Author Topic: Post op blues  (Read 1552 times)

Offline Rise against

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Hey all I had surgery last week with sue thistlewaite in Melbourne australia, before the surgery she said I would only need gland removal not lipo. 

I am a bit tubby ( small love handles and a bit of belly fat) and was wondering why she didn't remove any fat from my chest , as when I take me garment off my nipple area is flatter yes but my overall chest size is still larger than I would like it . Did she leave it so that when I lose weight ( which I plan on doing) it doesn't sink my chest in? .  Now I've had the gland remove will I be able to loose this access chest fat with exercise and diet ? .  I'm a little worries as I've been threw all this worry / embarrassment and spent a lot of money . And At moment it sorta feels like it was all for nothing if I still can't feel confident about removing my shirt when I'm fully healed .

I am still wearing the compression garment so I'm hoping it's still a bit of swelling, but from what I've read swelling isn't to much of a problem with gland only removal ?.   Lost as to what to do ..

please help .

Offline Sid Farkus

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Have you raised your concerns with your surgeon? As you said, you paid her a lot of money and addressing your post-op concerns are part of that fee.

Did you see your chest right after surgery? Was it flatter? If so, you could have some swelling.

But, seriously, your best bet is to call or email your surgeon's office. You've just had major surgery and it's perfectly reasonable to have questions.

Best of luck with your healing and keep us posted!

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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One of the goals of gyne surgery is to remove the excess tissue but to leave the remaining tissue as close in size to the surrounding tissues -- ie to make it look normal.  If you are a larger guy, then normal may mean that you still have some tissue remaining. In larger men,  the surgeon has to leave a bit more (otherwise there would be a crater deformity) rather than take a lot of tissue out.

Many times guys look in the mirror and don't truly see (or admit) that they are overweight.

You are also in the healing time frame.  Give it time and allow the expected swelling to subside -- then have a talk with Dr Thistlewaite -- she has an excellent reputation.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline Rise against

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I see her tommra to remove stitches , so will raise concerns with her then. From what  I've read revision surgery would be for many months anyway ? Unless I'm mistaken .  I'm happy that my nipples don't appear to be puffy anymore and about 30mm around the outside of the nipple is flatter . I've also heard very good reviews from her Hense why I went to her . More my concern is that if I lose the weight will it disappear from my chest at the same rate as rest of my body or should sue have also removed fat ?  I'm more than happy to put the hard work on to removing what's left , if it's possible that is . Otherwise it defeats the whole purpose of me going to see her .   This is is not trying to insult her by any means she is very professional and friendly. the clinic she books you into is more a hotel than a hospital . 

Offline nasa3

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You have a long long way to go before you know what the final result of the surgery will be... Unfortunately you will have to calm down And have patience which for me is never easy


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