Author Topic: Surgery with Levick 7th May 14 (2 week photos added)  (Read 10229 times)

Offline Donut

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Patience chaps, patience!!!

I know that is easier said than done, and I was just as bad then as you are now, but patience pays off in the end... what's a few more days after years of suffering, and years of flat-chestedness to come?!

3-4 months down the line, if you're still loitering around here, you'll be telling the next batch of guys to have patience too!!

Basic message is keep up as much compression as you can bear, for as long as you can bear, for the best results.  Swelling proper won't have even started yet chances are - it can kick in a couple of months down the line.

I *think* I've progressed a bit over the past few weeks - it is 4 months this Thursday for me, so am going to take another set of pics then to compare with the 3 month ones, as changes are not really noticeable day to day any more.

The big change is notice myself standing / walking a lot straighter these days - never realised how much I must have unconciously hunched to try and hide chest a bit. People are saying I look taller!  ;D

Offline Swils29

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You're right donut. It's just hard waiting ain't it!!!

I'm already 6'4", if I get any taller I'll be ducking through doorways! Ha!

Look forward to seeing your updated pictures to see how you are progressing!  

Offline Simpsons123

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I'm 14 weeks post op started off flat and between 10 to 14 weeks I've gained swelling and scar tissue my right hand side. I spoke to mr levick he has ensured me it's early scar tissue and swelling it's annoying it feels itchy and if it don't go in a few months he will jab it. In my experience so far post op is the worst lol. Just my advice and trust me I no it hard just be paitent lol if anyone else can relate to this please out your input it. Or if u guys need some questions answerd to this stage just ask. :) how u getting on doughnut

Offline Swils29

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Cheers Simpsons123. I am going to persevere with compression. The first compression garment will have to come off tomorrow though as I'm back at work, so switching to the mail order vest (with nike pro combat compression top underneath). Just worried I'll be too hot!!!

I'm fully expecting swelling and lumps/bumps over the coming weeks. In yours and other peoples opinions, is this still loads better than pre op (e.g. Does everything still look fairly good under clothes), or do you find yourself having to cover this up too?

Offline Swils29

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Day 7 update.

1 week ago today I had just come out of consultation with levick with surgery booked for the day after. It honestly feels like everything has happened so quickly still doesn't quite feel real. I took dressings off armpits as there was nothing on them. Wound still looks more open on right hand side compared to left which is healing nicely. Everything is easier once those are off, I think the tape was making mobility feel worse than what it actually was.

I'd stopped painkillers yesterday as ran out, and bloated stomach has gone down a bit compared to yesterday.  Also managed another 1 hour walk today which felt more comfortable than yesterday.

Getting some weird sensations in left nipple area today, and felt slight movement/pulling when walking downstairs. Odd.

I've decided to keep the compression vest on overnight and will change to 2nd vest and nike compression top tomorrow for work.

Overall this has been my best day yet, mobility improving daily and feeling better with it. Can't wait for a shower in the morning once this vest is off!

Bit of a daft question but how long did people leave it before using deodorant/antiperspirant after surgery? Would roll on be a better option? 

Offline Simpsons123

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Straight after surgery was a breeze chill relax look forward to a shower just to look at chest lol then scar tissue swelling come along my left side is good and looks nice my right side is swallon and not quiet their yet I can't wait for it to settle and that will be that. I'm going to right a full story when it all settles etc. it looks a lot better then before surgery mine was just puffy nipples. I never thought much about post op before tbh but by far it's the most hardest mentally lol well done for getting it done. And happy healing mate

Offline Swils29

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Thanks mate and hopefully your swelling will s be done with soon!

You should start a thread, should help others know what to expect as they go through it. I know looking at people's stories really helped me in deciding to go ahead with my surgery!

Offline Simpsons123

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No worries if you have any questions at any time just personal message me. I'm going to do a whole detailed write up once it's all settled and I'm 100 percent happy so others can read the whole thing in one go and get a idea of the whole process. It's such a roller coaster ride. But I do plan on staying on here even once I'm happy with results just to help others deal with it.

Offline Donut

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Swilson - no lumps and bumps and swelling don't really show under clothes at all, at least mine didn't/doesn't.  If I stretch arms around back so as to really stretch out skin across chest, it shows up all the lumps and bumps, but even then not visible under a t-shirt. As for the swelling, it is pretty even across the whole area, rather than being confined to nipples, so again under a shirt it doesn't notice at all, if anything makes chest look more muscular than it is!

Offline Swils29

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Well...1 whole week since the op...time has flown by.

First thing was to take off the Macom vest and have myself a shower!  What a weird experience that was. When washing my chest everything was numb and felt very very strange! But was just nice to have a shower after a week of baby wipes!

Next was the task of getting dressed for work. I put on my nike compression vest, then the design Veronique top over that, then my work it felt hot. I decided to ditch the nike top and just wear the other underneath my shirt. Felt different to the Macom vest, and rubbed against my underarm wounds when driving and also when at work. Think I might put some padding there tomorrow.

Work itself was ok. I was worried people could see the vest under my top though. No one noticed (I don't think).

After work I caddied for the golf team I play for. I was officially the worst caddy in history...avoiding carrying anything at all!!! Was good to be involved a bit...can't wait until I'm well enough to swing a club again!

I'm back at home now...the Macom vest is back on as I've washed the dv top ready for work tomorrow. I'm hoping thus is ok to switch between the 2 whilst I wash them???

Also as promised I've attached the 1 week photos. Not much different to those posted the other day...but good to have them as a record for comparison as the weeks go by.  I still have crease in left nipple, and wondering if areole will remain their current size or will they reduce over the coming weeks?

Oh, forgot to say, at golf tonight I had the urge to hunch the shoulders and hide my chest as the wind was blowing on my front...then realised all the crap ain't there no more...felt great standing there, chest puffed out not worrying what it looked like  ;D

Offline Swils29

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Also attached the before pics and burger shot for having the flick back a few pages which can be annoying...

Offline Simpsons123

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Looking good mate that's a big slab of junk out mine was more like chicken nuggets haha.

Offline Swils29

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Yes he took a load out...a lot more than I expected!  Couldn't believe it when I saw the pictures he took!!!

Very happy he did though!  Just wish the recovery was over and I could get back to normal activities. I'm sure it will fly by though!

Offline Swils29

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Just a quick question, what is the recommended time to wear the compression top after surgery with levick? So not the one straight after surgery, but the second vest? Is it 2 weeks 24/7 then 2 weeks nights only?

Offline paul786

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yeah recovery is a bitch lol

I am only on day 6 and this binder is driving me mad
I may even ditch it today (a day early) and get a nice shower
and put on my compression vest.

I think Levick said

1 week on the binder then 4 weeks 247 on a normal compression vest.

this is what I will try and do.

I have read that the best results come from them that use the compression the most.


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