Author Topic: 72 year old growing breasts  (Read 3170 times)

Offline lakeannadamps

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After lurking on the sidelines for a while, here is my story.  I have been on the heavy side since high school but never had any issues with my chest that I can remember.  Fast forward through the years until about 25 years ago when I had a subcutaneous mastectomy first in one breast and about 5 years later in the other breast for lumps (benign in both cases). 

As time marched on, so did my health issues including prostrate cancer, silent heart attack, seizures, stroke and breathing issues with solutions of prostrate seed implant, quintuplet bypass, CPAP with O2 and a multitude of different medicines for the above.  All of this cause multiple doctor visits and has me taking a good variety of medicines some of which have side effects documented to cause gynecomastia. 

And at the age of 72, my breasts started growing (feminine shape).  This very much surprised me because of my history 25 years before.  Blood tests from an endocrinologist show elevated estradiol.  Apparently not that unusual for an overweight 72 year old male. 

With all my trials and tribulations, I am still alive and enlarged breasts is a small price to pay in my mind.  I am retired and keeping busy and surgery is far from my mind so I may have to start thinking about bras or other support if I grow large enough to feel the need.


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You are a good example of why I don't have surgery! I'm 56 and have been through many surgeries, both knees replaced, two back surgeries and a host of minor including the loss of my testicles in the mid nineties! Needless to say I've grown very large breast, double Ds, and yes I did hormone replacement for a while, but had side effects that were not very nice, so my wife and I decided I wasn't worth it!

Since 1994 I've have at least 7 surgeries, had to go out on disability in 98,  so cutting of the breast is the last thing my wife and I worrie about! Trying to walk better, improve quality of life is much more important. I also had the heart attact at age 37, I think caused by diabetes, but have been attact free ever since!

I'm one of the many here on the forum that wear a bra. My wife and daughters as well as extended family and a few friends that know support it and understand why. My doctor at the VA advised that I should wear one as well as go for a fitting.

Here on the forum we have a saying. "Bras are a article of clothing made to support breast, it doesn't mater if the breast is on men or woman"!


Offline Paa_Paw

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Good health and long life trump appearance any day. The more important things are like camping with grandchildren and sleeping through the night without needing to get up many times  every night to pee.

Our attitudes and priorities change as we get older.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Sven

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As time marched on, so did my health issues including prostate cancer, silent heart attack, seizures, stroke and breathing issues with solutions of prostate seed implant, quintuplet bypass, CPAP with O2 and a multitude of different medicines for the above.  All of this cause multiple doctor visits and has me taking a good variety of medicines some of which have side effects documented to cause gynecomastia. 
Wow, sounds like you've been through quite a bit! :o I'm 26 and my dad is in his 50's.  I had gynecomastia surgery recently, and looking at struggles my dad is facing due in part to his diet - my brother and I have started to get serious about eating healthy and exercising regularly. In the USA, we are raised on a diet of high starch foods, genetically modified meats, and sugary drinks.  I'm sure many of your health problems are purely genetic, but I think stories like yours, my dad's, and my grandfathers, should be a wake-up call to young people that we need to take up these disciplines now in order to preserve our health as much as possible.


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Sven, you are very right as far as the wake up calls! In my family we are very stronge and for generations have done things we should not have done, sometimes just to show off! I'm 56 and have tried to get my kids not to repeat the things that I've done or my dad and his brothers did to get their bad backs. My youngest son rolled a semi down the side of a mountain last year, if it wasn't for that, my kids have been doing better on the back care, but I don't know about the eating for sure!

Sven, I was I person that was healthy, so I thought until diabetes hit hard, and my body fell apart needing both knee replaced and back surgeries! Take care of yourself so you don't end up like some of us! Being retired at the age of 40 due to disability was not fun, I would much rather have my health and work a 10 hour day!


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