My intention in writing the following is to explore two different techniques practice by two experienced surgeons in the city of Toronto. I have had a consultation with Dr. Fielding and have watched Dr. Lista's videos. From my research it is my understanding that these are two of the top gynecomastia surgeons in Toronto. My intention is to explore the advantages and disadvantages of both of the surgeons and the methods they use. Both of these plastic surgeons are well known for preforming hundreds of gynecomastia procedures a year. Dr. Fielding uses the traditional two incision method, one incision around the nipple, and one incision on the side of the breast closer to the armpit. The incision around the nipple is used to remove the glandular tissue, and the incision closer to the armpit is used for traditional liposuction. Dr. Lista uses the single incision method, the incision closer to the armpit, and has been named by some as the scarless method. He uses a liposuction technique though this incision; additionally, he uses a long pair of scissors that are used to cut away the glandular tissue under the nipple. According to Dr. Lista's written information, and the video's on his website, this procedure is best for removing the fat portion, or liposuction part of the procedure. In other words not the glandular portion. Furthermore, while Dr. Lista states that this procedure is superior for scar reduction, it does have to preformed by feel. This is important, so I'll say it another way, he cannot see what he is doing when he cutting away and attempting to remove the glandular tissue. So why is the glandular tissue so important? While fat can be broken up and extracted with suction, the glandular tissue cannot; also, the glandular tissue is what is responsible for the puffy nipples and is the "female" part of the breast tissue that really shouldn't be there. I have read all the reviews for both these surgeons on and Dr. Fielding has 4.1/5 and Dr. Lista has a 4.0/5. There were some negative things about Dr. Fielding, but none of them regarding the results of a gynecomastia procedure. Dr. Lista have a couple complaints regarding gynecomastia surgery results; however, they were not serious. Example for Dr. Lista was in motion complaints. These do scare me though; this is when the breast looks good standing still but in motion it looks freakish. A complaint I heard from many patients from other parts of the country and the USA. So to sum up this topic, with Dr. Fielding and the two incision method you will have a slightly visible incision around the nipple; however, because he can see what he is doing during the procedure the risk of having irregularities is much less. With Dr. Lista, who uses the single incision method, aka the scarless method, he cannot see what he is doing as he is chopping away at the glandular tissue. Dr. Lista has to go by feel during the procedure; therefore, there is a higher risk of having irregularities, especially when the breast or pec is in motion.
Price: based on having regular sized gynecomastia, say 250 ml of breast tissue per, you are probably looking at $3000 from Dr. Fielding and $6000 from Dr. Lista.
My deciding factor: laser scar removal. I think at the top end, and for the best procedure, you'll be looking at $1500 for laser scar removal.
In conclusion, it is my opinion that Dr. Fielding has the superior procedure. While Dr. Lista's procedure produces less scars, there is higher a risk of irregularities, especially in motion. If you feel there is a need you can take some of the $3000 that you saved going to Dr. Fielding and invest it in laser scar removal.
It has been a pleasure to use this forum to collect my thoughts though the preceding writing. It is my hope that my thoughts will be peer reviewed in that there may be some aspects that I have missed, so please comment and offer your opinion. I also hope that this might help others, as it wasn't until I started my education in the health sciences that I began to have a clue what I had or how to treat it. I have personally been dealing with this since puberty and I am 30 this year. I have everything going for me...but I got man boobs. I'm not going to lie it held me back a lot *insert everything men hate about having man boobs here*
I will be getting my procedure done by Dr. Fielding sometime after final exams in April or May. I will update this forum on the procedure, and even though I'm not thrilled about it I'll try and put up some before and after pictures. Maybe I'll offer to be Dr. Fielding's gynecomastia poster boy for a discount. I know that when we talked he wanted to put pictures up, but he still hasn't.
One last thing, I know that Dr. Lista has written an academic paper on his one incision procedure, I would like to access through the university database if I can; furthermore, it would interesting in general to research this topic through all the medical databases and peer reviewed medical journals. Something that I hadn't really thought about till just now. The thought does cross my mind that the search log in the academic databases will available for faculty to see. The shame and guilt follows this topic around like a bad smell. I would also be curious to know what causes this condition, there is literature on the topic within the academic databases I know; however, it would take a significant time investment to complete. Realistically, one that could only be done paired with a essay in one of my courses; however, do I really want to present this topic to all my peers. Lmao.