Author Topic: Dr JB Ratti, Vital Clinic, New Delhi.  (Read 4787 times)

Offline ItHasChanged

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Greetings, fellow men!  

I had a slightly flabby chest since i was 15. It was nothing at the beginning but as time passed, the problem got "bigger", and i knew that it was not normal. By 19, i had full fledged man boobs.

Coming from a conservative family, i could not muster up the courage to discuss this with family. So i tried weight loss, hitting the gym etc only to find out that the boobs were not going anywhere.

Then came by the college period. Going into an IIT, where you are so close with your batchmates and wingies, and share so much (i had heard the stories)... i was full of apprehensions. For four years, i could not go to a pool party for the fear of having to take my shirt off. I was often mocked by names such as "booby" , "aunty" ... but you learn to put up a mask of good humour, and go get them on something stupid they had done, even sometimes share their fun in mocking you!

I got a job, and i knew what do with the big joining bonus that came with it. I started researching online, and came across many doctors in mumbai, chennai, delhi. mumbai was nearer to me, but i wanted to go to delhi, the city was familiar, and i have many friends there too.

So i went to the website of vital clinic, and mailed Dr JB Ratti my pics for prelim suggestion-

His response was quick - "classic gynecomastia". Also attached was a brochure of all the things i already knew about the situation, but still useful. I called the office to know when i can book the surgery, and got one convenient date after paying an advance of Rs 10,000. I took a week off from work (although the procedure requires one day for testing and prepping, one day for surgery itself, and a couple of days for resting and changing the dressings-  4 days total).

Finally the time came and here i was, in Delhi, all nervous. I havent had any fracture, no stitches in my life...yet there i was looking for the clinic on google maps - all alone! I didnt tell a soul about the procedure.

Finding the clinic was a little trouble because of the incorrect location google maps showed me. But when i got there, i was a little surprised, i have to say. The clinic was in a residential area, and it looked more like someone's home from outside. But, i thought that i have come this far, and should go all the way through!!

   The Procedure-
I dint have any physical examination before(only mailed the pics) so i had one with Mrs Neeta Ratti(Dr JB Ratti was in surgery). She examined me, showed me the slides of previous patients, and explained all the steps before, during and after surgery (i had seen everything before online, here and there, but i still looked interested!). Finally, they sized me up for the compression garment, took my blood for some tests before surgery(standard procedure), made me fill out a form(again standard), gave me some pills to take, and took an advance payment of Rs 30,000 (dont remember exactly). Told me to come next day(booked earlier) at 9am.

The day was here. I had a light breakfast as instructed. Got there at 8:58. Dr Ratti was still not in, so the took me to a room and told me to wait. I waited about 40-45 mins, before Dr JB Ratti called me into his room. Made the full payment there (again around Rs 30,000 if i remember correctly). Then, he asked me to take off my shirt for one final time for the markings which he did with a black marker.

Then i was taken to a helper of some sorts, who shaved my chest and armpits, and helped me into a surgery gown(yeah i had to take off all my clothes in front of him). I was given two pills which they told were standard before any surgery, to keep one calm perhaps i thought.

The surgery was really easy, unlike what i had thought. you lie on your back the whole time, and the put a sort of blindfold so you dont get the chills on seeing what they were doing.

They make two small slits either side, near the affected area. Then they inject some sort of numbing liquid through them - "tumescent technique" they call it, as you are full awake during the surgery, yet feel nothing. Then the pump out the fatty deposits near the mammary glands, standard liposuction. Once that is done for both sides, an incision is made just below the nipple through which the surgeon pulls out the gland and cuts it off(sounds horrific, but you dont feel any pain).

I laid there for about 2 hours, and dint feel any pinch. After removing the glands an sewing you up, they put tubes through the lower slit on either side to ease up the draining of tumescent liquid, dress up the area, and help you put on a compression garment(they sized me yesterday, remember?). Another copy of the garment is given to you, because you have to wear it all the time for around next two months.

After the surgery , i was taken back to my room, and given some juice and biscuits. The doctor came after 10-15 mins and told me that the surgery was a success and showed me what had been removed - two glands (55gm right and 60gm left, and some fat collected in a bottle). He gave me a few instructions, told me not to worry if a see a pinkish liquid on the garment, its not blood but the numbing liquid. Told me to come back the day after tomorrow to get the dressing changed, and wear the garment at all times.

I dint feel any pain right after the surgery, called my friends and had a good time, no physical activity though.Started feeling some pain in lifting hands after a while, nothing substantial though. Sleeping was a little issue though, as i had to sleep on my back only.

After getting my dressing(and draining tubes) removed, he asked me to come in for a routine follow up after three months or whenever i felt like it or if i had any problems, he gave me his phone number to contact him(9 months since, and i couldnt find time for one though).

I had been instructed to apply band-aids on the slits, as they were small and neednt be stitched. Other than that, just keep the physical load down for two months till you remove the compression garment for good. The stitches on your nipples dissolve out in around 50 days.

I stopped wearing the garment after 45 days or so, and started jogging and light physical activity after another month. After around 3-3.5 months, i was hitting the gym and lifting weights like nothing had happened.

The whole process took around 60-65,000 for surgery, and another 5,000 for two compression garments.

Life is so much better now. I have learned swimming, and especially taken up an apartment with a swimming pool. I wear t-shirts freely.

I guess i just wanted to thank Dr JB Ratti for changing my life, and to all those who are searching for a surgeon for the same thing, i doubt you can find one better than him.

Here are a few pics taken today(about 9 months after the surgery)-

Offline sml1997

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Thanks for sharing your story. I am currently in New Delhi right now. I had my procedure done on Monday. I am from the U.S. and I flew all the way out here to India by myself because the professionalism and the amount of information Dr. JB Ratti shared with me.

I am forever grateful to him for ridding me of a condition that I suffered with for nearly 25 years.

I had an extreme version of gynecomastia and where many doctors in the US would not work with me... Dr. Ratti was more than happy to...he was insightful and caring.

I can't forget to mention.... that Dr. Ratti prices are extremely reasonable for the service he provides. For was about 1/6 the cost of the procedure done in the US. And most of the surgeons in the US that I've talked to..said nothing about the "temescent" technique.

It may have taken me 24 hours to get from the US to India...but it was worth every minute. I get my dressing removed tomorrow.

One might ask...why am I so excited and I've not seen the final result yet? I am not looking for perfection at all....I am simply looking for normalcy. I just want to be able to walk down the street with a t-shirt on and not have EVERYONE staring at me. In my opinion...if you're looking for perfection...then gynecomastia may have not impacted your life as it has mine. But for the balance of us out there....I am sure you can agree.

This is truly life changing moment for me...and from the bottom of my heart I appreciate Dr. JB Ratti for all he has done for me.

I encourage all those that want to change their life... partner with Dr. Ratti...he will work with you.

Thank you to the original poster.... I appreciate reading your story. A few months down the line... I will post me own story. :)

Offline ItHasChanged

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So it has been a year almost since i had the surgery. I took up weight training a about 3-4 months back to get back in shape, because reducing physical activity post surgery made me gain some 7-8 kgs. I really enjoy working out, and it has become sort of a therapy for me, i look forward to every single session :D. couple of recent pics

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Offline Dave92

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Hey bro, looking good. I bet it feels good to go to the gym know youll have a body you feel proud of. Just a note though, I don't know if you realised but  your shoulders quite rounded. Maybe since youre going to the gym regularly you can fix your posture so your chest stands out loud and proud ;)


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