Author Topic: 2 Months Post-OP - How Do I Look Now?  (Read 14302 times)

Offline nick04

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Hi Guys,

I was diagnosed with Bilateral Gynecomastia and had the gyno surgery (liposuction + glad removal) 2 months ago. My surgery was performed by Dr. Lokesh Kumar at Indraprastha Hospital, New Delhi, India. Total cost was around 1 Lakh Indian Rupees (1700 USD) including Lab Tests. I didn't face any major complications during or after the surgery. No drains were required!

This forum has been a great help for me. Reading posts by the surgeons like Dr. Rick Silverman, Dr. Elliot Jacobs, Dr. Pope, Dr. Pensler helped me to better understand gynecomastia surgery, risks and complications of the surgery, healing process etc. Members of this forum especially iloveflat and Bob (hammer) were very helpful and friendly. After reading his (hammer) stories I realised that my problem isn't that big at all :)

Now I'm 2 months post-op, and my surgeon told me that I can stop wearing the compression vest. My chest looks much better (and flatter) than before but still there are few things that bothering me a lot:

1. I do not have puffy nipples anymore but still my areolas are somewhat bigger.

2. There is some loose skin (not hanging) around my chest.

Do I still have gynecomastia (residual breast tissues) or it's only in MY HEAD? How much would you rate my results on a scale of 1 to 10?

Your opinions and comments would be greatly appreciated.

More Post OP Pics:


Offline nick04

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I lost few kilograms too.

Pre-op Pics:





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Nick, it can take a very long time (months) for FULL recovery, what you have is swelling. You are doing great so give it time and try to be patient.

Offline nick04

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Nick, it can take a very long time (months) for FULL recovery, what you have is swelling. You are doing great so give it time and try to be patient.

Thank you for your thoughtful reply.  :) I will wait to see the final results. But do you think my surgeon did a good job?

My surgeon also told me that there is some loose skin around my tummy too probably due to weight loss so I should go for some laser skin tightening treatment. Can you comment on this please on the basis of the above photos? Personally, I don't want to go for any other cosmetic treatment.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2014, 06:30:26 AM by nick04 »


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Nick, I was a master carpenter so I could tell you if something was built very well, but I'm not a doctor so it wouldn't be right for me to judge the job he did! I can say that if you have lost a lot of weight you will have to do something about the skin if if doesn't shrink back in place.


Offline nick04

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Nick, I was a master carpenter so I could tell you if something was built very well, but I'm not a doctor so it wouldn't be right for me to judge the job he did! I can say that if you have lost a lot of weight you will have to do something about the skin if if doesn't shrink back in place.


Fair enough! I've lost only 10-11 pounds that's why I think I'm not a suitable candidate for this skin tightening treatment. One last question, based on the above photos does it look like I still have the gynaecomastia (doesn't matter if it's swelling, scar tissue or something else)?


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Your breast are a little bigger then some, but smaller then others. Compared to someone like me you have nothing to worry about, but then I don't let mine bother me. I'm 56 years old and have all the children and now grand kids too. Due the health reasons mine have grown to double D's.

Nick, your chest is made up of extra skin, fat and breast tissue, and they do not make you the man that you are and only control you if you let them. What makes you, you is what is in your mind and heart not your chest, so you need to take control of it.

Truth be told, only you can decide what you need to do with your body, be it the size of your chest, nose, ears or any other part! I think it is always more important to work on your inner self, that being self confidence, self esteem, self worth, spiritual beliefs, and what ever else needs work others then exterior looks, after all they will continue to change as you grow older anyway.

Offline nick04

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Thank you for the detailed explanation  :) 

Offline kumarravi

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What grade did the Doc put you in at the time of consultation?  I suspect yours would be 2b or 3a. Did you discuss your dissatisfaction with the surgeon ? If yes then what did he say ?

Offline nick04

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What grade did the Doc put you in at the time of consultation?  I suspect yours would be 2b or 3a. Did you discuss your dissatisfaction with the surgeon ? If yes then what did he say ?
Hi Ravi,

I'm not sure but I guess it was 2b. My chest in pre-op photos appears big not only because of gland but also due to pectoral muscles. Well, I have few concerns but I'm not completely dissatisfied with the results. I'm two months post-op and there are some visible improvements. I didn't discuss it with my surgeon but surely going to discuss in our next meeting.

It would be great if you comment on my post-op pictures. How do I look now?  
« Last Edit: February 21, 2014, 11:37:06 AM by nick04 »

Offline s00ntobe

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looks a lot better to me!

looks good!

Offline Paa_Paw

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Looks good.

Be patient.

It could take the larger part of a year before you actually see the final result.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Delivered

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Looks good but remember this is not the final result. You have few more months to go before you see the actual/ true results.
All the best.

Offline nick04

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Thanks, you guys just made my day.  :)

Thank you for your comment :)

@Paa_Paw, Delivered
Thanks, I will wait for the final results. I hope things get better everyday!

Offline miestissi10

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Looks good! Dont worry.  :)


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