Author Topic: Cost of surgery?  (Read 3155 times)

Offline yanagita

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This was originally posted in the 'talk board.....

After about 14 years of wearing multiple shirts, of wearing jackets in warm weather, of dreading the pool and beach, and of doing thousands and thousands of push-ups to no avail, I've decided that I have 'it'.  Yep, I've got gyne, and I've got the flabby nips to prove it.  
I'm 28 now, and for most of my 20's I've been trying to stay fit and in shape.  Stints of working out and lots of cardio had me in great shape, but there was always just that little pinch of flab under the nipple.  It got to the point where I would constantly be flexing my pecs and running my hand over my nipple area to see if 'it' was still there.  I think it got to a point where it was almost an obsessive habit.  Sick of doing that, and sick of having to slouch my shoulders and stand in weird positions that stretch the  area flat, I've decided that I'm going to start the process of looking into surgery.
In order to do that, I know I first have to see an Endocrinologist to check my hormones, etc.  But assuming that's normal, I'm thinking surgery is going to be the only way to get rid of all the annoying nervous habits and lack of confidence.  So to cut to the chase:  What's the average price for a surgery for a mostly-glandular operation?  If that's too vague, I suppose I can narrow it down- would anyone have a ball park figure for this kind of surgery with Dr. Bermant in VA (I'm in the mid-Atlantic area, so he would be a sensible choice for me)?  And not just the surgeon's fee...what about meds, the OR, etc?  
OK, I hope somewhere out there has some info.  If not, well, at least I got to vent and admitted to myself that I've got gyne.  I certainly will cherish the day when I don't have to worry about wearing a certain shirt b-c it might show my 'nips'.  And man, it sure would be nice to be able to just stand like a normal person and not flex a pec or lean on an object with an outstretched arm.
Thanks for listening everybody....

Offline nothingworse

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The cost of surgery can vary greatly but, I can help you with a good estimate that would be pretty close. Bermant with meds, anestitia, OR, and meds would probably be about $4800-6000. That is a large range I know but, each case is evaluated by the surgeon differently. Depends how long your surgery will take, how much to be removed, and other variables. But, that would be a close range though. It may be a little less and sometimes it is a little more. But, Bermant is a great surgeon and he would get the job done right. It is well worth the money and you are in good experienced hands. Most surgeons anyways would be around the $4000-6000 zone anyways anywhere in the U.S. but, sometimes there are rare exceptions. But, like ya said get your hormones checked and make sure your good to go for surgery. Going with Dr. Bermant is a good idea I would if I could. Spend the money for something that is priceless because you can enjoy it the rest of your life and feel great. And I don't usually hear anything about Bermant having to do revisions. If they do they usually do it for free. But, in a skilled gyne surgeons hands chances are more unlikely. I can tell you though you will most likely be very pleased with the results he gives. They are the surgeons who can make the most severe of cases flat. And they are very attentioned to detail so they don't just do a sloppy job. So, I hope I have helped. Don't worry I know the cost is high but, no cost is to high for better enjoyment and to be free of that bastardly gyne for the rest of your life. Good luck
« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 06:30:47 AM by cleanup »

Offline yanagita

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Thanks for the info.  I suppose I could spend $5,000 on a really incredible vacation to the South Pacific, but I'd just end up worrying about taking my shirt off at the beach the whole time!  Like you said, getting rid of these teetas and all of their invasive side-effects will most certainly be priceless.

Thanks again...


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