Author Topic: Your opinion please...  (Read 4043 times)

Offline unhappy24

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Hey you gyus,

I need to know whats going on with me, so please help me...

My breasts have been like that since I was about 14 (I am now 24), and I remember my breasts hurting really bad if anyone just touched me slightly.

I gained about 15 pounds in the last few months, so I am currently a little overweight, but I am working on that issue.. ordinarily I am quite muscular, sadly my chest has always been a joke next to my biceps :(

First pic:
best quality pic I could find.

Second pic:
side view, sorry about the bad quality, but I hope you can still see enough

Third pic:
Again, sorry about the bad quality.. For this pic I pinched my breast together as far as it would go, then pain and some hard tissue stops me from pressing further together.

Thanks for your time&help!

Simon AKA unhappy24

By the way, does anyone know a (good) surgeon in Germany?

Offline unhappy24

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Hey guys...

154 views, but no replies?

Could you please tell me what you think?

Thanks so much!


Offline Worrier

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I would say it looks like fat, although from your description you got it at puberty.Not a very bad case too me.

Iam british so I don't know any good docs in Germany. Soz.Maybe see your GP , (do you have those in Germany) ? and see what he says. I would get a hormone profile done before seeing a PS ,you don't want the darn things coming back ...

Offline GuckFyno

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It looks like fat to me too, your lucky you dont have the puffy nipples so losing weight and toning up your chest with high reps/low weight exercises may virtually wipe it out.

Offline ruggedtoast

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Im afraid those photos dont really tell us anything. You need to post ones of your full torso front and side, arms up, down and hands on your hips. Theres no way to see what the rest of your body shape looks like so its impossible to make a judgement about your chest.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2005, 01:33:03 PM by ruggedtoast »

Offline csite

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You need to lose ABIT of weight first, then start chest execises, i made a post a few month ago on it, let me find the link....;action=display;num=1123411606

Stop being lazy and putting on weight, if your concerned about the chest, stop the unhealthy foods, do alot of cadio. You dont have to go on machines, you can do it in your own back garden if its big enough, just keep running. OR play basket ball for 2 hours every 3 days or something.

If your going to eat, dont eat unhealthy foods, eat more things like fish, recently i read into a article how much creatine helps muscle building too, but i would say its not for beginners!  ;D

So basically, lost the fat, you will pretty much lose the chest too. I wouldn't go as far as calling that gyno. Gyno is bullet nipples, that is just fat and years of sitting not doing execise, right?

Offline unhappy24

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Thank you guys for all the replies.
The thing is I really tried toning up my chest and the results were quite visible. I went to a gym and did a lot of benchpresses... my roomie and I do 50 pushups in the morning and 50 in the evening... yet there is still that "tissue" just below the muscle... I dunno...

maybe it is the food though, you might be right about that.

Thanks again,

« Last Edit: September 09, 2005, 09:55:05 AM by unhappy24 »


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