Author Topic: Surgery done 02.10.14 with Dr Levick! Now With PICS - Page 2/3!  (Read 9076 times)

Offline freedom1987

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Welcome to the other side :)

That's some burgers you had!  :o

I showered after 9 days, when I took my binder off for the first time the feeling was so strange I had to I sit down lol. I literally had it on for the 7 days constantly, even tightened it after 5 days.

Remember rest is key. At this stage I would think the bond between skin and chest will still be reasonably weak, breaking it could add weeks / months onto recovery.

The bruising should arrive over the next couple of days, probably followed by some nice scabby nipples lol.

You got any before n afters for us?

Offline FlatAsAPancake

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Hey man!

Yeah I've got some befores, I'll just need to take some afters at some point. I shouldn't get scabby nipples hopefully😑! as I'm wearing a compression vest underneath as the binder was rubbing on my skin!

Haha thanks, it's put me off beans on toast for a while! :p

Offline freedom1987

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I remember waking up one day and looking at my chest to find them scabbed over lol. Wasnt aware of any major rubbing happening.

Did you do a tshirt before? also a favorite for people wanting to get this operation. aww to wear a tshirt in public.. :)

Offline FlatAsAPancake

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No tshirt photos unfortunately. They were all topless. Yesterday I noticed that my chest went all hard and lumpy so I sent a couple of photos to Dr L. He replied within 24 hours even though today is a Sunday which surprised me!

All is fine and I have no fluid at all by the looks of it. Other than that and a few photos which I'll upload tomorrow, not much to report.

Offline FlatAsAPancake

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Quick questions to those post op;

I can't find the information at the moment, but when are you able to not have to wear the vest 24/7?

My nipples are somewhat creased at the moment. Can I expect this to improve?

I occasionally get a strange sensation in one particular spot where it feels as if the skin is pulling away from the muscle. Any ideas?

When did you start massaging?

Day 16 post op now. Everything is going well, still have a fair bit of tightness in my chest and the scar tissue is building now and it's all lumpy and bumpy, especially on my left side, and almost all the bruising is gone now.

Other than that, not much to report.

Will get round to putting some pics up soon.

Offline jinr0h

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Thats a lot of gland  o.o
When i try to ''feel'' mine it seems around 1 by 1 inch at max...(i have some mild gyne tho) how much of it could you feel pre op ?

Also gz on the surgery :)

Offline FlatAsAPancake

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I could pinch about an inch and a half. I will get round to putting up some pics!

Offline FlatAsAPancake

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Finally got round to taking some pics!

I'm almost 5 weeks post op now and I spoke to Mr Levick around the 3 week mark and he advised me to start massaging providing that  there was no pain, which there wasn't. He also advised me that I no longer had to wear the vest 24/7 and only to wear it at night for a couple more weeks. So as of this Thursday I'll be ditching the vest aswell.

I'm fairly overweight which I'll soon be tackling when I get back to the gym - can't weight! (See what I done there?)

In the after photos you can see that there is still a little tiny bit of swelling and I have fairly severe creases in my nipples and I'm hoping that these will eventually tighten up and flatten out.



Sorry about the picture quality, it was taken with my phone in poor lighting.

Offline brittguy1068

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Offline carlisle29

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Great result, well done.

I wondered if you went ahead with the interest free payment plan? And if so, how does it work?  Hope you don't mind me asking

Offline FlatAsAPancake

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Hiya mate.

Yeah I only needed to take out £1000. They ask you how many months you want to borrow it for but I just did a simple 1000/12 so I don't pay any interest.

Offline carlisle29

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Thanks for that. Good to know.  I hadn't seen anyone else mention this as an option but it definitely makes me think. I had been looking at the poland option too.


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