Author Topic: Need advice: right pectoral pushes nipple downwards when flexing.  (Read 7413 times)


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For some reason when I flex, my right pectoral pushes my nipple down (feels like fat).

The other pectoral when flexed stays flat.

My surgeon says it's not extra fat and it's because I have more muscle on my right pectoral. I don't understand this as it feels like fat to me?

What do you think? Here is a picture of my right pectoral without flexing and then flexing.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2014, 12:15:14 PM by BrandonPrice31 »


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Why would you worry about something like this? You need something to keep you busy, like a job, school, hobby or just a life, you look fine!

Offline gyno1990

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Also experiencing something like this. Looks very weird. Any insight would be appreciated. 

Offline TigerPaws

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Sorry gentlemen the so called problem is an obsession with the mirror, look in-between your ears not into the mirror and the solution to your perceived problems will become self evident.

No one is ever going to be perfect, everyone has something so do the best with who you are and what you have.

Offline gyno1990

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Sorry gentlemen the so called problem is an obsession with the mirror, look in-between your ears not into the mirror and the solution to your perceived problems will become self evident.

No one is ever going to be perfect, everyone has something so do the best with who you are and what you have.

I'm aware. Striving for perfection is silly but to tell people to accept things the way they are would destroy half the purpose of this forum.

Offline TigerPaws

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Sorry gentlemen the so called problem is an obsession with the mirror, look in-between your ears not into the mirror and the solution to your perceived problems will become self evident.

No one is ever going to be perfect, everyone has something so do the best with who you are and what you have.

I'm aware. Striving for perfection is silly but to tell people to accept things the way they are would destroy half the purpose of this forum.
Ok! So this and other forums close down. Why is that a bad thing? Remember a Physiologist is the best friend money can buy for 60 minutes at a time.

Offline gyno1990

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Sorry gentlemen the so called problem is an obsession with the mirror, look in-between your ears not into the mirror and the solution to your perceived problems will become self evident.

No one is ever going to be perfect, everyone has something so do the best with who you are and what you have.

I'm aware. Striving for perfection is silly but to tell people to accept things the way they are would destroy half the purpose of this forum.
Ok! So this and other forums close down. Why is that a bad thing? Remember a Physiologist is the best friend money can buy for 60 minutes at a time.

Because gyno isn't something men have to force themselves to live with. There are solutions.  Without forums like these, people struggle alone. 

It's unattractive and can be irrepairably damaging to your self esteem. If I had kids with gyno there's no way in hell I'd let them live their late teens and twenties with it. It's one thing to come to terms with it later in life when the majority of damage has been done but another to try to deal with it when you're being teased and have confidence issues. 

Offline cpa5oh

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This thread got weird: people are being told not to improve themselves physically and that the desire to improve is a mental problem.  Some seem to be trying to make others feel bad about wanting to improve themselves.  Guys with boobs are being told that the problem is that they look in the mirror too much.  
The guys in this thread might be of perfect mental health but want to better themselves.  You shouldn't sit here and play psychiatry expert with people you don't know well enough to possibly have an understanding of their overall mental well being.  
If you like gynecomastia and you have it, that's great.  If you have it and you don't like it (which I believe would be the case 95% of the time for anyone who hasn't completely given up on their physical appearance - let's not act like it's weird to have it and want to be rid of it) and something can be done, good on your doing something about it and getting closer to the best you can be.  That desire to be rid of gynecomastia, looked at by itself, is no indication of a mental issue (and depending on how you look at it, not trying to better yourself might be the mental issue).

Offline TigerPaws

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This thread got weird: people are being told not to improve themselves physically and that the desire to improve is a mental problem.  Some seem to be trying to make others feel bad about wanting to improve themselves.  Guys with boobs are being told that the problem is that they look in the mirror too much.  
The guys in this thread might be of perfect mental health but want to better themselves.  You shouldn't sit here and play psychiatry expert with people you don't know well enough to possibly have an understanding of their overall mental well being.  
If you like gynecomastia and you have it, that's great.  If you have it and you don't like it (which I believe would be the case 95% of the time for anyone who hasn't completely given up on their physical appearance - let's not act like it's weird to have it and want to be rid of it) and something can be done, good on your doing something about it and getting closer to the best you can be.  That desire to be rid of gynecomastia, looked at by itself, is no indication of a mental issue (and depending on how you look at it, not trying to better yourself might be the mental issue).
People (generally) have the right to do as they please as long as it will not effect or impact another.

Lack of self esteem is a mental health issue.

The issue is will a purely cosmetic surgical procedure (not reconstructive) make someone a better person? Will such a procedure solve their underlying self esteem issue(s)?

If we look at breast augmentation (again not related to reconstruction) which by most accounts is one of the most performed cosmetic surgical procedures why do so many women desire bigger breasts?

Money, Fame, the ability to attract a better mate? Improve their self esteem?

They why do so many of the same women have to procedure reversed or modified? Did they regain their low self esteem or did they discover after undergoing an unnecessary surgical procedure that their lives did not improve?

All valid questions? Just keep in mind that every medical procedure carries risks for a failed procedure from disfigurement, unintended/unforeseen consequences and even death.

The question is: Is it worth the risk? Everyone makes their own decision.

Offline cpa5oh

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Guy asks about one of his nipples behaving a little differently than the other and you jump straight to him having a problem with his self esteem.  He never said anything about being crippled emotionally and I doubt you know him well enough to know whether he is.

Self improvement is a good thing.  Some women want fake breasts because firm, full breasts on a woman are awesome.  Men want rid of gynecomastia because it isn't awesome.  Neither are the most important thing in the world nor do they define the individual.  But trying to be the best you can be - for yourself, for your spouse - is a good thing.  Not doing anything to improve yourself and going to a psychiatrist to make yourself feel good about being less than your best is kinda weak.  

Of course there are risks and of course self-determination and individual accountability apply: they always do and shouldn't need to be repeated over, and over, and over again.

Offline TigerPaws

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Guy asks about one of his nipples behaving a little differently than the other and you jump straight to him having a problem with his self esteem.  He never said anything about being crippled emotionally and I doubt you know him well enough to know whether he is.

Self improvement is a good thing.  Some women want fake breasts because firm, full breasts on a woman are awesome.  Men want rid of gynecomastia because it isn't awesome.  Neither are the most important thing in the world nor do they define the individual.  But trying to be the best you can be - for yourself, for your spouse - is a good thing.  Not doing anything to improve yourself and going to a psychiatrist to make yourself feel good about being less than your best is kinda weak.  

Of course there are risks and of course self-determination and individual accountability apply: they always do and shouldn't need to be repeated over, and over, and over again.
Self improvement can take many forms, and there is rarely an instance when most people would not benefit from eating healthier, exercising and improving their knowledge.

Then again is attempting to surgically improve your appearance going to make someone a better person? Will such a procedure improve their station in life? Or will the procedure leave them permanently disfigured or worse?

Low Self Esteem is classified as a Mental Health Issue. Look it up

Offline gbm

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Guy asks about one of his nipples behaving a little differently than the other and you jump straight to him having a problem with his self esteem.  He never said anything about being crippled emotionally and I doubt you know him well enough to know whether he is.

Self improvement is a good thing.  Some women want fake breasts because firm, full breasts on a woman are awesome.  Men want rid of gynecomastia because it isn't awesome.  Neither are the most important thing in the world nor do they define the individual.  But trying to be the best you can be - for yourself, for your spouse - is a good thing.  Not doing anything to improve yourself and going to a psychiatrist to make yourself feel good about being less than your best is kinda weak.  

Of course there are risks and of course self-determination and individual accountability apply: they always do and shouldn't need to be repeated over, and over, and over again.
Self improvement can take many forms, and there is rarely an instance when most people would not benefit from eating healthier, exercising and improving their knowledge.

Then again is attempting to surgically improve your appearance going to make someone a better person? Will such a procedure improve their station in life? Or will the procedure leave them permanently disfigured or worse?

Low Self Esteem is classified as a Mental Health Issue. Look it up

The guy never asked to be lectured about low self esteem etc.As far as gyno goes  it is far more than just a cosmetic procedure that you are trying to make it out to be the difference my friend between getting a boob job and gyno surgery is that one gives u a set of features u wish u had whilst the other removes an already present deformity. Gynecomastia can limit a man in many different ways, daily activities like running and working out become a challenge.


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Guy asks about one of his nipples behaving a little differently than the other and you jump straight to him having a problem with his self esteem.  He never said anything about being crippled emotionally and I doubt you know him well enough to know whether he is.

Self improvement is a good thing.  Some women want fake breasts because firm, full breasts on a woman are awesome.  Men want rid of gynecomastia because it isn't awesome.  Neither are the most important thing in the world nor do they define the individual.  But trying to be the best you can be - for yourself, for your spouse - is a good thing.  Not doing anything to improve yourself and going to a psychiatrist to make yourself feel good about being less than your best is kinda weak. 

Of course there are risks and of course self-determination and individual accountability apply: they always do and shouldn't need to be repeated over, and over, and over again.
Self improvement can take many forms, and there is rarely an instance when most people would not benefit from eating healthier, exercising and improving their knowledge.

Then again is attempting to surgically improve your appearance going to make someone a better person? Will such a procedure improve their station in life? Or will the procedure leave them permanently disfigured or worse?

Low Self Esteem is classified as a Mental Health Issue. Look it up

The guy never asked to be lectured about low self esteem etc.As far as gyno goes  it is far more than just a cosmetic procedure that you are trying to make it out to be the difference my friend between getting a boob job and gyno surgery is that one gives u a set of features u wish u had whilst the other removes an already present deformity. Gynecomastia can limit a man in many different ways, daily activities like running and working out become a challenge.

Gyno only limits you as much as you allow it to! I've serve my country 11 years, had 5 children, owned my own business, now have 4 grand kids and my boobs have grown to 46H, and I have lived a very successful life! So if you are held back because you have tiny little boob growth, it because you don't have the balls to move forward! So don't give me the shit that boobs hold you back and have ruined and messed up your life, you are in control, or should be in control of that, not some extra skin, fat, or extra breast tissue! Man up for heaven sake, be a man and stop whining!
« Last Edit: April 25, 2016, 06:42:17 AM by hammer »


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So this is the modern world - all wrapped up in the selfie culture?
Does anyone really care what a total stranger might think of their body?
As for:

This thread got weird: people are being told not to improve themselves physically and that the desire to improve is a mental problem.  Some seem to be trying to make others feel bad about wanting to improve themselves.  Guys with boobs are being told that the problem is that they look in the mirror too much.  The guys in this thread might be of perfect mental health but want to better themselves. 

No, this particular thread has nothing to do with a guy having boobs - totally different subject. This thread (like many others) is about guys not being GQ perfect and worrying about something that NOBODY would notice.

I'm aware. Striving for perfection is silly but to tell people to accept things the way they are would destroy half the purpose of this forum.

The half involving guys just short of perfection (apparently) and it causing low self esteem? There are some folks here that really have boobs and quite a few that have or had moobs, and this forum is here mainly for them anyway.

Offline gyno1990

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So this is the modern world - all wrapped up in the selfie culture?
Does anyone really care what a total stranger might think of their body?
As for:

This thread got weird: people are being told not to improve themselves physically and that the desire to improve is a mental problem.  Some seem to be trying to make others feel bad about wanting to improve themselves.  Guys with boobs are being told that the problem is that they look in the mirror too much.  The guys in this thread might be of perfect mental health but want to better themselves.

No, this particular thread has nothing to do with a guy having boobs - totally different subject. This thread (like many others) is about guys not being GQ perfect and worrying about something that NOBODY would notice.

I'm aware. Striving for perfection is silly but to tell people to accept things the way they are would destroy half the purpose of this forum.

The half involving guys just short of perfection (apparently) and it causing low self esteem? There are some folks here that really have boobs and quite a few that have or had moobs, and this forum is here mainly for them anyway.

Yes, moobs can cause self esteem and so can certain surgical outcomes. Why is that so ridiculous? You haven't even seen the defect in question on the posters in this thread nor are you aware of exactly how much it is bothering us. Asking about something doesn't mean you're worried about being GQ model perfect. Being curious and wondering is fine. I'd like this defect to be corrected but I'm not overly preoccupied with it. 


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