Author Topic: Do It Yourself Nipple Reduction Success  (Read 8390 times)

Offline rushhour

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Hello, I'm a 28 year old who's dealt with enlarged nipples for the past 12 years or so and this condition may finally be ending for me.  My nipples have reduced in size by at least half over the last few months including in a relaxed position and I owe it all to estrogen, the lack of.  I have no other explanation to give other that at 28, the nipples decided to decrease.  Otherwise here are the 3 absolute big eliminations from my diet as of the last months and then I'll elaborate...

-Soy Protein

In the past few years and presently I have done tremendous workouts in the hope along with nice physique that my nipples would permantently be burned off.  The long run workouts (up to a half marathon) and huge chest workouts have helped sort of, but the condition would always return if I was in a very relaxed mood like getting out of a warm bed.  

Now about 3 months ago I decided to fully eliminate any foods containing producing estrogen after reading more about this bad for men hormone.  The most popular food to avoid is chicken which contains a hodge podge of hormones.  Chicken has been my primary meat for my entire life until now.  Now, I enjoy an all steak, pork, fish, beef meat diet without touching chicken.  Maybe free range chickens are alright, but my great results supersede my will to eat chicken and I don't miss it.  

Of course this may induce one to consider a vegetarian diet which often means eating soy.  I used to gobble down soy protein energy bars like the good tasting Zone bars.  Not a good idea at all since soy can readily convert to estrogen.  I have encountered such timely great results that I'm even paranoid now about eating soy sauce or eating foods containing soy oil which many do.  Of course I'm thinking soy oil can't contain much compared to the solid soy that is prevelant in certain diet foods and energy bars.  I now make my own good tasting energy bars containing WHEY protein.  

Finally caffeine is added to the mix with it be listed last since the last few years I have have very little (I don't drink soda, coffee, and rarely do I have tea).  My great results have come primarily after I ended the eating of Soy and Chicken.  However, a google search will confirm the correlation between caffeine and estrogen.  

Over the past 3 years I have researched and considered surgery.  Do to my results over the last 3 months, that is no longer the case and I would seriously recommend reading all food labels and eliminate as much as possible the major estrogen foods.  I still workout hard core and this most certainly must help the nipple decreasing effects.  My chest workout includes heavy weights at least once a week including multiple different lifts, push ups almost every morning and evening (up to 130 in one set and increasing), and as much cardio as I can fit in to my schedule.  Also a general healthy diet is a great way to go to maximixe physique and general well being (read the labels, my favorite grocery stores are the natural whole food stores...except for the soy containing).    

Offline kindherb42

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Great post man.  I too workout--used to go to the gym 5 days a week, but now i just go like 2 if that, and do pullups, crunches, pushups, run, basketball and hit the heavy bag a lot.

And for the last like year i've been eating chicken like it's my job, because it is reccommended as a great bodybuilding food... BUT in that year's time my glands grew more, my nipples puffed out more, and i developed a bit more fat on my chest even when the rest of my body barely had any fat.  I'm not saying it's the chicken but for the mass amount of it that i ate, and keeping in mind how much hormones are pumped into the poor things to enlarge THEIR breasts, i wouldn't doubt the chicken being part of it.

What about milk also- do you drink that?
How long after avoiding chicken,soy, and caffeine did you start noticeing your nipples shrinking?

Offline brama

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Im a total vegan and unfortunately cant avoid soy products. Is soy really responsible for my gyne?
Thanks! :  )
« Last Edit: September 14, 2005, 12:39:52 PM by brama »

Offline rushhour

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I still drink milk though never drink much of it since I'm lactose intolerant and also don't prefer the taste of plain milk.  The Lactose issue has been controlled well by intaking a lactase pill every morning and buying lactose free milk.  Anyways, that's an interesting point and googling milk + estrogen does come back with a couple warnings along with the many soy milk pages.
My results took maybe a month to seem noticable after the complete elimination of chicken and soy.  I'm thinking soy is the worst of the worst and chicken is next.

Here's an interesting although biased look at cattle estrogen

Another interesting read

Offline kindherb42

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Thanks man.  I never eat/drink soy really, except for like you said when I'm on the run and need to grab a protein bar ( I look for one's that the primary source of protein is whey--i also drink whey shakes)

When you say you noticed a difference, is it a big difference? Do you have glands under your nipples? Fat around nipple area?

I'm really lookin for to this, because i really think it has to do with the chicken because i was just thinking about how much chicken i eat... whenever i go out to eat (1-2x's a week) i get some kind of chicken or chicken sandwich, eat buffalo chicken fingers A LOT even though they are deep-fried i love them, buffalo chicken steaks, all kinds of chicken dishes at home since i got my mother in the habit of making chicken a lot since i started bodybuilding.  I know there's estrogen in beef too but i'm thinking it'd be more in chicken since what i eat is the chicken BREAST and they pump it to make it's breast larger to the point where some of them can't even walk and rather just craw with their chest sagging on the ground since they're so top heavy, it really is a sin.

Ok, i'm done with my rant.

Offline brama

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So why is the soy so bad? Does it contain estrogen?

Offline GuckFyno

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This is good stuff, I will now eliminate my daily coffee as well as late night KFC trips from my diet.  

I've had some luck reducing nipple puffiness by not drinking alcohol or smoking marijuana (both have been shown to contribute to higher estrogen levels in men) which I did quite often for a long while.  I also eat 2 tablespoons of flax seeds with 110 mg of lignans (which have been shown in some studies to block the conversion of testosterone to estrogen) each morning.  

Thanks for the post rushhour.

Offline kindherb42

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This is good stuff, I will now eliminate my daily coffee as well as late night KFC trips from my diet.  

I've had some luck reducing nipple puffiness by not drinking alcohol or smoking marijuana (both have been shown to contribute to higher estrogen levels in men) which I did quite often for a long while.  I also eat 2 tablespoons of flax seeds with 110 mg of lignans (which have been shown in some studies to block the conversion of testosterone to estrogen) each morning.  

Thanks for the post rushhour.

Yeah I forgot about how much i used to drink coffee too, i'd have like 2 sometimes 3 cups each day.

Also used to smoke marijuana for about 1 1/2years daily multiple times a day and drank every weekend on top of smoking, yet i see all my buddies and other guys my age smoking all the weed and drinking all the alcohol they want and their nipples don't grow from it..guess i'm just unlucky.

Offline GuckFyno

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Also used to smoke marijuana for about 1 1/2years daily multiple times a day and drank every weekend on top of smoking, yet i see all my buddies and other guys my age smoking all the weed and drinking all the alcohol they want and their nipples don't grow from it..guess i'm just unlucky

This is about the same length of time/frequency that I enjoyed Mary Jane's company.  I know exactly how you feel about being unlucky, I see people smoke twice as much as I did with not a bit of gyne to show for it.  Maybe some people's bodies are less equiped to handle changes in estrogen levels, I don't know.  Did you notice any difference after quitting?

Offline kindherb42

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Actually no, they didn't shrink up and actually grew more even after quitting.  I havn't smoked in like a little over a year and in that year they still grew.  I might be able to smoke now without growth, my buddy still has gyno which didnt go away but he smokes and drinks all the time and says it doesnt grow at all anymore.

Offline IlluminaZero

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It is never good to form conclusions by correlation, only hypothesis can truly be made through correlation. There might be some unknown variable at play that effects both. It's generally best to not form conclusions until you can determine the cause.

Apparently Soy may actually help prevent excess estrogen and act as a natural Nolvadex. Both Soy and novadex are molecularly similar to Estrogen, and thus interfere with your natural estrogen. Although the first link alludes that if you take excess Soy, it might indeed act like estrogen.

This quote is from :As Messina explains, isoflavones are a lot weaker than human estrogen, "about one-thousandth the potency of the bodily hormone--or less. They're close enough in structure to fit into the estrogen receptors on breast cancer cells," he adds, "but probably too weak to stimulate the cells."

Anyways, I am interested in this subject as well. I'm not going to pretend to be an expert in this, I am not. This is merely the power of google and testing of what they are saying is both consistant and logically sound. So if you have counter-evidence, please let me hear it.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2005, 10:25:48 AM by IlluminaZero »

Offline IlluminaZero

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This is a link to the same exact question that was asked here. Just search for the Q with the kid with Gynecomastia.

I did some research on Chicken, however I could not find any real conclusive results... It's theorized that the present trend to nuke Chickens (and other animals for that matter... INCLUDING COWS aka milk) with growth hormones lead to dramatically increased estrogen levels in the meat... However I am unsure what to think of it.

Soda? Well, you guys shouldn't be drinking too much soda ANYWAYS.  ;) So i'm not going to bother researching that.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2005, 10:24:53 AM by IlluminaZero »

Offline nomenclator

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"Im a total vegan and unfortunately cant avoid soy products."

Why not? I am a vegan, and I use soy products rather sparingly. Soybeans are one of only many legumes that are a good source of protein. It isn't like you must have the bean that has the absolutely highest amount of protein per total weight. Many other beans are so close, that there is no practical difference. Plus you need to make sure you eat greens. While greens don't have a as large amount of protein, per total/b] weight, if you compare them with soy, at the same level of hydration you will find that certain greens, such as collards, kale, and brocolli, are actually higher in protein than soybeans.

Eat vegetables


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