Author Topic: Is this gyno?  (Read 2908 times)

Offline puffynipples69

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I always wear a sweater to try and hide it... I can't afford surgery and I'm 17 years old, 6'1 and 155 lbs. Any chance this will go away or maybe upper chest exercises could help? I really need some advice, this is tearing me up inside.

Offline Zenxer

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It does look like some tissue is present underneath your nipple.

The only way it would go away is either
a) you recently got it, and with due time there is a possibility it will disappear
b) surgery

If you've had this for over a year, then I'm afraid to say it is here to stay. The only way to get rid of it is indeed surgery. No, working out won't do anything, it'll only make it look worse. I also used to think I could workout and make my pecks look better, but as I gained muscle in my chest, it pushed my nipples out even more.

My surgery was done on Oct 20th, 2014 by Dr. J. Craig Fielding in Toronto, Ontario.

Offline puffynipples69

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Unfortunately I believe I've had this for a while... I'm terrified that this is permanent and have been contemplating suicide for a while now. Any advice on how to hide this is greatly appreciated. Surgery is just too expensive and I can't go on like this for long enough to save up that kind of money. I was also considering (this sounds extreme, but I think it could work.) cutting the tissue out myself and going to the hospital to get it stitched back up without the tissue. I live in Canada so I think it would be free. I know that sounds so stupid but I'm desperate.

Offline Zenxer

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Don't cut out anything yourself, it will just look way worse than it does now. Suicide? Don't even say that man, you will be just fine! Start saving your pennies now, and figure out a way to mention it to your parents, and have them completely understand where you're coming from.

Do you have a job? If not, you could get one, and save every cent towards gyne surgery, believe it or not but you could have the money within the next few months easily.

Where are you in Canada? I just paid $1805 total to get my surgery done in Toronto by Dr Fielding(a very experienced, respected plastic surgeon in Canada).

You can talk to me about anything, if you want you can send me your phone number in private message and we can text everything you want/need to know about gynecomastia.

Offline puffynipples69

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Don't cut out anything yourself, it will just look way worse than it does now. Suicide? Don't even say that man, you will be just fine! Start saving your pennies now, and figure out a way to mention it to your parents, and have them completely understand where you're coming from.

Do you have a job? If not, you could get one, and save every cent towards gyne surgery, believe it or not but you could have the money within the next few months easily.

Where are you in Canada? I just paid $1805 total to get my surgery done in Toronto by Dr Fielding(a very experienced, respected plastic surgeon in Canada).

You can talk to me about anything, if you want you can send me your phone number in private message and we can text everything you want/need to know about gynecomastia.

I live in Nova Scotia. I don't know what to do, I can't find the confidence to ask girls out and my time in high school will be done soon.

Offline Zenxer

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If you can't live with having minor gynecomastia, then you might just have to get the surgery done. It'll also boost your confidence a ton. Maybe take up weight lifting? When I had my gynecomastia, I worked out. It relieved a lot of my stress and boosted my self-esteem, maybe it'll be the same for you.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2014, 09:01:56 AM by Zenxer »

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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You appear to a a mild case of gyne -- but even minor cases can be tricky when surgery is involved.  Since you have had it for several years, it will probably not disappear spontaneously and would require surgery to eliminate it.  Suicide or self-surgery is just plain not smart -- and you will create more harm to yourself that may not be able to be fixed by any surgeon anywhere.

If you cannot afford surgery, then try to wear a snug compression garment to give you a better shape.  Then get a job, save some money and finally consult with a gyne expert for the surgery.  It may take a few years to set this up -- but it will be worth it.

Good luck!

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline familyman

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Yours is very similar to mine.  Mine developed when I was about 12.  I am 37 now and had the surgery last January.  I am also just over 6 feet and 155lbs.  I can relate with how you are feeling but you need to remember that there are much larger things in life to be grateful for.  I was teased by classmates and even my best friends laughed behind my back.  I avoided all the situations that required me to take my shirt off.  I believe this helped me in life and in all made me a better person.  I am very compassionate to others because I know how I felt when I was made fun of.  Imagine being someone who was born with a severe deformity or mentally challenged?  It is all relative.  I am happily married and have two beautiful children.  My wife loved me for who I was and was completely blown away when last year, for the first time, I expressed to her how I felt about it and wanted to get the surgery. She supported me but made it clear to me that she was happy with me the way I was. A few years back, before surgery, I changed my eating habits and started working out.  I focused on my upper chest, shoulders, and abs.  That alone helped my confidence tons even when the puffy nipples stayed.  If you cannot afford the surgery, that is out of your hands.  But, you can commit to a healthy diet and exercise which I promise will help with you self confidence and especially around girls.  You are skinny like myself and will focus much more on your 6 pack abs and toned body than puffy nipples.  Just my two cents.  Good luck buddy!

Offline jinr0h

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When looking at your pic , i recommend wearing a black tank top underneath your shirts .. it should cover like 95% of it
Also ,if you're thinking about suicide ,just remember the gyne is treatable . Tell your parents , they should be understanding and may help financially(they should IMO.)

Offline puffynipples69

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You appear to a a mild case of gyne -- but even minor cases can be tricky when surgery is involved.  Since you have had it for several years, it will probably not disappear spontaneously and would require surgery to eliminate it.  Suicide or self-surgery is just plain not smart -- and you will create more harm to yourself that may not be able to be fixed by any surgeon anywhere.

If you cannot afford surgery, then try to wear a snug compression garment to give you a better shape.  Then get a job, save some money and finally consult with a gyne expert for the surgery.  It may take a few years to set this up -- but it will be worth it.

Good luck!

Dr Jacobs

Thanks for the encouragement. How much do you think surgery would cost me, living in Nova Scotia, Canada? Would I be better off getting it done in the US? Also I'm going to order some compression tanks this week when I get allowance.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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There are some excellent gyne surgeons in Canada -- a number of them are mentioned elsewhere in this forum.  I have no idea what the costs are in Canada.  The costs in the US would probably be higher.

Dr Jacobs

Offline walt

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Hi, suicide is final , you can get them fixed. having puffy nips is not the end of the world  self confidence is a must no matter how you look. I DO suggest you seek a mentor or a councelor to speak to about your breast issues and mental well being. you have a lot of living left and life is precious
I know this . so please seek assistance I have seen a lot and have been around the block a few times check out my pix on the photo section I have accepted my breasts and have faith in myself I am not a skinny prize by no means .Please there are avenues out there one of our fine Dr.s here might be able to send you in the right direction so don`t hesitate to ask of them.Best of Luck and Bright Blessings


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