Author Topic: Considering surgery  (Read 1725 times)

Offline betterchestnow

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Thanks for creating this forum. I am in my late 30s, have had large breasts since my teens. In recent years, my breasts have become larger due to weight gain and the situation finally reached a point where I realized that I needed to do something about it. I am getting back in shape and losing weight, but I've also recently consulted with a surgeon about gynecomastia surgery.

I've been extremely embarrassed about this condition for most of my life. I never take off my shirt in public and usually wear multiple layers to conceal it (which is sometimes very uncomfortable when the weather is hot in summer). I can relate to all the pain and depression over the condition expressed here. It is very painful and emasculating to have breasts that look like a female. It makes me feel like less of a man and decreases my self confidence in all areas of my life (business, social, etc.)

The surgeon I've met with examined me and wants to do a liposuction only procedure. He believes it is best to start conservatively I guess, maybe especially since I am overweight and a large percentage of the gyneco is due to fat. If I do not get the results I am looking for, he is willing to do a second surgery for the excision of gland/mammary tissue.

My questions to this forum are:

1. Would it be better to just do the lipo/excision at the same time? I am concerned about having two procedures instead of one. If there's a high chance I will need the excision anyway, I would rather just do both at the same time.
2. What are the chances the lipo only will give me the results I want? I am not looking for perfection... I would just like to see a significant decrease in tissue in my breasts. The rest of my body is not in perfect shape, so I don't expect a COMPLETELY flat chest, just an improvement to the point where I am not terrified of anyone seeing my chest.

I have additionally researched some surgeries in third world countries where they will do both the lipo and excision at one time, but I do not know the reputation of those hospitals whereas the surgeon I contacted has a solid reputation.

Any help or thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

I have found a lot of information on the internet warning about getting lipo only surgery without removing the gland. However, it does make sense to me that a surgeon might want to try the lipo only surgery first and see if that alone could achieve the desired results.

Has anyone had a bad experience with the lipo only surgery? Has anyone had a good experience?

Offline cduub

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Do not do lipo only!!!! By the surgeon recommending that, its quite obvious he is not an experienced gyno surgeon. If you read through this forum in the DR section you will see that none of these EXPERIENCED gyno surgeons perform lipo only nor do they hardly recommend it. Youve wasted enough time so dont waste anymore with possible revision. Consult an experienced gyno surgeon or check out the ones on this site. What city do you live?

Offline betterchestnow

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Thanks for the reply. I think you are right. I met with the lipo-only doctor again and he admitted that he doesn't see many gynecomastia cases in his office.

I'm starting to think it would be better to just travel and go see an expert and have it done right. I think the doctor I spoke with usually just does non-gyneco liposuction. Based on everything I've read and seen, getting rid of the glandular tissue is essential for the best results.

As you said, I have suffered with this my whole life... it's probably better to pay a bit more and travel a bit to get it done right. I am currently researching doctors recommended on this site.

I will send you my location in a private message.

Offline London Man

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Hi. I would strongly advise against only Lipo. If you do Lipo only then the excess gland tissue becomes more prominent and accentuated and makes the whole thing look a lot worse. I went to see a lot of plastic surgeons before I had my op and they all advised the same thing that Lipo and excision achieved the best results. Ultimately decision is yours as you know your body better than anyone. Regarding traveling any significant distance for the procedure again I'd strongly advise against this unless your current location has inadequate facilities. It's best to be as close to home and family and friends as you can be without compromising on the quality of the facility and surgeon. This makes follow up visits easier and if you need to call on the help and support of your family and friends they're not so far away it makes this difficult.

Offline betterchestnow

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Thanks, London Man.

Unfortunately, it does appear that there is not much available in my area. So I will probably need to travel to have the surgery. I am concerned about follow-up visits and not being able to meet with the doctor again if I have questions though.  

But I have decided not to have the lipo-only procedure. What is amazing is that most of the prices I've see quoted for both the lipo and excision don't cost much more than the price I was quoted for lipo only, if you can believe that.


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