Author Topic: Need help  (Read 3482 times)

Offline vcc76

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Had pubertal gyno, went away and then came back when i was 17-19years old and had it surgically removed. Its been just over a year after I had the surgery and everything was looking awesome.

I have been about 99.9% healthy the last year to say the least and working out a lot.

Now within the last month, at 21, my gyno has come back to haunt me and I have no idea why. My regular doctor doesn't really know and an endocrinologist that I went and saw, has no idea either.

Ive had my HCG, Vitamin D, Alpha-fetaprotein, CBC , Metabolic panel, T4, T3, TSH tested from the endo (all normal)

and just had these hormones tested as well
estradiol: <12
free testosterone:20
Testosterone: 560

I take a protein supplement, and a preworkout supplement.

I have no idea what is the underlying cause of my case and am at a dead end for help.

Offline Keep_It_Moving

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I'm not a doctor, but the ranges for the entire test results would help. On a side note, when doctors say these labs are normal - that can mean a thousand different things. What is normal from one doctor's perspective isn't normal to another. I would highly advise you to request a copy of your labs, after all they are yours, and post the ranges and units of measure alongside them for others to interpret. I've learned a lot of this because I've had fluctuating hormones for the last 5 months and do blood work every 4 weeks...

Maybe one of the doctors on this site can chime in.

Hope this helps...


Offline vcc76

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Here are some test results I have gotten back.

HCG: <1 mIU/ml
Alphafetoprotein: 0.5 IU/ml (0.5-5.5)

White blood cell count: 4.98 thou/mm3
Red blood cell count: 5.21 mil/mm3
Hemoglobin: 15.6 g/dl
Hematocrit: 48.7%
MCV 93.4 fl
MCH: 30.0 pg
MCHC: 32.2%
RDW: 12.5%
Platelet count: 245 thou/mm3
MPV 8.3 fl
Neut(percent): 52.2%
Lymph(percent): 38.2%
Mono(percent): 7.1%
Eos(percent): 2.1%
Baso(percent): 0.3%
ABS Neut count: 2600 cells/mm3
ABS Lymph count: 1900 cells/mm3
ABS Mono count: 350 cells/mm3
ABS Eos count: 110 cells/mm3
ABS Baso count: 20 cells/mm3

Glucose: 76 mg/dl
Urea Nitrogen(BUN): 30 mg/dl
Creatinine, serum: 0.84 mg/dl
Potassium: 5.0 mmol/L
Sodium: 141 mmol/L
Chloride: 108 mmol/L
Carbon Dioxide: 27 mEq/l
Calcium: 9.5 mg/dl
Total Protein: 7.1 g/dl
Albumin: 4.7 g/dl
Total Bilirubin: 0.7 mg/dl
Alkaline Phosphatase: 151 u/l
AST(SGOT): 27 u/l
ALT(SGPT): 32 u/l
eGFR: >=60 mL/min/1.73m2

Free T4: 1.20 ng/dl (0.80-1.76)
T3, Free: 2.9 pg/mL (2.3-5.0)
TSH: 0.65 uIU/mL (0.40-4.00)

Vitamin D: 40.1 ng/mL

Prolactin: 9.0 ng/mL (3.5-19.4)
Estradiol: <12 pg/mL (doesnt show a male range)
Testosterone: 560 ng/dl
Free Testosterone: 20 pg/mL
« Last Edit: September 13, 2013, 12:21:08 PM by vcc76 »

Offline Paa_Paw

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The CBC looks fine. The Basic Metabolic Panel also looks fine. The hormones are totally unremarkable. The estradiol level is low even for a male. As a total, the Labs tell me nothing. It seems you are normal and healthy. That is the good news.

The bad news is that there is nothing here that gives any clue about what is causing your breast enlargement.
Grandpa Dan

Offline vcc76

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hmmm. well my helpless impatient self thought maybe I had high estrogen or something and started taking letro the last 2 days to hopefully reverse it. I will stop that immediately. Could there be any relation to me doing mdma at a festival over a month ago? Ive done it a couple times over the summer and nothing has come of it(I dont even drink alcohol or do any other drugs to be honest). Also my left nipple is still super sore. could this be the reason?

I appreciate your response!

Offline vcc76

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Or what about high cortisol levels? I havent had those checked and my muscle gain in the gym has been somewhat slow even though I eat a perfect 40/40/20 body builder diet while training hard and sleeping. Last time I "bulked" I gained mostly fat. could that be a reason? Im probably rambling nonsense but I just want to know the cause of my case and I will do anything if possible to avoid it

Offline Keep_It_Moving

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Or what about high cortisol levels? I havent had those checked and my muscle gain in the gym has been somewhat slow even though I eat a perfect 40/40/20 body builder diet while training hard and sleeping. Last time I "bulked" I gained mostly fat. could that be a reason? Im probably rambling nonsense but I just want to know the cause of my case and I will do anything if possible to avoid it

I'll take a stab at it.

Your levels look fairly normal, this is coming from someone who does a full metabolic panel every 4 weeks for the last 5 months (my Doctor wants me to do it), so take it with a grain of salt.

I had gyne induced by steroid use (dumbass me)....

I would suggest you see a doctor or endocrinologist and discuss what is going on.
I hope that helps...

All the best! Keep us posted...

« Last Edit: February 24, 2014, 09:35:26 PM by Keep_It_Moving »

Offline vcc76

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Thank you for the input! Yes, the endocrinologist that I went and saw was treating me like im 100% fine and nothing was wrong as I do not have diabetes. Then he went on to tell me how to proportion my food. Little does he know I probably know more about eating healthy than he does.

I will see about calling for another endo to take a look

Offline Paa_Paw

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While most of us are in the dark, perhaps an Endocrinologist who has an interest in reproductive issues might shed some light on the subject.

Just as not all surgeons  are equally qualified for some kinds of surgery; Endocrinologists specialize too. One who specializes in treating liver disease or diabetes will not be the right one for you.

Offline Keep_It_Moving

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Thank you for the input! Yes, the endocrinologist that I went and saw was treating me like im 100% fine and nothing was wrong as I do not have diabetes. Then he went on to tell me how to proportion my food. Little does he know I probably know more about eating healthy than he does.

I will see about calling for another endo to take a look

I really feel for you buddy, because I know what you're going through. My best advice is to call your insurance company, speak with a rep or member services person and ask to be e-mailed all of the endocrinologist in your area or within a 35 mile radius from where you live (or however distance you're willing to travel).

« Last Edit: February 24, 2014, 08:31:29 PM by Keep_It_Moving »

Offline vcc76

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Okay, I did just that and set up an appointment and they seem they have treated patients with gyno before. Gotta wait over a month for it though...

In the meantime I suppose I do have some symptoms and some background I will note in case any of it will help..

-Its almost impossible for me to gain lean muscle mass(even when eating 3400 calories CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN)
-I have had no libido since about the beginning of spring. Never thought anything of it at the time besides a typical 'huh' and continued on with my life.
-feel weak even though I lift weights religiously and get plenty of sleep(my strength increases are minimal if at all)
-cant eat or drink sugar/flour/juice/anything in a bottle/can/box thats processed without breaking out (idk if this is related or not, maybe just my age?)

-late bloomer. Cant grow a beard yet, just barely scruff on sideburns and chin

And I just found out about these recently:
-grandma on moms side had a goiter removed
-cousin on moms side has thyroid problems and takes something to fix it
-mom has extra breast tissue like almost under her armpit?(related or not idk)
« Last Edit: September 17, 2013, 12:02:26 PM by vcc76 »

Offline vcc76

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Also I am 160lbs lean(9%bf) 6'2". I've gone from a lean 178lbs(10%bf) to this over the course of the spring/summer. I should be gaining weight not losing it. I don't even do cardio, just lift weights.

Offline vcc76

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Okay so I went and got another opinion.

This doctor tested for hcg along with estradiol and test again.
He said everything is normal and test came back low normal because it was 1pm?

LH 6.2 miU/ml (1.5-9.3)
Estradiol 22pg/ml (< OR = 39)
Test 256 ng/ml (250-1100)
Free test 37.1 pg/ml (35.0-155.0)

Does this mean anything to you guys?

Recent Observations: I took about 8 tabs of ibuprofen at least a day and sometimes a 5 hour energy when my gyno came back recently. and stopped taking ibuprofen. I took 2 tabs (200mg each) one day with a headache and my nipples became puffy again.

My nipples stopped hurting and then last saturday I drank alcohol for the first time in a long time and woke up to my nipples being extremely sore again. Coincidence or not I dont know.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2013, 12:43:00 AM by vcc76 »


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