Author Topic: Best compression vest?  (Read 5104 times)

Offline Seal

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I had the surgery about a week ago, and my surgeon gave me a cheap torso wrap-around compression garment to wear. It is a bit uncomfortable and I want to get a real compression vest since I have to wear it for the next 5-6 weeks or so. What model of compression vest provides the best compression for a good price?

Offline fromfar

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If you consult Underworks, the will propose #990 or #980 for the first month and later go on with #993. My doctor gave me a futuro binder( Actually it is used for abdominal ), but it gives a good compression when used at chest. While at home I am using the Futuro binder, and when I am outside I am using underworks.

Offline Seal

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Two different vests doesn't seem like it should be necessary except to spend more money. My case wasn't that bad anyway since I was able to wear non-baggy t-shirts without it being noticable.

Should my included torso garment be sufficent since I am around the house most of the time?

Offline nothingworse

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Get the underworks #993. Great compression, fairly comftorable and a good price. It's like $17.99 plus $5 for shipping. I bought 3 and love them. They are great for pre op and post op wear. I am wearing them till I get my surgery and at least a month and a half after. Get one they are great.

Offline Seal

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The 993 isn't even a compression vest is it? Underworks refers to it as a "body shirt."

Offline nothingworse

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The #993 is a lighter compression vest. It does compress the chest. It makes my mild/moderate case of gyne completely flat. It compresses all day good enough for me. If you want really great compression than go with the #997 that is tight and provides a double layer compression which totally binds the chest tightly. They are both compression vests and are better than what the hospitals give you. They call it a body shirt but, the material and how it looks doesn't look completely like a body shirt. Everybody that bought a #993 or a #997 loved it and it flattened them out and provided great compression. It is a compression vest as well as an undergarmet that is well worth the money and provides better comfort than something the hospital would give you. It is up to you but, if I were you I would get one. I was skeptical at first and wondered if it would do the job. Well, they came I tried them on I couldn't believe the difference they were fairly comftorable and I could wear them under a shirt and it was all great. As well as compressing your chest it does give light compression on your midsection. They may not call it a compression vest but, it sure as hell compresses and does a good job.

Offline NoMoGyno

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i have a mild case of gyno with pretty much just puffy nipples. not a big deal, but it limits my wardrobe alot, since all of the 'metrosexual' shirts are rather tight fitting, and id prefer my protruding nips to not be highlighted.  i read a few good reviews and ordered the 993 last week

just got it a few days ago and i wore it out last night for the first time...

i work out pretty regularly and would consider myself more muscular than the average guy, 6'1, 176, 42 R jacket size...i ordered a medium size..

it was a bit of struggle getting it over my head, but nothing impossible.  at first it looked great, but then i noticed my nipples were hard (and thus normal looking).  but after 15-20 mins wearing it around the room, my chest still looked normal, even when puffy...i wore a tight fitting t-shirt overtop, and strutted the streets with new-found confidence.  

i went out to dinner with a couple friends (one from out of town i havent seen in a while)..the only comments i got were:
'damn, have u been working out?'
'what's up with the tight shirt?'
'so u finally started wearing wife beaters, eh?' (i usually always wear t-shirts as undershirts)

my only complaints:
1) kinda itchy
2) the useless diamond shape over the stomach area

felt awesome to be able to go out, wear what i want to, and not have to slouch or keep self-inducing the chills (somehow ive acquired this skill)...i plan on ordering another 2-3 today!! has anyone tried any of the other style shirts they offer? do they have similar compression to the 993? the body Ts (AC498/AC598)? muscle shirt?

cant wait for the weekend to hit up the clubs in the tight, metrosexual shirts ive bought but havent had the courage to wear yet..

i def plan on having surgery (assuming my current raloxifene experiment is fruitless) when i save up the funds, but this is a great 'in-the-meantime' solution...thanks underworks!!


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