Author Topic: Recent surgery with dr lista- residual swelling or still gyno?  (Read 3629 times)

Offline coco

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Iam 8 days post op. Had 750 cc +25g removed from each side. Unless I stand real straight , when I bend forward or jump, or sit, I still see gyno. I can also still grab tissue .Not sure if this is residual swelling or fat that should have been more removed. Considering how much I paid , I wanna get my $$ worth . Iam worried whether enough was taken out. From your experiences , is this normal and Iam I over reacting?
Plz advise

Offline Paa_Paw

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Post operative swelling can linger for the larger part of a year in some cases. You are being far too judgmental far too soon.
Grandpa Dan

Offline coco

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How long before I should be concerned . I've noticed a few posts by pple stating that within a month there at 80%.

Offline Siamm

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Dont you still have 3 more weeks to reach a month post OP?

Offline coco

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True, but even now approaching my 2 wk mark, I haven't noticed much difference from 1 wk mark. A lot of postings also indicate at 2 wks how tight skin is turning.
Sorry, Iam just anxious and worried

Offline ms123

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Did you sneak a look immediately after the op? If it was flat then it's most likely swelling. My swelling peaked at around 2 weeks.

Offline coco

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How long did or has ur swelling lasted?did u also have a sense of fullness with bending forward as well as still being able to jiggle ur chest?

Offline rhyno18

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It's too early to tell and too early to do anything about it anyway.

You'll drive yourself crazy worrying about it while you're still in the midst of the initial recovery.   Give it another couple of months to recover, then figure out what you have.

Offline coco

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Offline thetodd

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You've had invasive surgery, it's not going to be a quick turnaround. And to be honest your recovery will probably get worse over the next few weeks. Once the swelling goes, you may have scar tissue to deal with and then you mentally you have to adjust to your new chest.

Looking and trying to second guess what its going to look like, is going to make it worse. Its like watching a ticking clock and it appears that time has slowed down. Best you can do is relax and put it to the back of your mind, your not talking a matter of weeks to see the final result your talking months/years so don't get to hung up on it all.

Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline coco

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It's just that I've been seeing posts by patients who were not happy at few wks, than at 1 yr still. I realize dr lista does a lot of these, but when some pts like braveboy who did it with him and found minimal change, it's concerning.
This stuff is really mental torture. Iam officially 2 wks post op tomorrow.

Offline thetodd

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Everyone reacts differently, you've had a considerable amount of fat+gland removed its all down to luck and genetics really. I had a shit recovery, even though i was kind of tight lipped about it at the time mentally it took me about a year after the op to accept the changes to my body.

Dont worry, every emotion you are feeling is normal (including worrying ;))

Offline coco

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I hope ur right. It's definitely an emotional roller coaster .


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