Author Topic: Revision surgery today with Dr. Pensler  (Read 2457 times)

Offline Chicago Cop

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Hi guys:

I had revision surgery today with Dr. Pensler and it was enough of an experience that I thought I should share it with you - because I was wide awake and could see just how he "sculpted" the breast tissue inside of my right breast!

My original surgery with Doctor Pensler was back in Sep or Oct.  At the time, I related to you how a previous doctor had told me that he could do the job using only liposuction and how Dr. Pensler had taken the time to explain to me that liposuction alone could never deal with my excess breast tissue and might even make things looks worse.

At the conclusion of my original surgery Dr. Pensler showed me the immense amount of tissue that he had removed, (almost unbeliveable). 

Dr. Pensler had me come in for check-ups every couple of weeks all of this time, at no additional charge.  Even though I wore the compression garments for a full 6 weeks and then at night for another 2 weeks, the right breast did not settle down like the left breast did.  Dr. Pensler decided that he would like to remove a bit more tissue from the right side - again, at no extra charge.  I decided that if I were to go through all of this again that I would like to do it now and get it over with, (I am planning a trip to Florida the first week of April and I am going to take my shirt off at the beach for the first time!!!!!).

Dr. Pensler left it up to me as to whether I wanted to be put to sleep or use local anesthesia, (because he wasn't going to do more liposuction this time).  I opted for the local because that way I could drive myself home and wouldn't have to hire a car to take me from downtown Chicago all the way to my home 35 miles away. BIG MISTAKE on my part.

Dr. Pensler did everything he could to numb the entire area but let me tell you - injecting all of the numbing medicine was very painful.  I really don't recommend that anyone to this.  On the positive side, however, it allowed me to experience how Dr. Pensler "sculpts" the breast tissue.  After first opening the aureola and making a hole through which to work, he moved all the way around the clock with a pair of wide, flat shears snipping off small flat pieces of breast tissue - and let me tell you - that stuff is TOUGH.  The nurse, Jeanine,  gave me a rubber glove after the procedure so that I could pick up some of the pieces and feel them.  That breast tissue, especially after incurring the scarring from the original surgery, was as tough as the gristle in a cheap steak!  It was just amazing!  I just never thought that such tough stuff was inside of all of that soft and floppy MOOB I used to have!

Dr. Pensler kept going around the breast, shaving off little bits and pieces.  He then showed me how nicely the remaining breast sits into the muscle.  Then he closed the wound.

So now I am back in the compression vest for another month.  While it is not fun to be going through this again I am grateful:

1.  That Dr. Pensler opted to be conservative on the first surgery rather than make a mess of me, and;

2.  That he recommended we make an improvement on the right breast, without me having to request it, and that he did all of this at no extra charge.

I just can't say enough about Dr. Pensler's work and his ethics!  But I wouldn't choose to do it under local numbing again!  Just let Jeanine put you to sleep and trust that Dr. Pensler will take good care of you while you dream happy dreams!

Offline nick04

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Wow, I wish we had Dr. Pensler in India. My surgery (liposuction+ gland removal) was performed under local anesthesia but I didn't experience any pain during the whole procedure. Anyways congrats and I wish you a speedy recovery. :)


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