Just arrived home, the day after my surgery with Paul Levick.
Thought I'd share my experience with you guys, there seems to be quite a lot of operations going on these last few weeks; must be anti-gyno season! I know my thinking was it would be good for wearing coats over the garment in the winter, and hopefully be healed in time for summer!
I'm 20 years old, have been suffering with it since I was 13, and have felt like my life has been on hold ever since that day. I can't get my wasted teenage years back but can hopefully make up for it in my 20's!
I wasn't nervous about the operation at all, just excited. That's thanks to all of you who have shared your experiences on here, so thank you for that

The staff were all amazing, so nice which made me feel bad. My gynecomastia sabotaged my social skills massively over the years I had it (feels good saying that in past-tense). And of course, as everyone says, you couldn't ask for a nicer surgeon than Paul.
It was my first experience in a hospital really. First ever operation, first GA which was fun. I remember feeling it sort of work its way up my spine and into my head. I said 'ooh wow I can feel it', when woke up with the face-mask on an hour later feeling so tired. I had about 3 hours sleep the night before; I'm not sure I'd have even needed the GA!
The rest of the afternoon wasn't as comfy as I thought it would be to be honest. I was probably quite naive, having never experienced surgery, but the pain/restricted movement was bad. The worst thing was how tired I felt, but couldn't really go to sleep, as staff were in every half an hour of so testing blood pressure etc. It was embarrassing, I felt drunk and kept coming out with lame jokes.
Anyway, after a lovely tea (I recommend the lemon sorbet), I got about 2 hours sleep and woke up in time to watch Step Brothers at 10. I soon fell asleep again and woke up feeling refreshed and expected the sun to be out. It turned out it was only 12am... However I felt much better from here on, less pain and less drowsiness, despite the rest of the night consisting of several 1 hour stints of sleep.
At 6am I was offered a coffee and gratefully accepted, soon to be followed by a nice breakfast. Eventually Levick came in and showed me the pictures...crazy. Even I didn't think so much would come out... I'm fairly slim build but a fair bit of fat came with it. To be fair I'd sacked off the gym for a few weeks because I thought it would be pointless.
Anyway, now I'm home, tiredness catching up with me, apprehensive about trying to keep everything from my flatmates still (not even my family knows), when I'm walking like I have a pencil somewhere it shouldn't be.
I'm looking forward to the whole recovery process now, especially when I can switch to my own garment, which will give me better range of movement. I feel a lot more prepared for it than I did for the surgery.
Feel free to ask any questions! I owe you guys a lot.