Author Topic: How to hide them?  (Read 9979 times)


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Steven618, Truth be told people are to busy with their own lives, problems and issues to even notice those bumps on your chest! I have said many time before that they don't even see me in my wheelchair and let the door slam on me, let alone notice I'm wearing a bra to support 46H breast!

I am able to walk short distance so all I wear is a tee shirt one size to big and I don't get stares or any comments either, so if I get by with it anyone could.

That is why when 10 people witness a crime no one has the same account of what happened. They are all wrapped up in their own thing.

Offline Alchemist

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Bob is so right about people noticing nothing.  40 or so years ago I was right behind a car that got broadsided and the driver was injured.  There were perhaps 50 witnesses that saw it.  I pulled over and got out.  There were 30 people standing around her car, some lighting cigarettes despite the growing puddle of gasoline under the car.  I took command of the site (ex ski patrolman) and moved everybody back and got rid of the smokers.  I checked her vitals and bleeding  and decided against starting neck traction as I had no idea how long I would have to hold it.  I covered her with a blanket (10 degrees) in the car and kept people away to prevent damage and theft.  The paramedics took 20 minutes to get there.

One day later the insurance company investigator called me and said she had a few question.  We don't understand the accident. I said right away, "Oh, you want to know how she fractured the top of her skull in that collision."  She was stunned that I said that because that is exactly what she wanted to know.  She said "So you saw the whole thing?" And I answered "Yes".  

Of all the people who "saw"  the whole thing, nobody else really saw anything that mattered.  I was the only person able to describe the entire accident in complete detail.   This is a typical problem.

When my partner had her neck messed up when a dump truck hit her, I did the photography.  With the photographs I was able to show how the drivers story was all lies.  He had bald tires despite saying "new tires".  He was going 75mph on ice despite saying 35.  His truck hit her twice, once on each side despite him saying "tail end collision and another vehicle hit her.  All it took was seeing the evidence and fitting it together in the only way possible along with a visual analogs distance of the truck in the rear view mirror to establish speed. It also explained why her neck was so damaged in a specific way.
None of the pictures that the insurance people took were of any use.

Offline Paa_Paw

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How to hide them.  
Avoid shirts made of Knit materials like tees and polo shirts.  Woven cloth buttoned up is better.
Loose fitting shirts are better than fitted but too loose looks sloppy. Wear them out, not tucked in. 
Patterns and plaids work better than solid colors.
Shirts with two breast pockets are better than one pocket or no pockets. Leave the pockets empty. 
Guyabera shirts (Sometimes called Mexican wedding shirts) Really work well, The have lots of pockets and though of solid colors they have vertical trim that hides a lot. They are loose and not tucked in so they do not hug the body. 
Wear a snug tee or a compression shirt under your shirt. 
Grandpa Dan


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