Author Topic: Do I have gyno or am I just fat?  (Read 2823 times)

Offline PMelol

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I've put on about 30 pounds since November...

Offline PMelol

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The way they point out like that makes me think it's gyno. I was on finasteride for a little less than two months when I noticed this change in the shower.


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I don't see any thing to be worried about, you look fine!

Offline PMelol

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Wait, really? In that other thread you seemed to think I had gyno. Be honest with me. Like I said I've put on weight, but it seemed to me like the contour of my chest changed. Plus, I was on finasteride for two months, which is known to cause gyno (although apparently it's very rare).
I certainly had some libido problems on it..isn't there a relation between lower libido and gyno, because of the estrogen?

I stopped taking the finasteride (for now, I plan on going to an endocrinologist to see if I really do have gyno and to get my hormones assessed; if this has all been in my imagination I'll get back on it, but maybe at a reduced dosage for my libido's sake) and imagine that, even if this is gyno and it doesn't recede, it's a fairly mild case and it really won't bother me too much for the time being. I can get surgery in the future when I have some thousands of dollars...I don't like the beach anyway to be honest...haha.

Offline PMelol

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I just wanted to put a thread in the proper section of the forum, and to find out if finasteride really did cause my chest to get larger.
Mostly it feels like fat on my chest, but the problem is I have no idea what a gland should feel like.

I guess I just need an examination from a doctor who knows about this...


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The way the light hits when you take a picture can cause shadows making it hard to judge! Truth be told I think you are waisting far to must time thinking about your chest!

If you take some of that time and look at photos that others have posted that have started to developed breast and do need to spend thousands of dollars to go though surgery, then you might put your mind at ease! Obsessing over something like you have been is not healthy!

I understand that you have or will be seeing an Endorinologist. Why not wait until you get the results, then go from there.

I wish you the best, and worry about seeing so many different post from the same person about the same thing.

Offline PMelol

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Yeah, well I have diagnosed OCD and tend to do this stuff on forums...and obsess about everything in general endlessly...

I just want to see what some other people with gyno say. I'm sure you all can tell if someone has gyno just by looking at their chest.


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I can also tell when someone has OCD, as I've seen a lot of that in my life and I've seen a lot of lives very troubled by it too!

Offline PMelol

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Okay then...but honestly, what do you think? Because I'd like to take that medication again.


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I really don't see a problem, but I've heard that you could have problems with things that you use for hair growth, so do you really want to use that stuff? Be sure of the side effects.

If having hair is that important to you, you may want to look into other options!

Offline thetodd

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Im not familiar with the hair loss treatments, you do really need to speak to the doctor who prescribed it to you really.

Why cant you take estrogen blockers with the treatment? Or does that make the hair loss treatment pointless? Ive read stuff on here about lads who've taken propecia, and thats caused them to grow breast tissue so maybe its along those lines but again i really dont have a clue to be honest.

I wouldn't take it without seeing an endo, you could probably reverse that breast tissue growth with the right treatment id look into it tbh.
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline PMelol

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The problem is I don't really know what breast tissue "feels like". i guess since in gynecomastia it's difficult to distinguish fat from gland, that makes all these self tests on the internet guesswork.
I think I will try lowering the dosage...Apparently gyno only appears in 2 percent of patients who take the drug. You know, it's a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor. I think the testosterone that is no longer converted to DHT is converted to estradiol...thus resulting in man breasts.

And sure I could take an aromatase inhibitor in addition to the 5-ard inhibitor, but from what I read inhibiting 5-ard and aromatase can cause prostate issues...I don't really want to turn my body into a laboratory.

Offline Paa_Paw

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The last sentence was your innate wisdom sneaking to the fore while the OCD was distracted. You need to let that happen more often and throw the chemistry set in the trash.

You have seemingly established the fact that you are among the men who have a problem with Propecia. (Finasteride) Knowing this, you are trying to find a way to take it anyway while taking yet another chemical to reduce or eliminate the side effect. This is escalating.

You are male and lets face the fact, it is normal for many men to lose their hair. Some chicks are even turned on by it so don't knock it, Some guys flaunt it by shaving their heads. I have not gone that far, but I do accept reality.
Grandpa Dan


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