Author Topic: MAN BOOBS  (Read 3232 times)

Offline roar

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please,how big are they on a scale of 1-10?10 being the worst.Oh,and im there a chance they will go?


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I can't give you a number, but they are not as big as mine, however I'm 55 and don't care about them anymore and the are much bigger then many others that put their pictures on here and think that they have breast!

Young man, I'm sorry to tell you but you do have breast, known as gynecomastia! You know that already and the only way to rid yourself of them is surgery! The bad news is most of the time insurance companies will not cover the cost.

I would like to welcome you to the forum, as everyone is here for the same reason and can help in many ways.

I wish you the best of luck and may God bless!


Offline Istillneedsurgery

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U need surgery. They won't go away.

Offline Paa_Paw

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How bad it is has nothing to do with size.

A guy that could fill a bra but who really could not care less does not have it very bad.

A guy who is very self conscious because his tiny pointy nipples can be seen through his shirt and so he wears sweat-shirts or sweaters on 100 degree  days in the summer to hide it has it really bad.

How bad it is depends upon how much and what kind of impact it is having on you.
Grandpa Dan

Offline roar

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well,would you be concerned/worried about them?

Offline Paa_Paw

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I would not be concerned but then I am a man 76 years old and my concerns would be very different from yours. I just had a catarract removed for example and I have an angiogram/angioplasty coming up. You are hopefully several decades away from those things.

If I was 17 years old, I'd probably be concerned and may even be thinking ahead to possible surgery.

If your condition has not changed in the last coouple of years, It is not likely to change. At 17 this is most likely. If your condition is changing or has changed in the last couple of years then anything is possible.

The first things to do would be to talk to your family Doctor and to talk to your parents. It is  true that some parents are not much help, but some are really great and you will not know until you ask.

Offline Gammy

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Roar, haven't you posted the same question and picture before? Under 2 previous user names?

Offline Gammy

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I only ask, as you seem to be asking the same question. What do you want to hear? No, you haven't got gynecomastia? I'm afraid you do have it. One side is obviously worse than the other, it looks like a boob as opposed to a masculine chest. Only surgery will remove it. You really do have to accept it, or find a surgeon and get  it removed. Best of luck

Offline jay adams

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I've replied to him under another name six months ago. He wants to believe it will go away on its own. Dr.Jacobs told him to believe whatever he wants to believe but it won't go away on its own. All the answers are the same. I know it's a hard pill to swallow. The surgery is easy and all things are possible in time.

Offline Alchemist

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Hi Roar,

"Severity" is in the mind of the beholder.  I had at least a pair of Ds by the time I was your age.  The worst was jr high school.  High school wasn't so great and in college I started dating the girl who founded the schools nudist club.  Two years after college a car was driven through a red light and I had 3 back fractures from the side impact and damaged nerves.  Breasts became as nothing even though DD by that time.  I have had major health concerns since then which have left me in a position to spend $40,000 on cosmetic surgery of many kinds if I wanted to look like a scarred up mockery of a healthy body and lose even more nerve functions than I have already lost (70-90% in parts).  I joined a nudist club and spend 2-3 months there each summer. I walk 3-5 miles a day and climb 1000-2000 vertical feet each way every day and am in the best health of my life, though very fragile and easily unbalanced. I got rid of body shame, generically, and that included the breasts.  I have freedom to go to beaches and public swimming pools, gyms and water parks, garden or cut my lawn without a shirt and if some of the neighbors make a big deal of shutting their blinds and avoiding coming outside that is their problem, not mine. I have taken back my freedom from the body image enforcement bullies. I also have had quite a few guys with breasts take their shirts off on the golf course next to my house and wave when they go by or give a thumbs up.  The number of male actors with breasts being shown on TV has gone up a lot in the past few years.  With publicity things are changing.  However, body shame in general seems to be worsening with a great deal of hostility towards real people with real bodies being seen.  I made it to 189 pounds yesterday from 285 10 years ago, 85-90 pounds water and congestive heart failure.  I've recovered from that and am off the medications.  And my breasts are all the way down to D and nobody cares.  I've got a good tan and more stretch marks than even I can believe.

The difference between 210 pounds last year and 190 this year is a lot of flirting from the ladies.


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