Author Topic: Most of you don't actually have that big of boobs.  (Read 3525 times)

Offline b8b

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Seriously. I come here and see so many people who are upset because of their gyne. I've looked at pictures and most of aren't even that bad.

Yestarday, I decided to go swimming and asked my friend if i had big boobs. He laughed when I told him that I have been hiding under a shirt because of my man boobs. He told me that they weren't even that big of a deal. He said that it looks like I have small amount of extra fat and it seems normal. That encouraged me. ALOT.

I have looked at people pictures and most people are worried for nothing. If surgery makes you feel better, great. But think about this. In the US or Canada, so many people ( 50%) are overweight. Most people with gyne just look like they have they have some extra fat on their chest. Most people won't even care about your chest. When I go swimming or to the gym, so many people are overweight and seem like they have Gyne.

Trust me. Its all in your head. Most people's gyne isn't even a big deal.

Offline gyne_sucks

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There's a difference between overweight and gyne.  Someone that's overweight is proportioned.  Someone with gyne that isn't overweight feels unproportioned when their nipples stick out further, etc.  Trust me, there's a difference.

Offline mr. black

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Indeed there is a difference, I'm almost 6 foot tall and have been fairly skinny/lean my whole life and weigh 126 pounds right now so 4 weeks ago pre-op gyne for me was a problem due to being out of proportion. I have little to no fat on my chest and torso area, and trying to pass off gyne as just "being overwight like everyone else" is not realistic.

However I do see the point of b8b. If I were overweight/obese/lived in America it may have not been as big of a deal.

Offline samuel2040

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It's easy to look at somebody else's case and say "oh, that's no big deal" or something similar, but I think we can all recognize the fact that we're all here, on a gyne message board, so CLEARLY it's something which is bothering us.

In my case, I was asymetric and had excessive 'projection' as the PS put it.  Perhaps it wouldn't have bothered another person, but it bothered I did something about it, and I'm VERY glad I did!

Just my $.02..

Offline KryptoKnight

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Original poster does make a point.  But for people like me, who isno where near overweight and still has to deal with these boobs, then it's a nightmare.  It is disproportional and I can't wait till the winter where I will get rid of these things.

Offline User

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The OP may apply to a lot of minor cases, but for many of us it's not just in our heads.  If you go out and people make fun of you, then it's not in your head.  If you've tried to use a locker room and heard someone comment to another, "Oh crap that guy has breasts!", then it's not in your head.

I can understand the comparison of gyne to obesity, but they are two seperate things.  Fortunately, gyne doesn't threaten our health (unless it's a symptom of a deeper condition) the same way that obesity does to millions.  But, like somebody already mentioned, most people who are obese look proportionate in their fatness.  Somebody with moderate/severe gyne has a disproportionately large chest compared to the rest of their body.  I have a medium build, but I've got a large chest that juts out from my body.  It doesn't just look like I'm fat (even though I try to play it off like that).

b8b, I'm glad that you're looking at the positive side and that you feel more confident about your chest.  I've looked at many of the pictures and have to agree that I've seen very few serious cases of gyne.  But extending your comments to everyone who has gyne is inappropriate.
Surgery date: February 8, 2006

Offline bathroom

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Why don't you check to see if you have a hormonal problem if your problem is so bad.  What about getting surgery?


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