Author Topic: Newbies that want info!  (Read 1873 times)

Offline nothingworse

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I have been seeing a lot of newbies to the board lately asking a lot of questions so I am going to answer a lot of the questions and make a lot of gyne info available in one post.

1. Do I have gyne a lot of people new to the board ask?
Post pictures, if your chest sticks out or your nipples stick out or it looks like you have a problem there you most likely have gyne.

2. Different kinds of gyne.
The most common form of gyne seems to be Psuedo gyne or the breast is composed of mostly fat. Psuedo gyne can be helped by diet and excercise but, often can not be totally diminished.
The other is glandular gyne or hard breast tissue underneath the nipple or around the chest area. Diet and excercise won't help and some medicines may help to reduce the size but, have yet to see more than about 2-3 people say theirs dissapeared.
There are a few other forms which are of course rare or medical such as cancerous breast tissue etc.

3. What should be done.
Well if you have much excess body fat or are overweight diet and excercise should be done first before surgery is pended.
A lot of people say the medicine such as tamoxifine and androgel and others work which in some stubborn cases they do reduce the size usually. Curing it though don't really hear about any medicine curing gyne. Although reductions have been heard many times.
If you haven't seen an endo to get hormones, blood levels, testes, and other tests to rule out a hormonal problem do that. That is important.

4. Insurance coverage for gynecomastia.
Although hard in a non-medical case insurance coverage is possible. Blue cross Blue Shield seems to be one of the only insurance companies that usual cover this operation. Other companies are tough to say it all depends on your company and if you can work out the possibilitie of them covering your surgery.

5. Gyne going away.
10% of all pubertal cases of gyne never go away. Usually gyne goes away for most within 1-3 years. Any further and chances are it most likely wont. Surgery then is your best option but, get your hormones checked first.

6. Underworks Information.
The 2 best underworks vests to order are the #993 and the #997 they both provide great compression and look very similar to a wife beater and are great for pre-op and post-op wear.

7. Questions you should ask a surgeon before surgery.
Ask them how many gyne surgeries they perform on an average year? Ask them to see past photos of other gyne patients. Before and after photos. Ask them about scarring and recovery. Ask them about their method and how they will remove the fat or gland. If you feel confident and sure about your surgeon then go with them. If you don't feel confident or they don't seem right then try another because you want the best.

8. Don't wait and waste any more of your life if your gyne bothers you. The best thing you can do is do something. Eventually if you can find something that works you can be gyne free. Get the treatment and enjoy the rest of your life. The biggest problem is too many people wait and are slow to act.

9. Surgery costs.
They can be very different in range. Some can be as low as $3000 to as high as $6500-7000. All depends on the surgeon and what area you live in. If insurance doesn't cover your procedure then you can try and work with insurance to get a discounted rate which you can if you work with them. Sometimes it is difficult but, is possible. Usually insurance gets 40% off the original surgery price.

10. Good luck to you all and hopefully this info was of some help. I know gyne sucks but, it is stopable. You just need to act and do what you can to be this gyne. Someday it will be over for you that it bothers and you can after that enjoy the rest of your lives gyne free.

Offline BringExtraDragons

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 Thanks man, a very insightful post, good idea.


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