Author Topic: I still miss most crucial days of my Life - My Teen  (Read 1726 times)

Offline Mr.Kool

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Disclaimer: Those who don't have patience to read my entire story - can choose to actually skip & move on to next post..

Hello Friends,

I am Mr. Kool (Ofcourse name changed) from India (New Delhi), aged 26 years as of 2015 and i am from a middle class family.

Let me put first things first.. I am an average looking guy with almost 70 kgs of weight at an age of 25.

2000 - 2006 - From days of my teenage, i have been an average looking male (in terms of my health & looks). Not very active in sports or other forms of physical activities from the days of my childhood. This was the time when i started having a different form of interest of knowing more of my own sexuality & of opposite sex. Also, this was the time when i noticed changes in my physical appearance. As i was growing older, i noticed onset of growth of my body parts (Private parts as well as others like Muscles, Stomach,Chest etc.). Everything appeared normal until i realize that my Chest was somewhat bulky than the overall appearance & also it was somewhat more than my fellow friends... Also, a realization that my chest was somehow growing & disproportionate to how it should look like.

Slowly & gradually, this thought started taking over my mind & my brains started continuously thinking about this. But one thing i never knew was whether this is normal or abnormal! This consciousness led me to avoid any forms of physical activity that involves undressing yourself, i never was confident of taking out my vest in front of even my parents..

This continued however i kinda avoided assuming this will ultimately go away & is normal..

Year 2006 - 2014:- Starting 2006 i entered College, this was the time when my male friends noticed this bulkiness over my chest area & some bastards actually made sure that i become highly conscious & embarrassed of it by making fun of me, touch them & run... I was constantly harassed & would always keep tight fitting clothes away from wearing fearing further embarrassment... During this time, i actually googled what this problem was... Keywords such as - Heavy male Chest, Why is my chest fat than other males, Man Boobs etc. helped me detecting that this was actually a medical problem which is not so uncommon.. Infact 40% of world's males go through this sometime in their lives. [I had level 2 Gyne

After completion of college, the constant worry got over as i was in employment & people won't notice much.. however, whenever there would be team outings - this will become my constant worry just in case any activity requires me to undress myself and i would definitely avoid that at any cost..

[PS: Just to let you know i never discussed this problem with anyone not even parents]

Just because of this problem, i would not socialize, wouldn't take out my dress... However, i would always like to go out free without vest & want to enjoy as much as others do... But so much control of emotions i had to do always in my life....

Not to mention, i tried all sorts of physical stuff - Gymming, Running, Dancing etc. etc. But nothing...... Boss .. Nothing worked out.. It actually doesn't.. And you know why...... Because Gynecomastia is not just Fat over your chest.. It's actually that Feminine (Fibrous) tissue that doesn't let any form of physical workout let the problem go away.. hence, no matter what you do at Gym - nothing will work out.. reasons mentioned above.. So don't waste your money on any of those commitments that Gym Instructors do..

2015: This was possibly the year of end of my miseries... Look, i was always quite hesitant of telling this to my Dad fearing that he would hardly understand my problem (as he had never been into such kinda trouble) and that he will feel that i have got mad or something.. Therefore, as a part of my mitigation strategy, i complained of a severe Chest Pain to my Dad telling him that i will go to a Doctor to have this checked & in case, this happens to be some serious problem - i 'll get this treated even if it costs good money to which he said Okay...

Meanwhile, i visited a Surgeon, consulted him for all the implications, costs etc. and promised a visit with father.. However, still i was quite hesitant of telling this to Dad..

I visualized a story to tell to Father that there is a surgery needed as the Doctor has told me about some infection on chest... However, after a careful planning of my story... Eventually, I thought of telling my Dad truth.. Hence, i carefully read the medical implications, hormonal imbalances etc. and told this to Dad & to my utter surprise - he agreed to my grief & for the surgery... Infact complained why i didn't tell him earlier.. [I have never been so happy & proud of my dad in life.. Thank you Dad}

Come Feb.. we finalized a date with the Surgeon .. & guess what.. I finally went through the surgery in early Feb.

Just before surgery began, my anxiety & stress levels were higher.. An injection & i was gone into an unknown world.. Few hours later, my eyes opened & i saw these bandages over my Chest.. They showed me that fat & tissue being sucked of my Chest.. I almost fainted..

Few days later the bandage was removed.. saw my Flattened chest for a while.. & then the dressing was done & again some more bandages.. 3 days back - the bandages were removed.. I took a bath almost after a month... Such a big relief...

When i look back today at my last 18 years... i really feel that i have actually lost some precious years of my youth in worrying about something so shitty.. I wish if this problem was not there - Would i be more confident in my conversations with people? Would i have been more cheerful? Would i have had a girlfriend to have some physical pleasure with?

Possibly the answer is Yes to all of them... Such a big relief after going through surgery.. Though i am overall happy with the results - there is a slight asymmetry i am observing.. one chest is showing slight fat, however, on the other one - i see fat being completely removed... but it's just 22 days post surgery... Waiting for recovery...

Lastly, i am sorry that i have not posted the picture of the results now.. Actually i didn't click picture pre surgery - hence, i have requested my surgeon to share those pics.. Will post pre & post soon..

Thanks for reading out my experience...  :)

Mr. Kool.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 12:40:27 AM by Mr.Kool »


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