Author Topic: Can't upload pictures anymore  (Read 7639 times)

Offline wj74

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uh, I'm confused.  Are you two saying we can't post pics because of some conspiracy between Jesus, Muslims and the military?


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No, don't pay any mind, Dlink is anti US military, anti Jesus, hates all, thinks all the government is the enemy of Christians and pro Muslim, I believe his imagination has gone wild! When I was involved in law enforcement I saw this in people on various drugs.

He will only post pictures of others not himself and complain of the jobs done of those he posted, or ask question about them.

I for one will no longer get involved in any of his post!

Offline Dlink

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uh, I'm confused.  Are you two saying we can't post pics because of some conspiracy between Jesus, Muslims and the military?

You can't post pictures before the new owners on this are less technically inclined then the Obamacare web designers.

They are also very paranoid because they think that everyone is a spammer. So if I wanted to reference another post on this very site for information, they would consider its own site as being a threat.

Its kind of like how the TSA targets your grandma but lets the terrorist go though.

Offline Dlink

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No, don't pay any mind, Dlink is anti US military, anti Jesus, hates all, thinks all the government is the enemy of Christians and pro Muslim, I believe his imagination has gone wild! When I was involved in law enforcement I saw this in people on various drugs.

He will only post pictures of others not himself and complain of the jobs done of those he posted, or ask question about them.

I for one will no longer get involved in any of his post!

1. How is defending Christians make me anti-Jesus?
2. So Major Hassan is made fictional character who never existed?
3. The Military never said that Christians are a domestic terrorist threat?

" Fox's Todd Starnes is reporting that at Ft. Hood on October 17th, military personnel listened to a briefing about Christians and the Tea Party being labeled as "terror threats." This is the same spot where Nidal Hasan shouted "Allahu Akbar!" before going on the worst rampage in military history, this Islamic jihadist shot and killed 13 and injured 32 people on Nov. 5, 2009.

The cry of the jihadist "Allah is Greater!" got less attention than the "terror threats" that are Christians and Tea Party "extremists."

4. How do you evaluate a good plastic surgeon vs a bad plastic surgeon when they look identical on paper. Both doctors, both board certified, both list they are an " artist of the human body,etc.." You evaluate them like you would an real artist, by their work. In the case of a plastic surgeon, by before and after pictures of Gynecomastia patients.

  - In the case of 2 surgeons with both good credentials, I listed the results of both doctors in the form on before & after picture. ]
  - In the case of another doctor who is more local to me, I asked his before & after picture which was very poor asking how this might a revision case and is so, what cause the initial problem and how it could the doctor could have avoided this poor outcome in order to make sure my surgeon was knowledgeable as to how to avoid this outcome.  

So far you have responded to my post creating falsified information about me saying I am Anti-Jesus when I have only defended Christians which is the exact opposite of being anti-Jesus.

You sir are what most people consider a sheep in that you will blindly follow without question anything.
First you deny that the individual has gynecomastia in a VERY obviously case of gynecomastia still remaining, then you ignore the facts which are undisputed as something I made up.

FT Hood is real, Hasan being promoted then shooting Americans is real, the Military calling Christians extremest threats is real yet you are so brainwashed  that you can't see any of it as being real.

I would hate to think that someone like you would be in Law enforcement on any kind. Let me guess, you were a TSA agent?

When I see people like you it reminds me of the man in New Mexico which was anally probed 8 separate times by cops for failing to come to a complete stop at a stop sign as a local walmart. You have no common sense or judgement ability.

You say crazy things like how you use to threaten people with guns and knives in school to prevent bullying so there was no need for surgery. That is not a viable option to people who are in this forum looking for real solutions to their problems.

Stop replying to any of most post and stop fabricating lies about me being anti-Jesus when I never said a single thing that was Anti-Jesus and have only defended Christians. So I don't know how you come up with that. I think they need to take away your computer privileges at the nut house.


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