Author Topic: Haemotoma?  (Read 5395 times)

Offline irish_dude

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Well, I'm 14 days post-op (will do pics tomorrow).

I'm not exactly as flat as a pancake and I'm wondering could I have haemotoma and do I need to get drained?

I still can feel definate areas of fat on each side, and it's not swelling. However, it feels more like liquid than a solid. My left nipple looks rather black and feels crusty.

I'll arrange a check-up with Mr. Levick ASAP, but in the meantime, what are the dangers of Haemotoma anyone, and how does it generally manifest itself?

Offline RRB

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A haemotoma is internal bleeding. Chances are your being a bit paranoid, I was the same after my op.  THought  i felt liquid inside and called levick and explained the symptoms to him, turns out it was my imagination and paranoia.  Thats not to say you dont have a problem though so defo get a call into levick.

14 days post op tho you really cant expect to be flat as a pancake can you ?  Im almost 7 months post op and not totally flat, although i have quite large pecs :)

No disrespect to anyone on here but i have seen numerous people get paranoid and jump the gun, complain they are not flat and such, then they say they are only a week, a month or a couple of months post op. Patience is key here with this op.
Surgery performed by Mr Paul Levick, 17/02/05. I am here to help.

Offline idClarky

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I had mine done via NHS (using a cut around the bottom half of the nipple) and was given an appointment for two weeks after the op as soon as it was done.
It was explained to me that the technique used would likely bleed internally a little as it heals (not to the extent of haemotoma), and that this appointment a fortnight later would be to simply drain the excess blood away.
Sure enough, in the space of those two weeks, it had "inflated" back up to the size it was pre-op.
A little bleeding is nothing to worry about (in the physical sense), you could get it drained, or wait for it to be resorbed back into your body (much like the blood from a nasty bruise), only the latter will likely take some time.
Certainly make a call to check yourself out, but I imagine it'll be alright.  :)

Offline London_boy

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Irish, I'm in the same boat as you - 15 days post op and the bruising has almost gone completely and from a distance I look to all intents and purposes, normal.

My lhs is flat as a pancake (almost un-naturally so) but the rhs still has a ridge of fatty/liquidy swelling above the nipple. I'm not going to worry about it too much for the timebeing but like you I am going to arrange a follow up appointment with Levick in the not too distant future, and hope that it goes down/re-absorbs....

As RRB says, we are only 14ish days post op and I certainly went into this knowing that it could take months to heal, so try not to get too dispondant and keep the faith !!

Offline Fr1dayGTA

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these things are so much fun old heamatomas.
you shoudl let him or a doctor look at it heamatomas cause more scar tissue if you have large amounts of bleeding. I had a nasty one my rhs first time with levick whole right side was blacky /red and yellow looked like id been hit with a iron bar and was twice the size of the left side. Then when i had remaining gland and scar tissue removed the second time round and i thought it was all over i had a seroma which is the non blood liquid equivilant and again caused lots of thick scar tissue so much i need a third op rhs only to sort it.
without seeing your pics its impossible to say whether it should be drained or not as theres no way you can adequately describe it to give an opinion. Id see your gp and ask him to drain it if he can and dont let him fob you off saying it doesnt need it. Gps are concerned with your physical health not your appearance. I wish id had my seroma drained second time round but didnt knwo itd cause such complications and wasnt told by the guy whos spose to know so ....
« Last Edit: September 01, 2005, 12:17:06 PM by Fr1dayGTA »

Offline irish_dude

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again caused lots of thick scar tissue so much i need a third op rhs only to sort it
Wow, three operations? All with Mr.Levick?

I realise that it's early days, but I was just concerned about the possible dangers leaving Haemotoma untreated.

Offline Fr1dayGTA

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third on the rhs this coming thursday.
im as optimistic as a lemming.

doesnt sound like thats what you got if it was a abd one youd be more worried and would know
« Last Edit: September 02, 2005, 09:02:56 AM by Fr1dayGTA »

Offline Fr1dayGTA

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your photos look like normal bleeding/bruising levels not a bad heamatoma imo but im not a physician but looks nothing like my rhs was when i had it mine was much deeper and worse looking


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