Author Topic: Consultation booked with Paul Levick! Please put my mind at rest  (Read 2493 times)

Offline Username1992

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Hello all!

I've taken the plunge and booked a consultation with Mr Levick on the 20th April.

A bit about myself.....

I'm 22, a rugby player who loves the gym and eating healthy. But I've always known i have a problem which cannot be fixed through diet and exercise.

As i feel my upper chest its hard, but when i feel around my nipple area, its soft and squishy, not like fat soft but like an actual breast soft. (so embarrassing saying this out right!)

Ah guys, im sure your with me but when its warm! like sticking out "puffy" nipples that pull your t-shirt at the sides, with that weird fat thing under the armpit! so annoying

So one day in a jumper in winter when it was warm i caught a glance at yself in the mirror and thought ah sh*t look at this i look aweful! quickly gave them both a tweek and back to normal. This goes on for about 2 years, just hiding them away with tweeks here or a rub there when im about to meet or see somebody.

I'm lucky as a student i work in a coffee shop so my apron hides them sticking out under my polo. But when i take it off to go to the toilet or go home, im reminded whats under there!

So last week enough was enough, that short warm whether gave me a glance into what my summer involved and what my chest would look like. I always knew i wanted Levick as my surgeon so when he announced his retirement i knew it was now or never. I emailed him on the 10th of april and got a reply the next day. fast-forward to now (the 13th) and i've booked my consultation.

Now.... my main concern is i haven't told my mum yet! i'm so good at hiding it she hasn't noticed i'm dealing with this. I'm worried she won't understand or she'll be upset i want to change myself! How did all of your conversations go with family members?

Another question is about after care... I'm aware ill be given a binder compression vest, but i've read about anrica oil, nike compression vests, two types of extra vest i'll need to but etc....

Can anyone give me advice on what they felt worked best for them?

Thanks guys, without this site i wouldn't feel comfortable talking about this or even had the confidence to go through with it!


Offline lc98

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Your situation is pretty similar to mine. I'm 25 and I consider myself to be a pretty healthy and active person; I'm in the gym 5 days a week training my arse off, have a healthy diet, and I've always been a good size. I've never really had anyone point out my gynecomastia, but that's probably because I've learnt to disguise it well. I pretty much put it to the back of my mind for a good two years - avoiding clothing that made it apparent, and giving the nipples a quick tweak every now and then if I had to take my top off in front of anyone :D. Truth is, I could probably not have surgery and carry on doing what I've been doing, without anyone noticing it; but it's something that, deep down, really bothers me, and I notice it! As far as my parents are concerned, they couldn't understand why I wanted to spend so much money on something that they didn't consider an issue - because like I said, most people haven't noticed it or cared to for that matter. At the end of the day though, it's your body, and you're gonna have to live with it. If it's big enough a deal to you that you've taken the time to even consider surgery, and book a consultation, then it already shows that it's a decision you've probably already made! I took the plunge last week and had my consultation with Levick; I booked surgery and now I'm set to have it next week. I've sacrificed quite a lot financially to have it done, and I still question myself about it; but I know that, ultimately, I'd end up regretting it if I didn't go for it. It's a decision I've made and I'm not looking back on it now! ;D

As for aftercare, I'm not that far ahead yet - but I'll keep you updated if it helps! There are plenty of guys on here who've already taken these steps, and they've provided plenty of information to help you come to an informed decision. Best of luck anyway.

Offline Username1992

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Your 100% right there JB, I know it's there even if others don't. I feel it's something that takes my attention off other things i need to be focusing on. When this is sorted out i'll be able to fully concentrate on something rather than worrying what my chest looks like. Nice to know theres others out there especially someone like you on the same position!

As you say it is a decision i've made so i hope those around me can accept it and support me throughout, same for you mate. Can't wait to get those plain cotton t-shirts we all dread for the summer! something i would never in my life even consider wearing haha.

Thanks for that man, i'd appreciate that. All the best!

Offline textilemerchant

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Had my consultation today and have booked to have surgery middle of May.  I've decided to not tell my parents, I've hidden it for 20 years so might as well go the whole hog :) 

Offline mart356

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Hmm im in the same boat with parents etc. Its a lot of money and I dont think theyll perhaps understand the severity of the gyne (im good at hiding it, and never spoke to them about it before), but im going to tell them eventually, because theyll notice 4+ grand disappearing from my accounts somehow, and the whole compression vests for months afterwards.

Offline wbay21

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Not to be judgemental but my parents were less than supportive, so my view is that you do what you need to do mate and don't rely on others opinion. It's your body and your money but more importantly it's your well-being. On saying that I wish you luck.

Offline Username1992

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Thanks for the responces guys. I talked to my mother the other day and first she didn't really understand, said I was rushing into things and tried to suggest other solutions like medication and doctors oppointment, as I'm sure your all aware this isn't the answer to our problems. But since then there hasn't been a word said about it so I'm hoping my parents have decided to let me take this route on my own without them interfering, I'm happy if this is the case as I am already set on having the surgery. I just knew I had to tell them as I'd want to told as a parent also. I'm looking forward to my consultation now guys as having somebody to fully explain things to me will be a big help!

I work in a coffee shop currently as saving for uni again, it's really hot there at the minute and this has me worrying about wearing the binder after surgery as I hear it makes it extra hit, especially in the summer. Anybody got any advice onto how to stay cool, or whether the heat will effect recovery times etc? I'm also expected to put deliveries away 3x a week, I'm planning on taking 2 weeks off, would this be long enough before I started putting delivery away again, usual weight around 20jg of stuff I have to take up and down stairs etc, how long before other began to lift (not gym lift) again, I could always play the I've done my back in card haha.

Cheers everyone!


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« Last Edit: December 29, 2015, 12:39:57 PM by rotors »

Offline tooley

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I was in the exact same boat, just like lots of other people. I went to several consultations on my own, lying to people where i was etc. I live with my brother so was a bit tricky at times. I found levick, heard of his retirement and knew i HAD to get it done before the summer and before he retired. I booked it in and only spoke to my ex girlfriend about it who couldnt believe i was spending all that money. I finally plucked up the courage to tell my brother and I could not have done it without him knowing personally. Mainly because I live with him, but also for the support and someone to rely on.  The week after is admittedly a bit tricky doing your normal day to day stuff without making it look like you have had serious surgery! I felt comfortable after ten days and went to work after 12 days (manual job). Everything seems to be okay and i am just letting it do its thing, its far from perfect now after a month but its done and everyday will be better!

I am still wearing the vest and everything now, although i can just wear at night if i want. I havent been militant about everything since the surgery, i massage couple of times a day and pretty much 24/7 with vest. Arnica tablets and vit C. I think people think about it too much to be honest!!

So, in my opinion, which you are not going to like - I would say let someone know who is close to you because its quite a rollercoaster doing the lot on your own which i pretty much did except 2 people knowing. You will be fine either way though, a month has past for me in a flash and seems a thing of the past. Hope everything goes well and dont back out, I almost did!!

Offline LAL4Life

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Wait, what? He's retiring? How did you find out about this?


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