Author Topic: I WANT IT NOW! DON'T MAKE ME WAIT!  (Read 4256 times)


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In this world of instant messaging, overnight delivery, it seems that our younger generation has develop a attitude or expectation that anything and everything has instant results!

I have seen far to many post from members that were two days to two weeks out from surgery complaining that they still looked the same before they had the surgery! Now I would think they did get info on what to expect on recovery time before going into the surgery, so gentleman I'm going to just put a few pointers down here so hopefully it will help you, if your going into this to understand that you don't go home a new man with a new look the next day, or with in a week or two!

I personally have not had gynecomastia surgery, however, I have 2 prosthetic knees, couple back surgeries, both testicles remove the radical way (removed from above) both different times, and a couple other minor surgeries, along with multiple tooth extractions due to the diabetes playing hell on my teeth. I have been awake for all but the two back surgeries.

Using the teeth as an example, I've had and one and as many as three pulled at a time. After having teeth extracted your gums swell up making it so that you can't chew food so I eat scrambled eggs for the next two to three days.

Now, I would have to believe that having even three teeth extracted is a walk in the park compared to having gynecomastia surgery! So with that all said, is there any reason that anyone should expect that they should be able to look in the mirror and be totally happy with what they see right after surgery?

The truth is that it could take not weeks, but months before you really see the final finished product! That is also why the surgeons have you do things like wear compression vest, massage the area and what ever else, so that it ads in the reduced swelling and scare tissue!

Those procedures are no different then someone that had the knee replacement using a CPM (constant passive motion) machine to ad in the first month in recovery.

Even instant soup requires you to make hot water first, so it really isn't instant, is it!

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Offline jay adams

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Amen! No matter how many times someone is told " it will take 9-12 months to know anything" the next morning someone posts " I'm 3 weeks out and one side is bigger than the other". Or " my nipples are puffy still ". Lol

I had the same feelings but I didn't complain because I knew I had to wait. Not trying to jump your case but like Bob said, this instantaneous gratification generation has no patience. Just be patient and you should be fine. Don't start massaging the second week to try and get faster results and hurt yourself either.haha I've read that a lot. Just chill and be healthy.

God bless all my gyne bros and the best results to you all.

Offline Paa_Paw

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I could not have said it better.

Unfortunately, I think we are preaching to the choir.
Grandpa Dan

Offline walt

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oh wait my instigram told me it would only take a few days? what,! Bob you are soo correct. if it does not come from the net or the I phone or a crackberry its not fast enough. as for me I am not going to have a breast reduction ,I am still growing slowly. the wife is with me on the whole and family as well. for me its a no brainer. still I cant believe some of the posts I read here .Vanity can be  a real curse. anyhow Blessings to all.Walt

Offline ms123

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Please stop generalizing about my generation. Otherwise good points.


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Please stop generalizing about my generation. Otherwise good points.

As for the younger generation wanting instant gratification, the proof is all around us all one needs to do is pay attention.  I know not all of your generation fit in this I do have kids that range in the ages from 21-33, and my wife and I get along very well with their friends, so much so many call us mom and dad!

I posted this tread as advise to those that expect to be healed and look like a new man much sooner then they would. All you need to do is read the post each day to come to this conclusion!

Offline thetodd

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I know what your saying, but when you have surgery its kind of a lonely experience afterwards. And the initial reveal once you've had it done gives you instant gratification which makes the recovery even more of a roller-coaster. Sometimes i feel people like to come on here and vent, just to hear "yeah its fine" because who else are you going vent too? Some people have girlfriends/family etc, but a lot of guys keep it a secret full stop.

But yeah your right, it does need a year to heal and i sort of ignored that when i had my surgery and came on having a rant but i always felt better when people said "listen, calm down your fine". And if truth be told (some) surgeons arent exactly forth coming with the true extent of recovery, i know it falls on deaf ears most of the time but I think some surgeons could better prepare their patients for what's ahead.
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Paa_Paw

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It is common to generalize about the members of a generation. sometimes people get offended and sometimes the result is amusing.

I married somewhat later in life than most people so, as a parent, I was often grouped with people who were somewhat younger than myself.

One day one of my sons came to me and asked what it was like in the 1960's being a hippie, Smoking Pot and having free sex. I had to inform my son that when that was happening I was a veteran with 8 years of active duty behind me and was then a police officer.


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I came of age in the 70's and drugs and "love the one your with" sex attitude were big then as well! I remember when I got my first speeding ticket one of my classmates (10th grade) asked me how many whites did I take? Now I was in the Police Explorers with plans to go on to law enforcement so I was a good young man with no drug use history and I had no idea what he was talking about!

I asked around later and found out he meant, how much speed (the pill) did I take, well, I was doing 40 mph in a 30 mph zone.

Offline jay adams

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I am this generation too. And I sometimes get caught up in the "I want it know". But if you look at technology and our generation being raised on it, the point is valid. No matter what our generation thinks, things where different for the veterans here growing up. They were raised in a time when you got on your bicycle and road to the other side of town to see if your friend was at home without calling. Beautiful.

I think sometimes people vent. If you were on this site like the vets here, you would know why this thread was posted. It's just that docs tell us what to expect and no one listens. Then guys like hammer and paw who's passion is acceptance always, everyday answer the call for guys like us needing guidance because after having surgery most guys split and don't return to give advice.  It's just sometimes it can be frustrating answering the same questions. But we're not that upset. Just venting.

Thank you hammer for your support while i was preparing for surgery and taking the time to take phone calls afterwards.

So it's not about anything but some old fashion patience. Something this generation might not understand as well as the old schoolers.

I have to say to the guy above who is a acceptance pursuer, you should not judge us who buckle down and have surgery. I love this site because some learn to accept and be happy and some of us get to have surgery and have a blast too.

This site is for all generations. Anyone who had surgery just roll slow and try to enjoy the results as they slowly get better. My results started to shine after 8 months. I hate to say this but the only ones who should worry are the ones who don't go to a gyne specialist. Just do it right the first time and save money in the long run.

God bless anyone who's here for answers and feel free to pm me for any help.


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I appreciate all the replies, but I still wish that the young men were getting better up front info before going under the knife so that 5, 6, 7, or so many days after surgery they were not feeling so disappointed about the outcome, not knowing that it is far to soon to tell!

I knew going into my last back surgery that it may not work, but for me I was willing to take the chance and pray that just some of my chronic pain "might" be relieved!

Now, I'm not say that anyone of our fine doctors here on the forum are guilty of not informing these young men on what to expect post op, but let's spread the word as doctors or people that have experienced surgery so when the decision is made they are prepared and don't panic that they make a bad choice just days later.

Offline rhyno18

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I don't know if it's the doctors as much as human nature of expecting to see a results immediately after surgery.  

For most patients, getting gynecomastia surgery (or any type of cosmetic surgery) is a huge step they've likely dreamt about for a long time.  It's a big financial investment as well.  It's human nature to worry if you made the right decision and immediately have second thoughts or regrets.  

My PS in included a sheet that showed the typical mindset patients have post op. The first week is the 'what have I done, did i make a mistake'. The second week is the 'nit picky'. It's not until the 3rd week where he expects patients to start feeling good about the results. And 6 months before you start getting the full effect of the surgery.  

I read that before and  after the procedure.   Yet I still went through those steps.  
« Last Edit: February 04, 2014, 01:17:09 PM by rhyno18 »


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That is good to know, and good info that you just provided to me! It has been bothering me to see these young men so worried soon after surgery! As you said, it is a lot of money!

I myself have had many surgeries, but none have been cosmetic so I don't know what that is like. Mine have been to try to reduce chronic  pain or improve quality of life.

Offline N8712

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That is good to know, and good info that you just provided to me! It has been bothering me to see these young men so worried soon after surgery! As you said, it is a lot of money!

I myself have had many surgeries, but none have been cosmetic so I don't know what that is like. Mine have been to try to reduce chronic  pain or improve quality of life.

Gynecomastia surgery does fall into the category of life improving, even though it is technically cosmetic.

I've lost out on so many things by being afraid to take my shirt off.
My views are my own and any advice I give is from my personal experience with gynecomastia and the surgery I had.


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