Author Topic: immediate post surgery swelling/incomplete excision? (photos added)  (Read 4037 times)

Offline jbr

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Hi All,

I just had surgery this morning.  My gyne was pretty minor, but I had a decent amount of glandular tissue that had resulted from taking Procepia for a few months about 6 years ago.  There was much more glandular tissue behind my left nipple, barely any on the ride.  My case was just puffy nipples, and they looked fine when they were contracted.

My surgery was excision only.  Immediately after getting home, about 2 hours after surgery, I took a peak at my chest.  It looked very good, if anything, the right nipple seemed slightly cratered, but only very slightly.  The left side looked totally flat.  About 3 hours later, after a long walk to the pharmacy to fill my meds, I took another look and was very upset to see that both nipples look puffy, the left VERY puffy, but only on the upper half of the each areola.  It seems odd that it would be a result of swelling, most of what I've read on the forum seems to indicate that swelling doesn't happen until later(?).  

I've read many times that one shouldn't judge the result for several weeks, but I am really concerned because I'm thinking maybe my surgeon didn't take enough out from the upper part of my nipples.  On the left nipple, I can feel a few lumps toward the top half.  The bottom half of both nipples looks flat, but that may be just because of the stitches and taping.  It seems odd that swelling would be the cause, because it was only a few hours after surgery, but the nipples did look very flat when I first looked.

I guess I'm just wondering if anyone else had a similar experience with early swelling and/or incomplete excision. I was so relieved when I took the first look at my chest, when everything was still flat.  Super bummed at the moment...  I'll post some photos when I'm able to
« Last Edit: October 26, 2013, 09:53:38 PM by jbr »

Offline jbr

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Here are a few photos I took this morning, 1 day after.  The upper half of both areolas are still very puffy, more so than before surgery, or at least it seems that way because my nipples are so numb they don't contract, at least not yet.  Hopefully that will change if/when feeling starts to come back.  Like I mentioned in the first post, a couple hours after surgery when I took a peak, both nipples looked very flat, but that changed after just a couple hours.  I can only hope this is swelling and or fluid accumulation.  Any responses are very welcome.  I do have my post op appointment with my surgeon on Monday, so we'll see what he has to say.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2013, 03:18:53 PM by jbr »

Offline jbr

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Here are some pre-op photos for comparison.  The first two are of just the left nipple.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2013, 09:54:44 PM by jbr »

Offline cduub

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remember you need lipo also to smooth the contour of the chest like the dr on this site have said many many times. I had incision only also and am very dissappointed with the end result 1 year post op. Im going back to another surgeon who recommended lipo as well as incision if necessary. Good Luck

Offline jbr

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I emailed my surgeon two days after surgery, asking what he thought about the puffiness.  He believes it is just swelling, which will resolve over the next few weeks/months.  I haven't looked for the past few days, just keeping constant compression and lots of icing.

Offline jbr

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Thanks for the comment cduub.  My surgeon initially thought he might do some very light lipo to feather the edges of the areolas, but during surgery he said he didn't think it was necessary.  Hopefully he was correct.  Sorry to hear you were disappointed with your initial surgery results.  It does seem to make sense to have both excision and lipo for the majority of cases.

Offline Poobs

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Could be a seroma. Does it wobble like a water balloon if you give it a gentle flick?

Offline jbr

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Quick update at 7 weeks post op,

My left nipple continues to be puffy.  It's just as big as it was before surgery, but the shape has changed a bit, no better or worse.  The right nipple has started to puff out a bit as well due to scar tissue formation.  Both nipples have scar tissue, but I believe the left nipple is puffier because not enough gland was removed.  There is a hard disk beneath each areola that is about the size of a stack of 3 or 4 quarters.  The left (more puffy) nipple also has a couple pieces of leftover gland, one right under the areola, and a few smaller ones to the sides/above/below.  Most of these are like the size of a small blueberry.  

All I can do obviously is continue to wait, massage, and exercise to keep positive.  I have a feeling that as the scar tissue slowly breaks down a bit, but right side will look better but the left side may need a revision since there has been remaining gland since right after the surgery.  

Here is the left side currently (one photo is mirrored)

Offline jbr

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Anyone have any thoughts/advice/similar experience?                                 

Offline cduub

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I had the same problem with incision only. I hate to break it to you that im not happy with my final result and mine looked ok for one day post op. The sad part is im not going to give up,but I might have to dump another 5k on this same problem that wasnt done right the first time.  I had a consultation with another surgeon,not the one I had because he seems to be blind and think its fine, and this surgeon told me he will do lipo but only incision if needed. He told me my main problem is that the gland was removed but never tethered so that leaves a space between the spot of the gland to your body. Lipo was suppose to be done to avoid that. I hope thats not your case but it sure as hell is mine with incision only.

Offline jbr

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Thanks for the reply!  I'm not sure if lipo is the answer in my case, because I can feel lumps of scar tissue on both sides, and a couple lumps of gland that weren't removed on the left side.  It's frustrating because there was very little gland under my nipples before surgery, and there was a decent amount taken out.  But apparently not enough, especially on the left side.  I will keep the lipo question in mind when it comes time to consider a revision.  Are you planning to go ahead with revision by the surgeon you consulted with?

Offline cduub

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Yeah im really weighing it heavy in my mind right now. He has good before and after photos plus his reviews as an over all surgeon where very good. I just want this to be the last time for me so it makes me hesitate alittle.


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