Author Topic: My life Gynecomastia  (Read 2935 times)

Offline tatica

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Hi to everybody,

First of all i would like to apologize if my spelling and grama isnt correct but i am from europe and my tounge language isnt english.

i had problems with overwieght since my 5th year. I remember that when i was a child i held my hand over my chest so nobody can see my breasts, even that young i had a problem even if kids dont have that kind of feeling beeing shy. Nobody understood me, even my family told me that is not a problem. Then came pubertie, and i got even more on wieght, at 15 years of age i wieghed 125 kg. I had breast bigger than the summo fighters. One day i woke up and decided ENOUGH! stardet training every day and in 2 years lost 45 kg! I did all of this alone without any fitness trainer or advice, just cardio training and reduced eating. NOW MY PROBLEM : after so much wight loss i ended up with GYNO BREASTS that looked  :( went under one surgery at age of 21years and didnt end up like i thought. i really had problems with selfconfidence, even having in mind i was the most loved one between my friends. Had problems with going to the beach and taking my shirt off, having a girlfriend and etc. fun as a young boy should have. Meanwhile i got married and have a wonderful wife and children, and i decided to go throughe one more surgery so now i can enjoy all that i missed with my friends with my children. so 1 month ago i had the second surgery and again FAIL ( I THINK ITS A FAIL - OR IS IT IN MY HEAD).  this is 1 week after OP. So in my head ok sweling and all of that will go away ... let the time work for you...but after exact 1 mont the result is this  AGAIN I AM DEPRESED! another year of summer without taking my kids to the pool or beach! WILL I EVER HAVE NORMAL BREAST? what do i have to do to have normal breast? I am ready for one more OP but i cant stand one more FAIL!!! Whats your oppinion what does it look like? BEFORE AFTER?

SORRY for the long text but had to explain everything so others could get something out of this!


Offline tatica

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Offline tatica

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1 month after OP

Offline tatica

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I think that you are looking much better! If you were to compare yourself with most men on the beach you would fit right in!

Having a totally flat chest isn't "normal" as much as some think that it is! All you need to do is look around at men and be observant to what they really look like, and you will see that very few are "FLAT".  As we age all that will change in time no mater what if they are, we can't change that no mater how hard we try.

Offline tatica

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Thx a lot, but i think the main problem is in the head. I still think i dont look normal or like a man should be. Think i need time to lose my self or whatever...


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Well you are a man, believe me! Look at "my story after all these years" in stories. I've got double Ds due to the lost of my testicles and I don't feel any less a man! So yes it is in your head! What makes you the man that you are is in your heart, and mind, not your chest.

Here is the link to my story, or just my pictures, and believe me, I've never felt any less a man for having the breast or because of the health problems! These will take you to the same page, but the last three are just the pictures.;attach=11365;image;attach=11367;image;attach=11369;image

Offline tatica

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Any other oppinions? How does it look now? Do i really have a reason to be ashamed at the beach?


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No, you have no reason to be ashamed! Not at all!

Since when does your chest define your personhood? What make you the man you are by what is in you mind and heart, not what is on your chest! Get things right on the inside, then what is on the outside will no longer mater, after all, that is only skin deep, your personhood goes all the way to your soul!

No, you have no reason to be ashamed! Not at all!

Offline cduub

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My honest opinion since it was asked, is that im not impressed with the results. Did you go to an experienced gyno surgeon? I think you should have looked for a better experienced surgeon because if you dont like them after surgery chances are you wont like them later. They still protrude out and doesnt look like a well around job from what ive seen on this forum from guys your size.

Offline outertrial

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Its much better than it was. You seem flatter after the op so maybe there is some swelling there, or possibly loose skin from the weight loss. I would get on with life now and enjoy the beach.


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