Author Topic: Lumps behind nipples.  (Read 1973 times)

Offline PMelol

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It's hard to tell what's going on here. I've been on finasteride for two months and just realized I have "lumps" behind my nipples. They are small and probably smaller in diameter than the areolas. My nipples are erect.
Is it normal to have these things behind the nipples, or is it supposed to just be skin? I have put on a good amount of weight recently.
If I continue to take finasteride, will my case of gyno get worse? I'm assuming it's gyno at this point by the way.
Maybe I could lower my dose but also get on an aromatase inhibitor or something?


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You should wait until to do anything after your endocrinologist appointment, that is if your making that appointment. I'm assuming you are from your other tread.

Offline PMelol

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In a normal male nipple there should be NOTHING behind the areola? Just the wall of muscle?


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Everyone, including males have breast tissue! You have a problem when that tissue grows beyond acceptable size. As you already know there are multiple things that can cause this to happen, if not you can google causes for gynecomastia.

Offline PMelol

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I see...well whatever happened made my nipples erect. Is it possible that my nipples were simply stimulated by estrogen to point out (don't know if that makes any sense at all) or basically does that definitely mean the glands got larger and are pushing against my areolae?

By the way, my chest is starting to look better I think.
I'm just very curious to know what happened exactly.


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I know that you want answers, but every case is different and you may need to wait until you see the right doctor, or there are some that never find out the "why" and end up going through the surgery and leading a happy life not ever knowing why. For that mater if you stop it or reverse it does it really mater why?

I think you will need to practice some patients until you can get the right blood work up to check you hormone levels, and then if they look good you may need to look at life style. Sometimes gyne just happens it seems without reason too. whatever, for now stop what you were using for now and be patient. I can tell you this much, the breast tissue will not kill you, so no need to worry so much and it is removable!


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