Author Topic: Scared to death  (Read 2928 times)

Offline Badlees

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Hi guys, it's my first post and I wanted to get some opinions from you. I've been on omeprazole for a year for acid reflux. I'm about 20 lbs. overweight and 45 years old and otherwise healthy. I noticed a sharp pain directly behind my nipple when I brushed up against something. I can now feel a small lump/knot under my left nipple, directly behind it. I have no discharge, puckering or rash but it's a little swollen compared to my right side. I went to my doctor and she felt all of my lymph nodes and they seemed to be normal. She described the lump as firm, about the size of a pea or so. I have an ultrasound next Monday but my mind is preparing for the worse and I can't help it.  Any ideas or experiences that may help me out?


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The only thing that you can do is wait! I know that isn't what you want to hear right now, but there isn't much else that can be done at this point! Monday isn't that far away, and if would be anything other then breast tissue you seem to be right on top of things so that is a very good. So now the best thing is prayer and patience!

I will be one of them praying!


Offline Paa_Paw

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Another day closer and you are not alone.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Badlees

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Well, today is the day. Ultrasounds at 11AM. That was probably one of the worst weekends I think I have ever had. I went to my Uncles funeral on Saturday and was a wreck the whole time. He died of lung cancer at 75 years old. All I could do yesterday was watch football and try to keep the fear from taking over but it was almost impossible. My best friend is a nuclear medicine tech and he's been talking to me a lot about not letting the fear take over and what I should expect during and after the ultrasound. He really doesn't think it's anything life changing but either way this will change my life. If it's Gynecomastia, great, not a problem, I can deal with that and will be happy to do so.

Offline Badlees

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I walked in for my ultrasound and was told a mammogram was was ordered as well. So, I had the mammogram and during the ultrasound the tech left and brought the doctor in to do another pass. I started to freak out until she said I had a small piece of breast tissue the size of a pea growing and confirmed NO CANCER and a very slight case of gynecomastia probably due to the medicine I was taking. No biopsy needed. What a HUGE relief. I'm never taking omeprazole again and I'm changing my diet. By the way, hug your wife and kids today and tell them you love them!


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Congrats on the good news!

Offline Paa_Paw

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When screening, The Doctors always eliminate the worst things first.

Now that you have that behind you, you will need to ask if there is another medication that you can use that does not have the same side effects.

Sometimes a simple change like that is all that is needed and the breast tissue will slowly regress.

Offline cdb82

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Just wanted to chime in that I was also taking omeprazole and developed gynecomastia in my right nipple.  I am prone to gynecomastia from years of steroid use.  But it's good to know I'm not the only one who developed this after taking the omeprazole.  Glad you're okay bud!

Offline Dr. Cruise

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Great news. Glad to hear your doctors were pro-active in getting tests done to rule out anything serious.  Hopefully your gyne symptoms will improve now.
Dr. Cruise
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
2081 San Joaquin Hills Road
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Before and After Pictures
Types of Gynecomastia


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