Author Topic: Is this Gynecomastia or just chest fat? (Quality Pictures)  (Read 3271 times)

Offline Michaelsupra

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I am really depressed :( I didnt have this 4 years ago when i was 14 years old, i was 132 pounds or 60 kilos. and i am now 78Kilograms. I ate too much fast food. Is this gynecomastia? Since i was a kid i always have inverted nipples because i am chubby but when it is cold or i go to shower it shrinks and became a regular nipple. I am a small boned guy. Please tell me if i have a gynecomastia.

Offline Michaelsupra

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Offline Michaelsupra

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Anyone.. Please? Everyones opinion is much appreciated. I am readdy worried. Thank You.

Offline Gyno4life

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I am not a doctor but as you said everyone's opinion counts for you.In my opinion your nipples don't look puffy so that's a good thing.It it true that you have a lot of fat in the chest area.I think excluding push-ups and let's say sport from your life might be that reason for your boobs not gynecomastia.


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I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on TV, however, I will have to disagree with the previous poster as far as it is or not gynecomastia!

The term gynecomastia is used to describe male breast enlargement, not whether it is fat or breast tissue! Everyone is born with breast tissue, having gynecomastia means you have male breast enlargement, and the only way the a person can tell this is a professional exam. Now granted, one can learn to tell the difference in fat and breast tissue by feeling them selves ie: self breast exams in time, however to truly see the amount in a case like his is an ultra sound would be needed.

I don't mean to be rude by this post, but I see people making these judgements all the time while others continue to ask the same questions without doing some research that could answer so many of there questions before they ever get to their first post.

The true answer to your question lies within your on mind. If you think you have big boobs then maybe you do and need to do something about it, but the truth is you are an individual and you should be your own person, and not give a damn what others think about you!

Just the way I think about it all, take it or leave it.

Offline Michaelsupra

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Thank you so much guys :) I appreciate it. I hope a Doctor will read this post and give an answer. :)

Offline rdculus

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My personal opinion: spend some time exercising and stop  eating the fast food that you cite as the cause of your weight gain. Many of us have flirted with being overweight and you mention that you've gained some weight recently. So, before you even consider surgery, stabilize your weight and get healthy. I suspect that 90% of your perceived problem  is simply due to weight gain and not to the endocrine issues that are the cause of gyno.

Getting your weight and any gyno issues under control without surgery is far preferable to surgery. Even with a skilled surgeon, there are likely to be scars and some unnatural shape issues that would be best avoided by eating healthier and exercising.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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You appear to be overweight.  At your age, with a bit of determination, you can easily shed those extra pounds.  If possible, get into the best shape possible -- even if it takes 6-12 months.  Then take another look.  Your chest will probably get somewhat smaller -- but there may still be some extra tissue there.  It then becomes a decision of whether you can live with it or want to seek an opinion from a gyne expert in your area.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline Michaelsupra

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Hello guys,

Just an update, i just recently went to a gyne expert. And we did all the test. Specially the ultrasound and mamography. It appears that everything is fat. That makes me very happy. They told me that my body stores fat mostly in my stomach and chest area. I also started doing intermittent fasting and loss 10 pounds of fat in 27 days. My chest is getting smaller. I am just really very paranoid. But thank you guys for everything :)


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