Author Topic: Seeing GP tomorrow. I HAVE A PROBLEM!  (Read 6220 times)

Offline Daytona_Dude

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Hi folks.

I'm new here, and have been a sufferer of Gyne since the age of 11 (now 31 married with child). I would consider my self to have severe gyne, which I originally put down to being slightly overweight (16 stone med build 6ft), until I found this site, and realised that this is more then just a fatty area, as I have considerable hard tissue underneith.

All the years of gym membership, cardio activity, and moderate weight lifting (HAVE NEVER USED STEROIDS), have not shifted these b**tard man boobs that have severely restricted my confidence and ultimatley some big decisions in my life up to this point.  

For as long as I can remember I have had to cover up at the beach, or pretend to be cold by the pool and cover up my chest with a towel etc. Was picked on in school because of it, and still get the occasional very hurtful jibes from friends. (which I pretned to laugh off, but which still hurt weeks after)

The effects of my gyne have even effected my fashion sense. I can't wear shirts without front chest pockets (to cover the lumps),  I'll wear a waistcoat to a wedding ,or not remove my jeacket all day (even in mid summer) I even get jelous of people who can wear normal t-shirts!

I feel so glad that I've found this site, and now know that I'm not alone. I've finally found the courage to face the problem and have an appointment with my GP tomorrow morning to see if I can get surgry on the NHS, as I don't want to suffer any longer, and want to experience something as simple as wearing a plain white t shirt in public, and swimming.

I just hope that the doc doesn't dismiss my problem as something silly, I think I need help and know my only chance of leading a normal t-shirt wearing life is to get these things destroyed once and for all.

I'll keep you posted on his reply.

Thanks for listening.

Offline RRB

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I as most others on here can relate to how you feel as most have went through a similar ordeal. NHS surgery depending on where you live can have a long waiting list, so it could take months or eve years to get it.  Another possibility is to go private as many have done and are doing so.  Private means quite an expensive bill so take that into consideration.  

I myself went to see Dr Levick in Birmingham on the 25th of January and have surgery booked for the 17th February.  Dr Levick comes highly recommended on this board and having had a consultation i can recommend at least a consultation with him.

Good luck with your GP
Surgery performed by Mr Paul Levick, 17/02/05. I am here to help.

Offline Daytona_Dude

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Thanks RRB. I've made initial contact with the nationally advertised 'Harley Medical Group, incase my doc can't / won't help me.

My nearest branch is in Brighton.

Does anyone have any experience with using them, should I have to go private with this?

Offline Daytona_Dude

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I forgot to ask. Where is Dr Levick based? how can I get in contact with him?

thanks a lot.

Offline RRB

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Mr Paul Lee Levick    MS; FRCS (Ed.); FRCS (Eng.)

BMI Hospital:  The Priory Hospital

Private Practice Details

Private Practice:  
The Priory Hosptial
Priory Road
West Midlands
B5 7UG

Telephone:   01527 577675  
Fax:   01527 577675

Offline Daytona_Dude

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fantasic. thanks very much.  :)

Offline IT100

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A lot of people put down distance to travel as a reason not to see a particular surgeon... but in my opinion go and see someone who is a proven expert in sorting out gyne such as Mr Levick! It's a 3 hr drive from Brighton, no probs.


Offline Daytona_Dude

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Went to see my GP yesterday, I expected to have to put up a fight to ask for treatment, and went in there with my plea worked out fully in my head. He understood completlely, and said that I can get these damned things removed on the NHS!

He's now refering me to a specialist breast surgeon, following a blood test this Tuesday.

I feel so shocked! Was really expecting no help at all!
I guess I'll have to play the waiting game for the actual op', but I don't mind. I guess I've lived with it this long (21 years) I think I can wait a little bit longer.

I've already started fantasising about going swimming and wearing t-shirts with no chest pockets (sounds sad, but it's a whole new experience thats just a little bit closer to being reality now)! :-)

Offline RRB

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I've already started fantasising about going swimming and wearing t-shirts with no chest pockets (sounds sad, but it's a whole new experience thats just a little bit closer to being reality now)! :-)

It doesnt sound sad in the slightest mate.  Good luck

Offline AJP

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I agree, it's not sad at all. It's good that you are looking forward to how things will be after you get things sorted.

I'm just the same. I'm fed up of wearing baggy T-Shirts!
Another happy Levick Lad.

Offline aah

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Thanks RRB. I've made initial contact with the nationally advertised 'Harley Medical Group, incase my doc can't / won't help me.

My nearest branch is in Brighton.

Does anyone have any experience with using them, should I have to go private with this?

I'd like to follow up on this message, and also ask if anyone has had any experiences with 'The Harley Medical Group', especially if you have had surgery.

I just today had an initial consultation with a nurse, who quoted me £3860 for the neccesary surgery. How does Mr. Levicks' service & costs compare?



Offline RRB

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Dont know anything about the Harely Medical Group but Levick is £3655 for the op (including overnight stay, and free revision surgery if required)and £80 for consultation

Offline serg

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"I just today had an initial consultation with a nurse, who quoted me £3860 for the neccesary surgery."

Howdy mate,

If you've just had a consultation with a nurse and not with the actual surgeon, I'd definetely put a very big question mark by this organisation.



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