Author Topic: Finally accepted I need surgery, cost is not an issue but I'm terrified  (Read 6019 times)

Offline ScaredGuy

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Hi guys. I've been a lurker for somewhat. I'll skip the usual intro about how terrible gyno is, we all know. However I just want to say from the age of around 14 since I've had it, I always hoped it would go away or something if I just dieted. I'm at my wits end now and I know that's just not going to happen.

In the title I said cost is not an issue, that's not because I'm rich or anything, it's just that I see costs of around £4K-£5K, and while that is a lot of money, it's definitely worth every penny for the happiness I can imagine gaining from such a procedure.

Here's the thing, I'm absolutely terrified of the thought of it. I've never had any sort of surgery, never been deeply wounded or needed stitches. The thought of someone having my chest open and removing something from within me makes me absolutely petrified.

I've looked at things on the net like books, diet plans etc but most people say, once the breast tissue is there, there's no dieting it away, it has to be removed with surgery, and I think I've finally come to accept it.

One of the things that makes me so terrified, is that I think I have "severe" gyno, I'm not sure. I've been looking at the pics of some of the guys on here, and compared to what I've got, it barely seems like they even have gyno and yet they've opted for surgery. Are there any complications of the gyno is massive?

I do work out a lot and bench press, and I can feel underneath that my pec muscles are fairly large (bench press about 120Kg), which makes it look even worse.

That is the first time, I have ever EVER in my adult life exposed my bare chest. Sorry if my sentences here don't seem coherent, it's pretty late and I've wanted to post on this forum for ages, but I've just been in the denial phase for so long.

Please could someone tell me, would surgery work on me? Also, do surgeons offer the choice to be fully knocked out during it? I don't think I could be awake while it's being done. I'm reading plenty of threads about Dr. Karidis, so guess he is the man to go for. Is there anyone with gyno of my severity who's had surgery with him that could let me know of their experiences and share some before and after pics?

Sorry about this long, nonsense post, but I thank you all greatly for any help or advice.

Offline ScaredGuy

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Sorry about the double post, but I could not attach both pictures in the one.

Offline mike93

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Hi there,

I had my surgery done about 3 months ago with Mr. Levick and it's the best decision I've ever made. I can assure you there's really nothing to worry about. I was extremely nervous as I was only 18 during my surgery but the nurses were fantastic and reassuring. Your surgery will almost certainly be done under GA because of the amount of gland you'll have to have removed. They'll literally stick a needle in your arm and before you know it you'll be waking up in recovery. I'm not going to lie to you, your's is probably one of the more severe cases i've seen, i'd highly recommend looking at Stem's thread. His was more severe than most of the cases on here. Book a consultation with Karidis and Levick, they are the best people to inform you about the surgery. Don't waste any more time lurking on this forum and take the leap. I spent too much time doing that myself.


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I have much bigger breast then you! Mine are double Ds and I'm not going for surgery! It's not for fear at all, it is because I'm busy having other surgeries!

I've had both knees replaced, and the back doctor spent 9 hours inside my back doing fusstion and trimming bulged disk and scrapping arthritis. These were the big surgeries, I've have lots of smaller ones too!  It now looks like I'm going to need my SI joint fussed as well now too, but we are converting one of our rooms in our home into a gym so I can work my "ass" off to avoid that one! I also need to work on my neck to build it up as C4,5 and 6 are bulged and herniated as well, so I've been avoiding that surgery since 2000.

Would I have the gynecomastia surgery? If I felt I needed it, yes I would, in a heart beat!

Go for it! You will do just fine! Be sure you have a good surgeon, follow your post-op instructions when your done, and trust in faith! Also, be patiant for your time to heal. You will heal in your own time, as we all heal at our own speed, some faster then others.

Good luck and God bless

Offline Era

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Dont worry about it mate its nothing. You get knocked out and you wake up my heart rate was steady the whole way through even when it came to lying down and and being administered the GA.

They dont open your chest up its a 1 inch incision below each areola and a mm incision near each armpit. Seriously its nothing at all. Its amazing what they can pull out of those 1 inch incisions you can see videos of it on youtube.

Offline improving

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I know the feeling of "finally accepting" that you need surgery.

I was the same, pretty scared about it. After all i'd never had surgery, why would i let someone cut me open voluntarily and pay for it? lol - I explored every single avenue before committing to a consultation, spending hours in the gym, completely clean diet + fat burners. Nothing worked.

For me it took a year to come to terms with surgery, then Mr Levick sorted me out, top man. The thought of the surgery is much worse than the reality, you won't know anything about it once the GA starts working.

Well done on having the courage to post your pics as you said you haven't been able to show your chest as an adult, you'll find only support here dude. There is definitely worse cases than yourself, i think Levick or Karidis would sort you out! :)

Offline ScaredGuy

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Thank you every one for your kind words. I guess there's no other option other than to just get the ball rolling?

Looking at all the threads on here, it seems like Karidis and Levick are the main guys, although I'm seeing Karidis mentioned more often. How do I go about booking a consultation?

For the actual surgery, how long would I need to take off work? I work in I.T. so going to work for me basically just involves going to an office, sitting at a desk and using a keyboard/mouse, I don't want to be in extreme soreness pain while being in work though.

Thank you again, sorry for my slow reply. I try to think about my problem as little as possible, coming here just reminds me of it :(    although not to be mistaken, I do VERY much appreciate the helpful words you guys have.

Offline improving

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You'll feel better after booking a consultation and getting the ball rolling mate.

I had a week off work after my surgery before going back to my desk job. If i were you i'd just go with the surgeon who is the most convenient to your location. Both have an excellent track record. Levick patients are in over night and have drains, and the cost is a bit less (3855~) - Karadis patients are out same day without drains at a cost of 4200~.

Offline ScaredGuy

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Thank you so much improving. Please could you let me know what "drains" are though. Should I want that?

Also, the location isn't really a problem as my partner will come with me and we would stay in a hotel overnight or for a couple of nights for me to relax and recover.

Saying that if I choose Levick as my surgeon it's probably best I go alone so that she doesn't have to to stay alone somewhere overnight.

By the way, I looked at your thread, I would kill just to have a chest like yours in your BEFORE pictures lol. It's almost not noticeable.

Offline improving

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Thanks man; It's worth noting Levick performs the surgery just through an armpit incision, where as Karadis and most of the others do an incision in the armpit and also an incision by the contour of the lower part of the nipple. So with Levick you just get the armpit scar, not that it matters they all fade quite quick anyway.

Drains are just little rubber tubes that Levick leaves in that go through the armpit incision in case of any extra bleeding, just a precaution really.
They look like this (this isn't my picture i found it on google, same thing apart from the bottles are green with Levick)

For choice I didn't really want drains initially but they aren't a big deal. Nothing to worry about, just takes a minute, slight pinch when they're take out. In hindsight i'm glad i had the drains just in case.

Offline ScaredGuy

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Thank you once again improving. I did actually send a reply but for some reason it wasn't posted.

I took a look around and found Levick's site which I assume is http:// www. paullevick (without the spaces)

Please can you confirm that is the "Levick" that you and everyone else on here has been to?

I read through the website and it's quite informative. Birmingham is a lot closer to me and I quite like the idea that the price includes a night's stay at the hospital, that's pretty comforting. I don't think anything is going to reduce the fear for me bu, if this is the right Levick (I can't imagine it being the wrong one) then I'm going to send a mail asap and get the ball rolling. Thank you!

Offline kingboob

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You have a moderate to severe case IMO.   You don't look massively fat so I don't think you would get rid of it with diet and exercise unless you starved yourself down to a stick insect.

Surgery would be done under general anesthetic and you would be asleep throughout. I would say take a week off work and be aware the first week back may be a bit 'sore'.  Overall recovery period is closer to 6 months for all the swelling and tissue to settle down properly.


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