Author Topic: scared about anesthesia  (Read 6203 times)

Offline truman

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I am a new member on this board. I have scheduled for a surgery two weeks from now with my PS.  He explained in detail about the bilateral lipo+excision that will be performed on me.

I am most concerned at this point about the anesthesia. He said I will be put on general anesthesia by a LMA (lachrymal mask airway) technique by an anesthesiologist. The PS will then use tumescent anesthesia to perform the surgery.

I am scared about general anesthesia. That I will not be conscious for 1-3 hours scares me a lot. My PS says LMA is very safe, and that I can return home just 2-3 hours after completion of surgery. I am scheduled for a checkup with the anesthesiologist for a physical checkup, and x-rays and such.

1) I want to know if any of you have been through LMA?
2) Is it in anyway life-threatening?
3) How much does it depend on the skill of the nurse or the anesthisiologist operating on me? (I need to sign forms which say that I fully understand that anesthesia in any form can in extreme cases cause death - scary as it sounds!)
4) I am 25 yr old, normal weight and height and do not have any allergies.  Is the success of an anesthesia dependent on my medical record, history and such?

I do not care about money or the result of the surgery as much as returning home alive.

This is the first time in my life that I am thinking of surgery, hence this worry. Someone please advise me!!! Thanks!

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I am most concerned at this point about the anesthesia. He said I will be put on general anesthesia by a LMA (lachrymal mask airway) technique by an anesthesiologist. The PS will then use tumescent anesthesia to perform the surgery.

I am scared about general anesthesia. That I will not be conscious for 1-3 hours scares me a lot.

I do not care about money or the result of the surgery as much as returning home alive.

This is the first time in my life that I am thinking of surgery, hence this worry. Someone please advise me!!! Thanks!

The forms/waivers that you have to sign are routine proceedure. Yes, it's true that you 'may' die during the op. from the anesthetic or something else. Any medical operation is a 'risk'. But hey, you could die by riding in a car, walking in a crosswalk at an intersection or flying in an airplane. Do you not do these things because you 'may' die? Probably not... ;)  Anyways.... it's highly unlikely that you will die during your operation. Relax....Chill....

Dude... 'don't worry :D  be happy' and enjoy your new look after your Op!   :D ;D :D
« Last Edit: February 04, 2005, 01:52:31 PM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline jc71

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Hello turman,
As non-comforting as this have nothing to worry about. Everyone says that, right? Anesthesia is so much safer now than it was just 15 years ago. The anesthesiologist will be there to monitor several bodily functions. Be as honest as possible when answering the questions. My PS told me that stastically 1 of every 75,000 people die under general.  Don't know where he got his stats and I'm not sure if they died from the anesthesia or some other type of complication from the surgery.  I do agree with you though, personally it's the one part that scares me most.  

Go to this site. Click Start the Module and then Press the Right Arrow.  It's a great audio tutorial about anesthesia and worth checking out.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2005, 05:43:19 PM by jc71 »

Offline metsn2005

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Personally, if I end up getting surgery, I would love the anesthesia. You know how you can never pinpoint a moment when you fell asleep.. you just dont remember after a certain point.. well with anesthesia you can feel (or not feel) yourself going to sleep. I think I would like that experience. Only part I might not like is waking up, although I think they give you something to wake you up when they are done. Anyway, you have nothing to worry about.

Offline vaio

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General anestesia is quiet amazing. I had it when I had my wisdom teeth removed. I was scared to death. As soon as they give it to you, you go out. Than you wake up feeling as if you drank a 12 pack in one hour the night before.Its a very creepy, relaxing, one of a kind type of feeling.

The small percent of people who die, have other medical conditions like heart problems etc. They monitor you closely, and the slighttest concern, they will stop.  I have to go under general also in 4 weeks. I am scared as hell also. You just got to keep reminding yourself you are in good hands.
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Offline ELY_M

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I already had few surgeries nothing related with my chest.

I remeber how anesthesia is :)

its good anyway.

Im not that worried because I already had surgeries in past.

Offline UKgyne

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General anaesthesia is good fun - you're basically high for a while with a period of unconsciousness in the middle of which you are totally unaware.  

You've got nothing to be scared about.  If I had to have the op again, the anaesthesia is the one part I would actually be looking forward to!


No breasts, just those puffy nips! Gone now though.......bilateral excision 16/9/2002.

Offline headheldhigh01

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mike, you've been away a bit, how's the post-op life?
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?


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