Author Topic: My surgery with Levick  (Read 5727 times)

Offline FrankMartin

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Hey guys, long time reader and I know how good these are for the mental journey whether it's your procedure or you're lurking or just drawing a bit of support while you wait. I know I took comfort in the fact it could be fixed and I could see other people living it. So here's my little bit.

Basically the same story as been told countless times on here, I first got puffy nipples in my teens. I went to see a doctor at my local hospital, he said it was pretty common and would go away. He was right in a way, it did go down and I forgot about it. In hindsight it was probably a sight my hormones or whatever were in a range where I was vulnerable.

I first noticed it after my second year at uni. I noticed in my summer holiday photos I was looking a bit fluffy and was surprised because although I'm no Abercrombie model I wasn't carry enough that fat moobs should have been on the cards. Fast forward another year, I'm sitting on a beautiful beach in a t-shirt. Although it still fairly minimal at a glance my moobs have grown so I can feel them with my hand. If there is a breeze or whatever I probably just look like I've been bulking and hit the bench press, but I know after a shower or being in a warm bed, especially if I lean over its clear that my chest isn't muscle. So mainly out of self confidence than anything, I was sitting on a beach in near 40 degree heat surrounded by girls in bikinis, in a t-shirt. At this point I knew I had an issue.

I had a read on here, among other places and self diagnosed. I went to my local GP more out of hope he could diagnose or give me some pills to stop any advance. Par for the course, the GP (not my usual I must add) basically lied to my face and said there was nothing wrong. At this point I knew I could expect any honest decisions from the NHS. I decided I was going to get this fixed sooner rather than later. Seeing as this is very much an appearance driven medical issue, and I fortunate enough to have some funds in the pipeline, I decided I was going to get it done properly. For me as many others, it quickly became a choice between the usual two UK pros! While I originally was set on Karidis, but after considering my personally needs (I scare and discolour easily) and the removal of the drains from Levick's technique, plus the prices, I was won over. There isn't much in it from what I seen.

Had my consultation a a few months ago. Levick was awesome, pretty much diagnosed it instantly, and laid it out as straight as you'd like. " most people wont notice, but you have. You don't like, I can fix it." So fast forward to today, and here I am sitting in a rather nice room at the priory hospital, in my paper pants my pumps on my chest and legs watching sky sports. Had my procedure this morning, piece of cake. Everyone was super nice, anaesthetist slipped in the needle first time barely felt it, funny taste in my mouth, next thing I know I'm waking up, gyne free. Been fine since, tv's good, food was pretty decent. It's a bit uncomfortable rather than painful, with the pumps, vest, and gown.

That's about it for now, thought I'd better get it down tonight. I'll update tomorrow, hopefully get the forum famous burger shot when I get it. Got a bit of a drive home, but I've got my slipper and duvet so hopefully it will fly by.

Offline Swils29

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Congratulations on your surgery mate and welcome to the other side!!

Hope you managed some sleep with the leg pumps going every few seconds!!!

You'll be amazed when you see what he took out!  I couldn't believe it.  Great feeling though.

Hope you're recovery goes well.

Offline sjwsjw

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Healing takes its time but it's worth it. Eyes on the prize  :P

Offline FrankMartin

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Had a pretty terrible nights sleep, more down to not being able to lie on my side, along with the leg pumps more than anything. Probably managed a couple of hours, although having drifted in and out in the afternoon it wasn't as bad.

The chest pump as annoying as it is did the business, had next to no bruising this morning although it's starting to come through a bit now. Levick came and visited, cheerful as always. Showed me the photo's. Wow. I knew I had more in there than it looked, but I had guessed that much. Knackered after the travel but I might upload it later or 2moz. Only got out 100ml of liposuction, but 80 grams left and 54 right of gland.

Journey hope was fine, the incisions are more annoying than anything else. Hopefully get a decent night tonight, and rest up!

Offline FrankMartin

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Decided to upload the burger shot. Not without difficulty I must say.

Offline Swils29

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Amazing what he gets out through a small incision in the armpits.

Great to think that's now out of your body though eh!

Offline NorthernPhysique

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Decided to upload the burger shot. Not without difficulty I must say.

I must say, I'm very surprised he diagnosed you with gynaecomastia, your before pics dont look bad at all.

Offline Donut

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Interesting how you had a little bit more of both gland and fat than me, but in your pics your gyne is (was!!) hardly noticeable - whereas mine definitely was.  (see page 7 of my thread for my burger shot!)

Looks like you will get a fantastic result!

...and yes, posting pics on here is a real pain! - if you have some photo editing software try reducing the quality a bit and saving them as jpeg - that helps to keep a decent size image whilst getting it below the pathetic file size limit.

Offline Ricardo7

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Decided to upload the burger shot. Not without difficulty I must say.

I must say, I'm very surprised he diagnosed you with gynaecomastia, your before pics dont look bad at all.

He definitely had gynecomastia, no doubt about it. Maybe not the worst case you'll see, but still had it nevertheless.

Congratulations OP

Offline FrankMartin

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I think I fortunate in the sense my gyne wasn't too noticeable, as I said in a cold room like Levick's theatre it didn't look too bad. But somewhere warmer and if I lent forward for example it became pretty apparent. As you can see from the burger shot, appearance can be deceptive in terms of volume, even Levick was surprised at the amount he got out.

I think my recovery is progressing well, day 5 now, got a couple more before I move to the new vest (which hasn't actually arrived yet, took other advice and waited to measure my new slim line chest before ordering). By about day 2 I was in a fair bit more pain, but the stuff Levick gives you is pretty strong, not using that now except when I got to bed, back to being in discomfort more than pain. Getting a bit more sleep though, still broken I wake up at least once but getting some solid hours in, although still hate not being able to lie on my side. Starting to feel the weird sensations below the vest though, kind of like I'm being poked or sensations of heat.

Got some rather spectular bruising and swelling around my armpits just above where the vest goes, but much less under the vest. The incisions are still a bit raw, hopefully they will close up in the next couple of days, or this new vest could be a bit of a pain, although I'm looking forward to a proper wash come Wed. Had a baby wipe wash, or whore's bath as I called it in front of the nurse, had a bit of feeling in one of the nips, other one is still asleep.

I'll snap some more pics when I change the vest over on Wed.

Offline Donut

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I found wearing a compression t-shirt under the vest made a huge difference in comfort as supported that whole top of chest / armpit area that had swollen where it wasnt covered by the post-op binder garment

Offline FrankMartin

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Well one week today I had my surgery. Just had my first proper shower (boy did it feel good) swapped over from the compression belt to the design veronique vest. Not sure I've actually got it tight enough atm, still on the first set of hook so a couple of others I can use. It seems much more comfortable, more flexible. I'm also glad it comes up a bit higher, the swelling and bruising above the old one was becoming near unbearable.

Took some more pictures. Pretty happy initially, trying not to get too set on anything as I know its all going to change over the coming weeks/months. Glad my nips seem to have shrunk up although not feeling much in them atm. Got a bit of creasing but that comes with the shrinking I think, nothing major but hopefully sort itself out over time. Still got a bit of a weird shape, with the flatness and then the mushrooming over the top of the old compression belt thing. The bruising is going down, not as purple as it was before, and the incisions are sealing up. I'm certainly much more mobile than I was, although I'm still avoiding reaching for anything or picking up anything heavy.

Offline FrankMartin

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And the side profiled ones, didn't like being attached with the others for some reason.

Offline FrankMartin

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Okay just over two weeks now. You can see from the pics, they were actually 2 weeks, bruising is pretty much all gone now, the swelling from the old vest has almost disappeared and the incisions are sealed but not fully healed.

Still got no feeling in my nips and got solid, slabs I would guess is the best description, of what I'm guessing must be scar tissue over each pec behind the nips. That leads to bit of a strange shape but as you can see with some of the side shots, but overall it seems to be settling on the surface at least.

Probably send some pics off to Levick soon, see if he has any comments but I think its progressing as planned. I think I'm supposed to start massage sometime soon, 3 weeks possibly?

Still have never successfully uploaded pics first go.

Offline FrankMartin

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And the side profiles


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