Author Topic: Mr Levick - 03/09/14  (Read 11212 times)

Offline Pdc41

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Yes tingles, pins and needles and at items more jabbing pains. All seems to be part of the process for me.

As before I am one week ahead of you, and all seems fine with some days easier than others. I did notice some fluid this morning. Not sure if normal or how long been there as not been proding and it's not really noticeable with out pushing. Wondering if normal


Offline freedom1987

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Good to hear :)

I would say a little fluid is normal, big build ups then an email to Mr L would be a good idea tbh.

Offline freedom1987

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Also forgot...
Day 6 -

No real changes...
Some tingles here n there.
Nipples feel attached to chest wall, slight tugging after lying down for awhile.
Roughly 8 hours away from taking this binder off! Stinks of BO and really needs a wash lol.
No pain, mobility little better than yesterday.
Feeling Great!

Offline freedom1987

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Day 7 -

Took binder off, was an interesting experience...
Lots of tingling, pulling feelings and this strange feeling of blood filling my chest muscle.
Was feeling a little faint if I'm honest, no pain what so ever. Just me being a wuss lol.
Couldn't bring myself to showering.

Day 8 -

Took vest off, felt fine so I showered.
Discomfort when at 80% stretch, no pain.
Feel great.
The pictures are from day 8, little puffy on one of the nipples.. Hopefully it sorts itself out.
Emailed a load of pictures to Paul, will post his reply if there's any valuable information for everyone.

Stay tuned for my before and afters!
Will post them for my day 9 update

Offline maurice212303

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Hi Mate

It looks amazing - congratulations!!!!

Offline freedom1987

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Day 9 - (My Birthday :D )

Mobility increasing slightly.
Can put a tshirt on and take it off without any problems.
Slight nipple puffiness looks little less, added some extra padding to that side.
Wearing a nike compression tshirt under the compression vest. - x10 more comfortable.

My before and afters.  ;D
Will upload tshirt before and afters for Day 10.

Nike Compression T + Vest:

Offline freedom1987

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Think the next set of topless photos will be for day 14, changes are so small it's not worth posting them daily.
Still taking daily photos for myself. What i plan on doing is taking a picture a day untill a look fully healed ( no bruising etc) then making them into one of those 1 photo a day videos.

Hi Mate

It looks amazing - congratulations!!!!

Thanks! Really happy with how things are going just now!

Offline freedom1987

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Day 10/11

Comfortable moving around, only a little discomfort at full stretch.
Nipples are a little sore, scabbed slightly as well.
Swelling near the incisions has gotten softer, was pretty hard before.
Can put on t-shirts now with no problems. 

Had sent my 8 day post op pictures to Mr L as requested. His reply was that everything looked really good and that I appear to be recovering quicker than average. Also just just to keep the compression up.

I personally believe the good recovery is due to:

- No alcohol for months pre OP
- No Smoking (if you smoke invest in a good vape setup)
- Arnica Pre / Post OP
- Bed rest 7 days
- Binder never taken off 7 days
- Tightened binder after 5 days
- i added padding to both nipples after 2 days, I would recommend doing it before you leave the hospital !

Offline maurice212303

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That is a brilliant outcome - I have stopped the cigarettes and really cut down on the drink - might even give it up for the next three months!

You look really good mate really pleased for you!

Offline freedom1987

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Hey everyone :)

About 40 days post OP now. (5 weeks Wednesday)

Im pretty much back to normal in terms of mobility, the tiniest of pulling sensations when at full stretch above head.

Today the scabs on my nipples fell off, they look like castings of my actual nipples.
Now having normal coloured nipples it draws less attention to the chest area, makes it look better.

Still have a small pocket under my left nipple, is very soft and doesnt really bother me. Ill be updating Mr L in the near furture of my progress so i will mention it to him.

Im massaging once a day, twice if i remember. Cant decide if it helps or not but will continue to do it.

Wearing the compression vest for 14-16 hours a day. I sleep and work in it, have it off rest of the time. I have had extra padding on the left side to try combat the little pocket of swelling, cant decide if its actually helping or its just me healing over time.. will try even more padding for that side, see if it helps anymore.

Saturday morning will be my first time back at the gym in 6 and a half weeks. Will be doing my normal lifting routine but with light weights, really just looking for a pump to see how things feel rather than training for muscle growth.

Muscle felt like i had trained my chest really hard right up untill week 3/4, it now feels fine to touch / poke.

Anyway... This journey has been pretty easy if im honest. Wouldnt say there was any pain at any point, this was the thing that made me nervous the most! I rested alot, i lay around playing my PS4 for a week straight. Week 2 got slightly more active, week 3-4 working full time on light duties. Tuesday i start back on normal duties because i feel fine now.

My advice to anyone wanting this done. Dont go get it done on the cheap. DO what Mr Levick tells you, if he says keep the binder on 24/7 he means keep it on for 24 hours of the day.
He says rest, you rest.
Ive rested a hell of alot more than any of the other progression threads ive read in the last few months. When you think about it.. 4-5 weeks of rest and being lazy to help something heal that will last a life time.... no brainer really!
One last thing, you need to eat to recover. Going on a diet while your body needs food to heal is NOT a good idea. Honestly guys there is no point in dieting while you are healing, you can easily lose the extra weight once you get back on your feet.

Ill post up a couple of snaps later on today.

Offline FlatAsAPancake

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Awesome progress man! I'm 4 days post op and I'm glad you've written up the early days of recovery. Thanks!

Offline freedom1987

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Both scabs are off now, took the pictures before the second one came off!

Offline freedom1987

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Taking pictures in the mirror isn't exactly the best, will get someone to take a few better quality snaps in the near future.

Any questions fire away guys.

Offline freedom1987

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Went to the gym on saturday.. no pain or any problems really. Touched my chest a couple of times with the bar which wasnt that great a feeling, went with dumbbells to be safe.

Work out seems to have helped my swelling on the left slightly, or maybe its just healing over time.. who knows.

Still to get someone to take a my pictures, will most likely shave my front beforehand.

Will try get them on here over the next few days :)

Offline freedom1987

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Hello again!  ;D Happy new year to everyone.

Post OP 17 weeks (yesterday).

Not an awful lot has changed since my last update.
Still getting random feelings from nerves etc
No pain other than some pulling when at maximum stretch.
Still taking it easy with overhead exercises at the gym but the rest of my lifts are back to normal weight.

My incision scars are still visible. The skin in that area is stretched and really thin anyway (stretch marks etc) I doubt they will get much better, being pale doesn't help either.

Still a little swelling here n there on my chest.

Really happy chest wise now, just need to get my body fat lower!

Will post pictures below ---


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