Author Topic: compression belt question.  (Read 1319 times)

Offline bbuilder85

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Dear all,

I was suffering from puberty gyno. 10 years ago I decided to get surgery. The surgeon said lipo would do it. Had lipo surgery but and it took all the fat out but I still had big glands. I wasn't satisfied. 6 month after I got surgery where he took portion of the gland out and said he would leave a portion to keep the nipple shape. I still had puffy nipples and the gland wasn't small enough.

Now 10 years later after bodybuilding for 10 years to get rid of the bad shape I became a reputable natural bodybuilder but the gyno was always holding me back from bgoong pro. I decided to get corrective surgery to get it over with. I had it done yesterday. I was awake for the procedure and the sergon was discussing what he was doing as he was cutting through me. He cut out the glands and he said there was a lot of fibroses that he took out too. After the surgery he said there was no need for a compression belt/vest. I was fine and drove home.

Today I woke up and there was a lot of swelling. I must have went through a thousand forums and all docs say compression vests/belts help with the swelling and fluid buildup. Problem is my surgeon traveled over seas and will be back after a week, that's when I'll go see him to remove the stitches. I had a compression tummy belt, I put it on to help with the swelling.

So now I started putting the compression belt 24 hours after the surgery.

My question is:

Should I keep it on till I see my surgeon next week or should I take it off? I just need some guidance on what I should do. It is extremely important for my bodybuilding career to get flawless result a from the surgery.

Sorry for the long story but I'm kind of freaking out here.


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I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, but my recommendation is to post on ask a doctor or just follow your doctors post-op orders!


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