

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When I was 13, I could fill out my sister's bras better than she could.

Offline walt

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hey when I was 13 I started to bud so to speak,i have allways had boobs now at 54 I fill out a A/B cup sports bra quite well im past the stage of wanting a reduction unless they grow too much bigger, then the wife would be unhappy as mine would be bigger than hers . anyhow enough for me at 13 you still have a lot to grow keep up the exercise and a good diet and most of that should go away. maybe not all once you stop growing and still have some sizable breast tissue then a talk with a good Dr is in order , this blog group has some of the very best in the wishes for a bright future and stay intouch on here.Walt

Offline outertrial

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I wouldn't worry about it too much, 13 is too young to know what your eventual shape will be. Some people just grow out of it.

I always hated my shape, skinny arms and legs with a fat belly and chest. After surgery I just have a fat belly which I'm trying to work off. Thats a lot harder when you're nearer to 40 than 30 I can say!

Offline Catherine91

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Thanks for info.


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