Author Topic: gyno suddenly worse  (Read 3412 times)

Offline zoidberg

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hi, over the past 5-6 months my gyno has more than doubled in size & i am trying to find out why & if it might go back to how it was before (which was noticeable but what i had become accustomed to).  this has become extremely uncomfortable, both with how it feels & how it looks.  i'm looking into a compression shirt to see if that will help me deal with this.  i've always been uncomfortable with my chest & i'm looking for any solutions i can find with this - i appreciate any help. 
i am very concerned that it may not return to where it was before & this is very difficult to deal with. 

here's a timeline of what i can think of that may have contributed to it -
about 6 months ago -

2014 -
may -
began tapering off my 2 medications for tourettes syndrome & anxiety (haloperidol average 1mg aday - since 1989 & diazepam average 15mg aday 2007-2010 & again average 5mg aday 2012-2014)

july/august -
increased my intake of milk & cheese from 1-2 servings most days to around 5-6 servings most days - we can't afford much in the way of meats, so i've been relying more on milk, cheese, eggs, beans, etc... for protein.  about 1 & a half weeks ago i cut out all milk & cheese suspecting this may have contributed to it

august -
began noticing an uncomfortable/tingling sensation under my arms at the sides of my chest

september -
upped my exercise for loosing fat & lost around 10lbs by november - i've lost 30lbs since last march (now at 207lbs at 6' tall with arms & chest built up alittle from exercise)

october -
began noticing my gyno had doubled (what seemed like all the sudden) along with more sensitivity around the nipples & sides of chest under the arms, also my nipples are very rarely hard anymore & my belly fat & groin area are much fattier/puffier than they were, i've never had any gyno to the sides of my chest/under my arms before now (even when i recently weighed 238lbs back around last february)

december -
around 4th of december started having some nerve pain in my groin along the nerves from the right testicle up into my groin along with my scrotum drawing up intermittently - i've been doing self exams out of concern of testicle cancer or other problems (everything seems normal), however i believe this is the result from discontinuing my medication for tourettes - one of my worst tics has been discomfort with my groin area & constant fidgeting, this had become a real problem around september & recently has changed to another tic.  my groin pain has also lessened a great deal since i'm fidgeting less now. 

december 30th - quit drinking after about 17 years of heavy drinking (my quality of sleep has improved tremendously & my tourettes/anxiety are responding well to the better sleep along with more exercise, yoga, & diet)

Offline Askone

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For me, weight gain and drinking had the biggest impact on my gyne. Alcohol is one of the worse things you can do if you don't want to stimulate it.

Offline MammaryMan

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This brings up an interesting question -- what besides estradiol stimulates breast growth in men? I'm guessing that elevated estradiol does not cause growth in ALL men, and the same would be true for other stimulants, if any.

Offline jdb

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This brings up an interesting question -- what besides estradiol stimulates breast growth in men? I'm guessing that elevated estradiol does not cause growth in ALL men, and the same would be true for other stimulants, if any.

For me high serum prolactin contributed to my breast growth. There are many drugs that can stimulate the pituitary to increase prolactin including some anxiety drugs although mine has always been naturally high.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Dairy is not usually a problem.   There are concerns about hormones given to livestock but the truth is that Estrogen increases will actually reduce milk output so they do not give dairy animals Estrogen.   Beans could be a problem as they contain Phyto-Estrogens.  This is especially true of soy beans and soy products.  

The dairy might be an issue in a different way, and that would be fats in the cheeses.  

What I have heard is that most meats are androgenic while vegetable sources of protein tend to be estrogenic.

Chicken is a good protein and inexpensive if you buy the whole chickens.   If You buy boneless/skinless chicken breasts they can be expensive.  It really pays to have a sharp knife and knowing how to use it.

In the veggies, stay away from the beans but load up on broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and brussels sprouts.

The truth is that your diet probably had little or nothing to do with your problem whereas your medications could be a problem.  
Grandpa Dan

Offline 46bboobs

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I doubt haldol would caused gyno, I have heard that benzo's can, but I doubt it. You were taking quite a bit though.
If it was the meds, it should have happened while you were on them, not some time after.
Those drugs dont hang around in your system for long.

Have you measured to see if they are bigger ?, perhaps you are just more aware of them now ?.

Offline zoidberg

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thanks for all the replies,
I'm cutting back on beans in my diet and hopefully with no alcohol i may see some improvement. 
i've never measured, but ever since i was around 11 i've had gyno, and as long as i can remember i've been able to grab alitte under a handful at most.
now i can grab 1 handful at the center and another handful at the side under my arm reaching  all the way to my back.  also, it moves when i walk, wich is new. i plan on losing another 10 or so lbs for my health even if it exaggerates how it looks. a binder/compression shirt may help with how i feel. :-)
is there a time limit to how long one might have to see a reversal before this becomes permanent?


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