Author Topic: Body hair  (Read 6948 times)

Offline Paa_Paw

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"An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels."

Yes Bob, but you knew that even without me quoting Proverbs.

Grandpa Dan


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"An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels."

Yes Bob, but you knew that even without me quoting Proverbs.

Yes I do, and you know this even without me quoting,

And A husband shall love his wife as Christ loved the Church! Ephesians 5:25

Offline Jonathan Michaels

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Brothers , me in my life was not a hairy person at all ! , I had clean shaved looks , I used trimmer to keep my beards in fine look, however pubal hairs and underarm hairs are alot of there , last year when I gained puffy nipples due to gynecomastia than I started to grow hirutism type hairs on arms and chest though .

Offline HairyKnockers

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This is really an interesting topic to ponder regarding someone who may have an endocrine balance issue underlying their breast development.  There has been considerable study on why people have certain body traits; height, coloring, hair.

Your amount of body hair is mostly a function of genetic predisposition.  Your genetics are greatly determined by your ethnicity.  Whether you fulfill those genetic predispositions is governed by your environment.  A malnourished child will have a hard time reaching their maximum potential height even if they have a tall genetic predisposition.  So it would seem likely that a man with screwed up endocrine levels would possibly not have as much androgenic hair as one with normal or higher endocrine levels.  In my readings over the years I came across a study on relative endocrine levels compared against racial and ethnic groups.  Their conclusion was that the hairier groups of people tended have higher androgen or estradiol production overall.  Probably not a big surprise based on simple logic.

While the Ainu people of Japan and Russia, an extreme minority in both countries, are the hairiest people on earth there are many others genetically predisposed to more hair.  Typically people from the Mediterranean and Middle East down into India tend to have more body hair overall.  Finding a Scandinavian or Asian without much body hair would not be out of the normal realm whether they have gynecomastia or not.  So we would really need to study people, in a large enough population, that are racially or ethnically predisposed to heavy body hair with gynecomastia to draw any meaningful conclusions if that alters hair growth.  Anyone up for writing a grant proposal?


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No money to donate here, but I'm a half breed! My father is full Polish and my mother was full German!

Gee, how time flies! In their day, the town that they lived in was made up of small areas of Polish people, Germans and Croatians. I'm the only one in my family that still lives here. it's a suburb of St. Paul (however across the Mississippi) different county! it's now a town of almost 22,000 and every ethnic group on the face of the earth. funny thing is though, the home I own was built in 1968 on one of the last farms that was left here in my town!
« Last Edit: December 10, 2016, 12:00:53 PM by hammer »

Offline expedient-traveller

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Being a German/ Scottish/ Native American mix gives a strong beard but no leg or chest or general torso hair. I have stopped wearing shorts  (in the summer) due to questions of me shaving my legs...which I do not. Due to very low testosterone and high levels of estrogen, what little hair I have on my arms is very thin. Thank God for the beard though!

Offline Jonathan Michaels

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Hairyknockers, you are how I used to be until I lost the testicles, can't say I miss all that hear, but I'm still glad I have my beard though! it's getting long again, Debbie is going to trim it for me this weekend. she does that and my hair cuts  saves money and does a great job too! It's great having a great wife!

Okay guys , In my case I became more hairy after gynecomastia , I am 21 years old , I had hairs on my legs and arms , I still don't have beard , it takes me 1 month to mature beard , I shave it daily , but after gynecomastia I have became slightly more hairy which makes me surprised , I have started growing hairs on belly and chest and around nipple .

Offline HairyKnockers

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Wow Hammer, your Thanksgiving dinners must have been interesting.  Those two countries have been invading each other since the middle ages.  Back when Poland was mostly Poland but Germany was many different confederations of things.   It is only after WWII that they have each stayed on their own side of the border.

During one of my graduate degrees I had a psychology class that touched on the differences in ethnicities.  I remember a study, I believe by Julius Fast, between German and Polish communities in America.  One of the examples was the way they behaved in lines.  They studied lines in at theaters; the Germans were always in perfectly spaced, straight, single file lines.  The Polish were exactly the opposite; they were bunched up all around the ticket window sort of pushing between one another.  Something that could only be described as total mishegas.  Each group was fine with the way they conducted themselves but had great contempt for the other.  Like I said, must have been interesting dinners with both sides of the family.

By the way, I asked both German and Polish friends when I had the class, some 35 years ago, what they thought of the example and a few others I remembered at the time.  They all thought it was extremely funny but very accurate, especially about the other group.

Offline paulpark21

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I had only moderate amounts of body hair.  When gyno started (later in life) I just accepted it.  I now wear a bra (38 B) .  I didn't like the hairy look with the bra so I decided to get rid of all my body hair.  I use an epilator most everywhere (legs, arms, chest) and get my back waxed every so often


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Wow Hammer, your Thanksgiving dinners must have been interesting.  Those two countries have been invading each other since the middle ages.  Back when Poland was mostly Poland but Germany was many different confederations of things.   It is only after WWII that they have each stayed on their own side of the border.

During one of my graduate degrees I had a psychology class that touched on the differences in ethnicities.  I remember a study, I believe by Julius Fast, between German and Polish communities in America.  One of the examples was the way they behaved in lines.  They studied lines in at theaters; the Germans were always in perfectly spaced, straight, single file lines.  The Polish were exactly the opposite; they were bunched up all around the ticket window sort of pushing between one another.  Something that could only be described as total mishegas.  Each group was fine with the way they conducted themselves but had great contempt for the other.  Like I said, must have been interesting dinners with both sides of the family.

By the way, I asked both German and Polish friends when I had the class, some 35 years ago, what they thought of the example and a few others I remembered at the time.  They all thought it was extremely funny but very accurate, especially about the other group.

Acually the family's got along very well! One of the stories the dad would tell though that got mom's mom upset, is mom and grandma would go play BINGO so dad would bring a case of beer over (they lived about 2 houses away from each other) and dad and grandpa would kill that case of beer before they got home from BINGO! I got grandpa's name for my middle name and the only thing I can remember about him is he would always call me his little Herman!

Dads dad died 2 years before I was born, but mom's dad had 16 kids so I'm still meeting relatives that I've never met before. Last year I met one in a waiting room at the VA and went to a hug family reunion due to the run in!

We are finding that on both sides that the history runs deep! Dads side was originally Jewish and converted to Catholicism, back in Poland many years ago, and mom's side left France because they would not convert to Catholicism!

I grow up Catholic, but left the Catholic Church 30 plus years ago. Strange twist in a family history.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2016, 01:42:27 PM by hammer »


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30 years old here. I honestly have always detested all body hair. I workout a lot so i always justified my shaving of legs and arms to that as many who build shave to show off more of the muscle contours. Never had a lot of hair ever on my upper body so shaved it always just so it isnt patchy. Althougb i quit shaving arms and legs when my breasts began growing more last year as i dont want ppl thinking im trying to be fem. Also wife hated it so win win for self and her


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