Author Topic: Good or Bad results?  (Read 2367 times)

Offline Holysin

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I am 9 weeks post op and the problem is that i don't know if my results are ok or not.Honestly I am not Satisfied with the results at this moment.I still got something behind my nipple but i don't know if it's something that is gonna pass or not.I will post some photos so u can see what i am talking about.I wish you can give me some advice and also tell me what is happening to me.As I said I am not satisfied and i hope my chest will look better...

Offline Holysin

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2 more photos

Offline greatlakes

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Do you have "before" photos?

Honestly your chest looks fine to me. You have a very trim frame.

Just for comparison sake and to help you have you ever gone through some of the before and after photos on some of the doctors sites. Might help you feel better about your current appearance which again I think is fine.

Offline Holysin

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Thanks for you really nice words about my post op results.Unfortunately i don't have any pre-op pictures excepting the ones my doctor took at the begining of the journey.I am also asking myself what am i grabing into the 3rd photo useing my fingers ( is it gland , fat or scar tissue).In which of the 3 cases can i get rid of it in order ti get a flatter chest?

Offline Keep_It_Moving

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In my opinion, it looks great. You do have a thin frame and maybe beginning a weight lifting regimen might help with the overall "look" of your upper body. If you were to build a strong back, traps and get some bulk on those arms, I bet you'd be a happy camper.

Just my .02cents


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You need a little gland, or something there or you would end up with a couple cup holders in your chest and I'll bet you wouldn't be happy with that either!

I agree that your chest looks great!

Offline drwz65

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I had my surgery done in July, And my chest looks a little bit the same as yours, I think that what we have under the nipple is not actually fat, It's a combination between scar tissue and some skin that feels like jelly because it has been stretch for a long time
Give it time.


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