Author Topic: 17 years old. it doesn't go away!*PICS*  (Read 5513 times)

Offline jigz

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i am 17 years old.
weight: 170pounds
height: 5ft9
bodyfat: 27%
i have never had "breasts" but i have big "puffy niples". had it when i was 14! my testestrone levels were VERY down. so doctor gave me some because i wasn't going through puberty!
you can see the pictures.
please tell me how it goes away and when? dies it hurt while goin away and will i notice it? just give me some advise.

« Last Edit: August 19, 2005, 05:16:05 AM by jigz »

Offline gynosucks1

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i'm going to be blunt

u don't have breasts cuz ur overweight... and chances are your hormon levels are ok because your fat distribution is male... try dropping down to 15% bodyfat and you'll have them because of the gland.

u have hardened mass under your nips

at this point.. u shouldn't worry about it

but if u ever want to get into shape you'll notice it becoming a lot more obvious .. like i said if u get down to the teends in bodyfat.

good luck

Offline gynosucks1

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but hey, the type u have isn't disperesed

it's what roiders get when they darn up their pct.

should bey verrry easy for a surgeon to remove that hard lump under ur nips.

Offline jigz

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its quite wierd because its not a hard tissue and i dont think it is a tissue! its not like there is AIR or water in my niples! like if i cut it some air will come out like a baloon! it is really soft!
do you think the best thing i can do now is to lose weight and lower my body fat?

Offline gynosucks1

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the way i look at it.  gyno is a case of aesthetics

i really don't get why really overweight people even bother with the gyno surgery

i may sound like an not a nice person..

but is there really a difference between a fatty with moobs, and a fatty without em??

if u want to improve your appearance.  start eating healthy.  get into lifting.  and basically motivate yourself to get in shape.

if after you get yourself in shape it hasn't resolved, look into taking care of it.

Offline brama

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Jeez. This kid aint fat. Maybe 10 pounds but he aint fat.

Offline jigz

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ohhrite i c!
so i DO have a little bit.
do you think its better if i lose some weight by lifting weights and cardio and then see what it looks like. it might go away then.
oh one question...
when it is going away. does it hurt? i mean will i know wen its swelling?

Offline jigz

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i have NO lump under it! its just like some skin and some air in it! wot d u think guys? wont it go away by itself? or shall i have the surgery? PLEASE SOMEONE HELP

Offline c3ntralp3rk

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  • there is hope.
okay. you are going through the very early phases of finding out about gyne.. i went through the same thing.. trying to believe that i didn't have it..

sorry to break it to you. but i'm pretty sure you do have gyne.. i have seen guys with much more bodyfat than you, who have had smaller nipples.

one thing that gives away the gyne is your puffy nipples. its an indication of glandular tissue.. now you claim you feel no tissue, but how are you pinching? remember, often the nipple forms a 'tent' over the gland.. try feeling 'around' the nipple.. and the best bet would be to go see a PS.. s/he will tell you if the gland is there or not..

you might want to lower your % bodyfat if you want it to improve a bit.. it might help..

if you want to look better with tshirts on.. work on your upper pecs, it'll give you a more muscular look with tshirts on..

but yeah.
go see a doctor.. a PS, the GP's often give you crapload info.. and might not be familiar with gyne..

Offline jigz

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comeon! lets see some more suggestions.....

Offline bedders

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Get down to 10% bodyfat and then worry. In all honestly I highly doubt they will go down much anyway, but worth a try. Other than that its surgery, and that all thats gonna cure your condition :(

Offline jigz

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wow guys thanks.

i went to another GP yesterday.
she said i have little bit of it. and it WILL be gone in about one year. then i told her that i might have a surgery. she kinda got mad lol....she said no no just wait until next year then decide.
what do you think guys?

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wow guys thanks.

i went to another GP yesterday.
she said i have little bit of it. and it WILL be gone in about one year. then i told her that i might have a surgery. she kinda got mad lol....she said no no just wait until next year then decide.
what do you think guys?

I'd wait.  Your case looks like it'll resolve itself within a year.
Surgery date: February 8, 2006


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