Author Topic: Booked for a new technology!  (Read 1874 times)

Offline VaserGuy

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Hey guys I've just been booked in for a new treatment of gynaecomastia.  It's called. Vaser hi def with excision of the breast tissue.  Apparently recovery Time is fast and surgery is a breeze under local anaesthetic.  Has anyone tried this and can give some feedback on what to expect?  Thanks

Offline Zenxer

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I would search it up on youtube, there seems to be a lot of videos on it. The result seems positive, but it also depends on the surgeon and how experienced he is. Is your surgeon a plastic surgeon or a general? Is he experienced with doing this type of surgery on gynecomastia patients?

Also, how does this method work? I know vaser is a type of liposuction. Does the vaser lipo effectively get rid of the hard glandular tissue? I know regular liposuction isn't effective at reducing hard tissue, that's why with most procedures, an excision is also done. I would ask your doctor.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2014, 11:54:38 AM by Zenxer »
My surgery was done on Oct 20th, 2014 by Dr. J. Craig Fielding in Toronto, Ontario.

Offline Bobby - LAgyne

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Vaser hi def is not new.

Following Zenxer advice, make sure the PS has done lots of surgeries using the method on GYNECOMASTIA cases, not just any liposuction surgery.

Good luck,

Offline VaserGuy

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The plastic surgeon said they inject a solution into the chest and run ultrasound through it which breaks up the consistency of the fat like "melted butter"  and they suck it out.  It also breaks up the glandular tissue and if there is an gland remaining they excise it out.  It's scary but looks promising.


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