Author Topic: Pre and post gyno surgery pics - opinions needed  (Read 3817 times)

Offline jimbob90

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Hey Guys,

So I recently posted about having gyno surgery and said I would post pics to go along with it...

I had the surgery done first thing monday morning. I was quite happy with the way my chest looked straight after the surgery.

The images show: Pre surgery pictures, Day 1 Post surgery pics and Day 4 Post surgery pics.

The reason for this post is that today (day 4), I have noticed the chest change quite a bit and am really concerned as I am not sure if this is normal procedure, or if I need to go back in for correctional surgery.

Things to note, I was discharged from the hospital with tight dressings on and given the compression garment on day 1. However, I felt really suffocated and was forced to remove it. I was quite worried about the impact that this may have on the recovery...BUT I had my 1st post-op appt with my PS yesterday and he said everything looked fine and EVEN said that I only had to wear the garment for as long as I could per day and to take it off if I felt too uncomfortable. I have since been wearing it as much as I can..only removing it when I eat as I feel too suffocated.

Taking all that into account, please have a look at the pics. As you can see from the pre and day 1 post op pics, I was quite happy. But now on Day 4 things seem a lot worse. Would really appreciate any input!

I have labelled all the images, especially the one labelled 'concerned' image.

Thank you!

The link for the pics:

Offline Poobs

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If you were happy with the way your chest looked straight after surgery your only worry is going to be scar tissue and Kenalog can sort that out very very well if need be.

Looks to me like you have significant fluid accumulation.  Does your chest wobble around the nipple like a water balloon if you give it a gentle prod or flick?

Offline jimbob90

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Thanks for the reply poobs, the rest of the site seems to have gone dormant!

What exactly is kernalog??

And yes I was happy with the results straight after, bit seems to have got very saggy on both sides, especially the right as shown in the 'concerned' image. It looks almost like I never had surgery done.

Also, what does scar tissue look like under the skin? I know swelling obviously makes it look plumper and fluid build up should be similar. For me, it just feels like excess flappy skin. If I wear my compression garment for a few hours it almost 'sticks' to the muscle but as soon as I remove it, it slowly 'unsticks' back to its saggy self.

Please help!


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You will need to be patient! It takes months to fully heal from surgery! Some may heal faster then others, some may take longer, it isn't like waving a majic stick. Remember, your body was cut into, it went through traumatic hell.

Offline Poobs

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Kenalog is a corticosteroid. You may want to Google potential side effects before going for it but basically it inhibits the production of collagen and also breaks it down. Basically it shrinks scar tissue.

Regarding what it feels like, basically hard lumps under your skin. Not wobbly. You shouldn't have it yet if surgery was only a week or so ago. You can't see it that easily but under certain lights you can see the skin is pushed further out.

Offline jimbob90

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Thank you both, hammer and poobs, for your replies.

Yeah there is no scar tissue atm. My loose skin on the right nipple in the 'concerned image' has also reduced a fair bit by wearing the compression garment. I think I will take your advice about the scar tissue if it ever occurs, there doesnt seem to be any yet.

And I will also take the advice to wait and see how my body reacts to it. I'm just having a tough time wearing the garment all the time. And looking in the mirror to see my 'breasts' almost back to their original size (most likely due to swelling) and a bit of loose skin just demotivates me hugely...but I'll try and stay positive until I see some good results.

Offline Poobs

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I know it's tough to be patient but there's nothing you can do for a few months anyway. Just wait until the sweeling goes down and any fluid is absorbed by your body and then go from there.

Offline jimbob90

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My recovery seems to be see-sawing....great initial results, to horrific panicking with the loose skin, to back to normal what I now think is scar tissue based on poobs description on it earlier.

I had to travel recently, short flights only about an hour or so but I removed my pressure garment for both journeys. The resulting effect is hard lumps around and below my nipples. I am assuming this is scar tissue as it doesn't feel very 'fluidy'.

I have just got back and will make an appt with my PS asap, but in the mean time is there anything I can do to help the condition? (My pressure garment has bee on 24/7 except for the flights and journey to and from the airport).

As a side note, I will be leaving the country for a long time in less than a week, if this condition persists, is there anything I can do myself to help it along its way? Or will I have to go to a doctor in the country I am going to?

Thanks again

Offline Paa_Paw

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Why did you remove the compression garment for travel? That makes no sense to me. It could be the reason why you are having so much swelling. The garment needs to be worn as your surgeon instructed.  On a more positive note, the swelling will gradually diminish and the skin will tighten though it will take months rather than weeks for this to happen. Be patient.
Grandpa Dan

Offline jimbob90

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Hi Paa Paw,

I removed the garment as I feel very suffocated, hot, queasy etc etc whenever I have the garment on. These feelings are made worse when I feel tired, hot etc. and I have noticed that stepping out even to the shops made me feel really lightheaded and uneasy. So to avoid these feelings, I thought it would be best to remove it for the journey.

I met with my PS and he said all seemed fine and the hard lumps would also eventually disappear. My only concern now is that within a week I will be travelling for a total of around 20 hours (flights, trains and taxis). I do not know if I will be able to wear it for the entire duration so I am concerned that the garments effects will get undone a bit! I guess all I can do is hope that there isnt more swelling due to this.

Offline Poobs

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Honestly, having it off isn't ideal but I doubt that it will make any difference to your long term results, probably more how quickly the swelling goes down. It's been a couple of weeks since the surgery so more than likely things have settled down a bit and you'll be fine.


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