Author Topic: I have concerns about my 11 yr old son  (Read 4184 times)

Offline turtletoes

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My  son is 11 and I have noticed for about 8 months that his right breast is larger than the other and the nipple is bigger more like a females. I took him to his doctor and he had some suggestion about the milk he was drinking and to cut back on beef and to do excercises for his chest mucles to help them fill in more, which we have done all of that, it has now been 3 months of doing that and I don't really see a change. Am I being concerned too early or do we need to go another route. I have done a little research on it and he is in the age range of puberty and that this may take like 2 years to go away which again is fine as long as it goes away.Can anyone give me a little advise to know what to do next? note his chest is not getting bigger.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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First, congratulations on being an observant and concerned parent.  What you are witnessing is hormonal stimulation which frequently occurs during puberty.  Not all young boys develop enlarged breasts -- there is obviously a genetic pre-disposition as well.

At this point, best bet is to watch and wait.  Reassure your son that this situation is frequently temporary -- but if it persists for two years or longer, then he may require surgery to remove the excess tissue.  He will feel better knowing that you are on his side and willing to go to bat for him. And if considering surgery, please go to a gyne specialist in your area.

In the meantime, perhaps you can purchase some tight, elastic T-shirts which cold provide him with a better shape and camouflage the problem.  The problem will not be with him -- it will be with other kids taunting him and embarrassing him -- and occasionally grabbing a nipple and twisting it.  He may be reluctant to take his shirt off to go swimming or to play skins vs shirts basketball.  Just reassure him to be patient and that when the time is right, things will get better.  There is no need for him to spend his entire teenage life hiding his chest from others.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
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Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline shreyas24

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My  son is 11 and I have noticed for about 8 months that his right breast is larger than the other and the nipple is bigger more like a females. I took him to his doctor and he had some suggestion about the milk he was drinking and to cut back on beef and to do excercises for his chest mucles to help them fill in more, which we have done all of that, it has now been 3 months of doing that and I don't really see a change. Am I being concerned too early or do we need to go another route. I have done a little research on it and he is in the age range of puberty and that this may take like 2 years to go away which again is fine as long as it goes away.Can anyone give me a little advise to know what to do next? note his chest is not getting bigger.

You should consult the best Cosmetic Surgeon in your city because it looks like as Gynaecomastia symptoms. Because after reading your comments, i came to know that it may be a chance of male breast enlargement or men's boobs. It effects due to imbalance of female hormones in men. But need not worry about it, it can be easily overcome from surgery.   


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Dr. Jacobs is right! He is young yet and may get though this with no problem. Hopefully he will out grow it, but not all do, so stay on top of it and as the doc said let him know that you are on his side and understand.

From one parent (grandparent) to another, job well done!


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